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Computes large-scale condensation and precipitation. Temperature and specific humidity adjustments are computed in model layers where the relative humidity exceeds a threshold relative humidity.
The features include: 1) option for the re-evaporation of falling precipitation 2) energetically consistent adjustment with precipitation type Reference: Manabe, S., (1969). Mon. Wea. Rev. 97, 739-798.
sat_vapor_pres_mod utilities_mod constants_mod
use lscale_cond_mod [, only: lscale_cond_init, lscale_cond ] lscale_cond_init: Must be called before lscale_cond to initialize the module, namelist, and constants. lscale_cond: Computes the large-scale condensation adjustments for temperature and specific humidity, and returns the mass of rain and snow that reach the ground (in an energetically consistent way).
call lscale_cond_init ( ) There are no arguments. ---------------------------------------------------- call lscale_cond ( tin, qin, pfull, phalf, coldt, rain, snow, tdel, qdel, mask, conv ) Input tin temperature (deg k) at full model levels [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] qin specific humidity of water vapor at full model levels [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] pfull pressure (pascals) at full model levels [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] phalf pressure (pascals) at half (interface) model levels [real, dimension(:,:,nlev+1)] coldt should precipitation be snow at this point? [logical, dimension(:,:)] Input (optional) mask optional mask (0 or 1.) [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] conv logical flag; if true then no large-scale adjustment is performed at that grid-point's level [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] Output rain liquid precipitation (kg/m2) [real, dimension(:,:)] snow frozen precipitation (kg/m2) [real, dimension(:,:)] tdel temperature tendency at full model levels [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] qdel specific humidity tendency (of water vapor) at full model levels [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
&lscale_cond_nml hc relative humidity at which large scale condensation occurs, where 0 <= hc <= 1 [real, default: hc=1.] do_evap flag for the re-evaporation of moisture in sub-saturated layers below, if do_evap=.true. then re-evaporation is performed [logical, default: do_evap=.false.]
Revision history Prior changes MPP version created. Minor changes for open_file, error_mesg, and Fortran write statements. Answers should reproduce the previous version. Prior changes * logical input argument added that specifies whether frozen precipitation should be computed for the column (note: the adjustment is now done energetically consistent for the type of precip) * output arguments for column integrated rain and snow replace the argument for total precip
Fatal Error in lscale_cond lscale_cond_init has not been called The initialization for this module must be called before calling routine lscale_cond.
Manabe, S., (1969). Mon. Wea. Rev. 97, 739-798.
Routine lscale_cond_init could be called automatically by the main routine lscale_cond. This would remove the current fatal error that would occur.