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Routines for computing surface drag coefficients from data at the lowest model level using Monin-Obukhov scaling, for estimating the wind, temperature, and buoyancy profiles between the lowest model level and surface, and for computing diffusivities consistent these profiles
Monin-Obukhov similarity (MOS) theory is the standard method for computing surface fluxes from the lowest level winds, temperatures, and tracer mixing ratios in GCMs. The lowest level is assumed to lie within the "surface layer" in which turbulent fluxes have negligible vertical variation, and in which MOS assumes that the wind and buoyancy profiles are a function only of the surface stress, the surface buoyancy flux, and the height z. A good reference is Garratt, J. R. "The Atmospheric Boundary Layer", Cambridge University Press, 1992. For a discussion of the detailed form of the similarity theory used in this module, see The particular form of the monin-obukhov similarity theory utilized is defined by the similarity functions phi_m and phi_t chosen, where du/dzeta = phi_m * u_star/( vonkarm * zeta ) db/dzeta( = phi_t * b_star/( vonkarm * zeta ) (where b = buoyancy or specific humidity, vonkarm = Von Karman's constant u_star = friction velocity (stress = density*u_star**2) b_star = buoyancy scale (flux = density*u_star*b_star) zeta = z/L z = height of lowest model level L = monin_obukhov length ) We use: on the unstable side phi_m = (1 - 16.0*zeta)**(-0.25) phi_t = (1 - 16.0*zeta)**(-0.5) on the stable side -- phi_t = phi_m there are two options option_1: phi = 1.0 + zeta*(5.0 + b_stab*zeta)/(1.0 + zeta) where b_stab = 1/rich_crit (rich_crit is a namelist parameter) option_2: phi = 1 + 5.0*zeta (zeta < zeta_trans) = 1.0 + (5.0 - b_stab)*zeta_trans + b_stab*zeta (zeta_trans also a namelist parameter) In order to change these similarity functions, one would need to 1) modify the defintion of phi_m and phi_t in the internal subroutines mo_derivative_m and mo_derivative_t 2) provide analytical versions of the integral similarity functions (PHI_m = int(zeta_0 to zeta) of phi/zeta) (see notes) in the subroutines mo_integral_m and mo_integral_tq 3) modify stable_mix to be consistent with the new similarity functions (see notes) (mod_diff will take care of itself)
This modules uses constants_mod, only : grav, vonkarm utilities_mod, only : error_mesg, FATAL, file_exist, & check_nml_error, open_file, & get_my_pe, close_file
use monin_obukhov_mod [,only: mo_drag , & mo_profile , & mo_diff , & stable_mix ] mo_drag : computes the drag coefficients for momentum, heat, and moisture; also returns u_star (the friction velocity) and b_star (the buoyancy scale) mo_profile : provides the profile of momentum, temperature, and specific humidity in the constant flux layer -- useful when one needs model output at a standard level below the lowest model level. For example, the term "surface wind" in meteorology often refers to the wind 10 meters above the surface. mo_diff : computes the difusivity that, acting in isolation, would produce the correct profiles in ths surface layer stable_mix : returns f(Ri) under stable conditions where Ri is the local Richardson's number, from which on can compute the diffusivity that produces the correct profile in the constant flux layer from D = l**2 |dv\dz| F(Ri) where l = vonkarm*z . Useful for matching a local Ri-dependent diffusivity in the free atmosphere under stable conditions o that implied by the surface layer profile Notes: all of the interfaces can be called with either 2d, 1d or 0d in/output. The base routines for mo_drag and mo_profile are 1d, while those for mo_diff and stable_mix are 2d, as these are the versions called within our GCMs. (mo_drag and mo_profile are called from the exchange_grid, which is 1d). Other versions call these base routines -- they are included for convenience -- the presumption is that efficiency is not of particular importance for these alternative versions)
========================================================================== call mo_drag (pt, pt0, z, z0, zt, zq, speed, drag_m, drag_t, drag_q, & u_star, b_star, [mask]) input: pt, real, dimension(:) virtual potential temperature at lowest model level degrees Kelvin pt0, real, dimension(:) virtual potential temperature at surface degrees Kelvin z, real, dimension(:) height above surface of lowest model layer meters z0, real, dimension(:) surface roughness for momentum meters zt, real, dimension(:) surface roughness for temperature meters zq, real, dimension(:) surface roughness for moisture meters speed, real, dimension(:) wind speed at lowest model level with respect to surface (any "gustiness" factor should be included in speed) meters/sec output: drag_m, real, dimension(:) non-dimensional drag coefficient for momentum drag_t, real, dimension(:) non-dimensional drag coefficient for temperature drag_q, real, dimension(:) non-dimensional drag coefficient for specific humidity u_star, real, dimension(:) friction velocity meters/sec b_star, real, dimension(:) buoyancy scale (meters/sec)**2 The magnitude of the wind stress is density*(ustar**2) The drag coefficient for momentum is (u_star/speed)**2 The buoyancy flux is density*ustar*bstar The drag coefficient for heat etc is (u_star/speed)*(b_star/delta_b) where delta_b is the buoyancy difference between the surface and the lowest model level The buoyancy == grav*(p0 - p)/p0 optional: mask : logical, dimension(:) computation performed only where mask = .true. Also: can be called with all 1d arrays replaced by 2d arrays or by 0d scalars NOTE: in the 0d and 2d cases, there is no avail optional argument ========================================================================== subroutine mo_profile(zref_m, zref_t, z, z0, zt, zq, & u_star, b_star, q_star, del_m, del_t, del_q, [mask]) input: zref_m, real height above surface to which interpolation is requested for horizontal components of momentum meters zref_t, real height above surface to which interpolation is requested for temperature and specific humidity meters z, real, dimension(:) height of lowest model layer above surface meters z0, real, dimension(:) surface roughness for momentum meters zt, real, dimension(:) surface roughness for temperature meters zq, real, dimension(:) surface roughness for moisture meters u_star, real, dimension(:) friction velocity meters/sec b_star, real, dimension(:) buoyancy scale (meters/sec)**2 q_star, real, dimension(:) moisture scale kg/kg (Note: u_star and b_star are output from mo_drag, q_star = flux_q/(u_star * density) optional input: mask, logical, dimension(:) computation performed only where mask = .true. output: del_m, real, dimension(:) dimensionless ratio, as defined below, for momentum del_t, real, dimension(:) dimensionless ratio, as defined below, for temperature del_q, real, dimension(:) o dimensionless ratio, as defined below, for specific humidity Ratios are (f(zref) - f_surf)/(f(z) - f_surf) Also: can be called with all 1d arrays replaced by 2d arrays or by 0d scalars NOTE: in the 0d and 2d cases, there is no avail optional argument in addition, this routine can be called with the interface subroutine mo_profile(zref, z, z0, zt, zq, & u_star, b_star, q_star, del_m, del_h, del_q) in which zref is a 1d array of the heights at which the profiles are requested, and all other input is 0d, 1d, or 2d as above, while the output del_m, del_h, del_q is dimensioned in the 0d case: dimension (size(zref)) in the 1d case: dimension (size(input), size(zref)) in the 2d case: dimension (size(input,1), size(input,2), size(zref)) (note that the two inputs zref_m and zref_h and here replaced by the input vector zref) ========================================================================== subroutine mo_diff(z, u_star, b_star, k_m, k_h) input: u_star, real, dimension(:,:) -- 2d horizontal array surface friction velocity (meters/sec) b_star, real, dimension(:,:) -- 2d horizontal array buoyancy scale (meters/sec**2) (Note: u_star and b_star are output from mo_drag) z, real, dimension(:,:,:) (first two dimensions conform to u_star, b_star) height above surface at which diffusivities are desired -- i.e., diffusivities returned at z(i,j,:) for each point (i,j) (meters) output: k_m : real, dimension(:,:,:) conforms to z kinematic diffusivity for momentum (meters**2/sec) k_h : real, dimension(:,:,:) kinematic diffusivity for temperature (meters**2/sec) Also 0d and 1d versions available 0d: u_star, b_star = scalars; z, k_m, k_h = dimension(:) 1d u_star, b_star = dimension(:), z, k_m, k_h = dimension(size(u_star), :) Also, can be called so as to return diffusivities at one level (the height of this level can still vary from column to column) 0d: u_star, b_star, z, k_m, k_h = scalars 1d: u_star, b_star, z, k_m, k_h = dimension(:) 2d u_star, b_star, z, k_m, k_h = dimension(:,:) ========================================================================== subroutine stable_mix(rich, mix) input: rich, real, dimension(:,:,:) local Richardson's number (none) output: mix, real, dimension(:,:,:) dimensional factor that produces the diffusivity consistent with the similarity profile under stable conditions when multiplied by (L**2) * |dv/dz| where v is the vector horizontal wind and L = vonkarm*z Also 0d, 1d, and 2d versions vailable
(default values provided) logical :: neutral = .false. If set to .true., all stability dependence is suppressed and neutral logarithmic profiles are used for all calculations; all other namelist parameters ignored real :: drag_min = 1.e-05 (non-dimensional) The drag coefficients (for both momentum and temperature) are not allowed to fall below drag_min integer :: stable_option = 1 must equal either 1 or 2 two version for the similarity functions on the stable side real :: rich_crit = 2.0 (non-dimensional) The first step in applying the similarity theory is computing the bulk Richardson's number Ri between the lowest model level and the surface. If Ri is greater than rich_crit, the drag coefficients are set to drag_min. This value also affects the drag coefficients under stable conditions for either choice of stable_option, as the drag is arranged to becomes very small as rich_crit is approached real :: zeta_trans = 0.5 (non-dimensional) A parameter in the stable-option = 2 piecewise linear similarity function for the stable side. Increasing zeta_trans reduces the drag and the implied diffusivities
Revision history changes (10/4/1999) MPP version created. Minor changes for open_file, error_mesg, and Fortran write statements. Answers should reproduce the previous version. more changes (10/01) -- time smoothing option removed -- second optional similarity function on stable side added -- stable_mix interface added -- code rearranged substantially for clarity, removing initial aggregation of points into unstable and stable sets -- answers reproduce for stable_option = 1 except in the very rare instance of points that are very close to neutral. These need to be treated separately to avoid a divide by sero. In this version, the drag coefficients at these points are simply set to the neutral value
FATAL ERRORS in MONIN_OBUKHOV_INIT in MONIN_OBUKHOV_MOD -- rich_crit in monin_obukhov_mod must be > 0.25 -- drag_min in monin_obukhov_mod must be >= 0.0 -- the only allowable values of stable_option are 1 and 2 -- zeta_trans must be positive FATAL ERROR in solve_zeta in monin_obukhov_mod -- surface drag iteration did not converge
None known
If iteration convergence is ever a problem, one can consider precomputation and table interpolation It would be convenient if changing the derivative similarity functions automatically modified the integral functions and stable_mix (this would presumably require numerical integration and table look-ups as opposed to analytical expressions)