call diffusivity (t, q, u, v, p_full, p_half, z_full, z_half,
u_star, b_star, h, k_m, k_t, kbot)
t : temperature (K) [real, dimension(:,:,:) -- (:,:,pressure),
third index running from top of atmosphere to bottom]
q : water vapor specific humidity (nondimensional)
[real, dimension(:,:,:)]
u : zonal wind (m/s) [real, dimension(:,:)]
v : meridional wind (m/s) [real, dimension(:,:,:)]
p_full : pressure at full levels (pascals)
p_half : pressure at half levels (pascals)
z_full : height of full levels (m)
[real, dimension(:,:,:), size(z_full,3) = size(t,3)]
z_half : height of half levels (m)
[real, dimension(:,:,:), size(z_half,3) = size(t,3) +1
z_half(:,:,size(z_half,3)) must be height of surface
(for non-eta models)!]
u_star: friction velocity (m/s)
[real, dimension(:,:)]
b_star: buoyancy scale (m/s**2)
[real, dimension(:,:)]
surface stress = ustar*ustar
surface buoyancy flux = ustar*bstar
bstar > 0 => upward flux
(u_star and b_star are output from
mo_drag in monin_obukhov_mod
along with the drag_coeffcients )
h : pbl depth (meters) [real, dimension(:,:)]
k_m : momentum diffusivity coefficient ((meters)**2./second)
[real, dimension(:,:,:)]
k_t : temperature, vapor and scalars diffusivity coefficient
[real, dimension(:,:,:)]
defined at half-levels
size(k_m and k_t,3) should be at least as large as size(t,3)
only the returned values at
levels 2 to size(t,3) are meaningful
other values will be returned as zero
That is k_m(:,:,2) is the diffusivity coefficient
between full model levels 1 and 2. (Full model level 1
is the top level of the model.)
optional input:
kbot : lowest true model level (for use with eta grid point model)
[integer, dimension(:,:)]
fixed_depth should the boundary layer depth be fixed?
[logical, default: fixed_depth = .false.]
depth_0 height of fixed depth boundary (meters)
[real, default: depth_0 = 5000.]
frac_inner height of the surface layer as a fraction of
the boundary layer depth
[real, default: frac_inner = 0.1]
rich_crit_pbl critical richardson number used to compute
boundary layer depth in the neutral or stable
[real, default: rich_crit_pbl = 1.0]
entr_ratio ratio of entrainment buoyancy flux to surface
buoyancy flux (must be >= 0.)
[real, default: entr_ratio = 0.2]
parcel_buoy scaling factor for the excess buoyancy of the
parcel used to determine the boundary layer
depth in the unstable case
[real, default: parcel_buoy = 2.]
znom nominal boundary layer depth used only in the
calculation of surface layer vertical velocity
scale. this velocity scale is used only in
the calculation of parcel buoyancy in the unstable
case (meters)
[real, default: znom = 1000.]
free_atm_diff should there be richardson number dependent
mixing in the free atmosphere?
[logical, default: free_atm_diff = .false.]
free_atm_skyhi_diff should the free atmospheric diffusion
depend on model level thickness and the
prandtl number depend on the richardson number
(as in the formulation previously used in skyhi)?
[logical, default: free_atm_skyhi_diff = .false.]
pbl_mcm When .true., the pbl K profile is that of the Manabe Climate Model.
[logical, default: pbl_mcm = .false.]
rich_crit_diff critical richardson number beneath which free
atmospheric diffusion occurs
[real, default: rich_crit_diff = 0.25 ]
mix_len mixing length used in free atmospheric diffusion
[real, default: mix_len = 30.]
rich_prandtl Prandtl number used in the scaling of k_m to
k_t in the free atmospheric diffusion
[real, default: rich_prandtl = 1.]
background_m background value of K for momentum (m**2/sec)
[real, default: background_m = 0.]
background_t background value of K for temperature and tracers
[real, default: background_t = 0.]
Notes: (1) To get Climate Model's PBL diffusivities set
pbl_mcm to TRUE, fixed_depth to TRUE,
depth_0 to 5000. and frac_inner to 0.015.
(2) To get K-profile diffusivities, pbl_mcm
must be FALSE (default) and fixed_depth must be
FALSE (default).
(3) To have any vertical diffusion in the free atmosphere
free_atm_diff must be set to TRUE.
(4) To get skyhi free atmospheric diffusivities, both
free_atm_skyhi_diff and free_atm_diff must be set
to true.