call my25_turb_init (ix, jx, kx)
ix, jx number of horizontal grid points in the global
fields along the x and y axis, respectively.
kx number of vertical points in a column of the atmosphere
call my25_turb( delt, fracland, phalf, pfull, theta, &
um, vm, zhalf, zfull, z0, &
TKE, el0, el, akm, akh, &
mask, kbot)
delt Model time step in seconds
fracland Fractional amount of land beneath a grid box
[real, dimension(:,:)]
phalf Pressure at half levels in pascals
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev+1)]
pfull Pressure at full levels in pascals
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
theta Potential temperature [deg K] at full model levels
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
um Zonal wind component [m/s] at full model levels,
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
vm Meridional wind component [m/s] at full model levels,
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
zhalf Height at half levels in meters
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev+1)]
zfull Height at full levels in meters
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
z0 Surface roughness length in meters
[real, dimension(:,:)]
TKE Turbulent kinetic energy in m^2/sec^2.
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev+1)]
el0 Characteristic length scale in meters.
[real, dimension(:,:)]
el Master length scale in meters.
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev+1)]
akm Mixing coefficient for momentum in m^2/sec.
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
akh Mixing coefficient for heat and moisture in m^2/sec.
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
input (optional)
- for use with the step-mountain (eta) vertical coordinate
mask Mask (1. or 0.) for grid boxes above or below the ground.
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
kbot Index of the lowest model level
[integer, dimension(:,:)]
- for use in diagnosing PBL depth
ustar Friction velocity at the surface (meters/sec)
[real, dimension(:,:)]
bstar Buoyancy scale at the surface (meters/sec**2.)
[real, dimension(:,:)]
output (optional)
h pbl depth (meters)
[real, dimension(:,:)]
call tke_surf ( u_star, TKE, kbot )
u_star Surface friction velocity (m/s)
[real, dimension(:,:)]
TKE Turbulent kinetic energy, in m^2/sec^2.
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev+1)]
input (optional) - for use with the step-mountain (eta) vertical coordinate
kbot Index of the lowest model level
[integer, dimension(:,:)]
call my25_turb_end()
There are no arguments to this routine.
TKEmax Max value for TKE
[real, default: TKEmax = 5.0 m^2/sec^2]
TKEmin Min value for TKE
[real, default: TKEmin = 0.0 m^2/sec^2]
akmax Max value for akm & akh
[real, default: akmax = 1.0e4 m^2/sec]
akmin_land Min value for akm & akh over land points
(Applied to the lowest nk_lim levels)
[real, default: akmin_land = 5.0 m^2/sec]
akmin_sea Min value for akm & akh over all ocean points
(Applied to the lowest nk_lim levels)
[real, default: akmin_sea = 0.0 m^2/sec]
nk_lim Lower bound on akm & akh applied at lowest nk_lim levels
[integer, default: nk_lim = 2 ]
init_iters Number of iterations to be used in initializing TKE.
Only used if the input restart data does not exist.
[integer, default: init_iters = 20 ]
el0max Max value for el0
[real, default: el0max = 1.0e6 meters]
el0min Min value for el0
[real, default: el0min = 0.0 meters]
alpha_land Constant used in computing el0 ( land value )
[real, default: alpha_land = 0.10 ]
alpha_sea Constant used in computing el0 ( sea value )
[real, default: alpha_land = 0.10 ]
do_thv_stab If false, buoyancy computed using constant
reference potential temperature.
[logical, default: do_thv_stab = .true.]
use_old_cons If true, use original MY constants
If false, use revised values
[logical, default: use_old_cons = .false.]
kcrit Mixing coefficient threshold used to diagnose PBL top.
PBL top is set the interpolated height where the mean
of the momentum and tracer diffusion coefficient first
falls beneath kcrit.
[real, default: kcrit = 0.01 m2/sec]
* Diagnostic output from Mellor Yamada 2.5 is controlled by the
namelist to vert_turb_driver module.