call shallow_conv_init( kx )
kx Number of levels in vertical [integer]
call shallow_conv( Temp, qmix0, pfull, phalf, akhsc, kbot )
Temp Temperature [deg k] at full model levels,
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
qmix0 Specific humidity of water vapor [kg/kg] at full model levels,
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
pfull Pressure at full levels in pascals
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
phalf Pressure at half levels in pascals
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev+1)]
akhsc Mixing coefficient for heat and moisture
due to shallow convection [m^2/sec]
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
input (optional) - for use with the step-mountain (eta) vertical coordinate
kbot Index of the lowest model level
[integer, dimension(:,:)]
call mylcl ( tlparc, qlparc, plparc, phalf, plcl, kbase )
tlparc Initial parcel temperature [deg K]
[real, dimension(:,:)]
qlparc Initial parcel mixing ratio [kg/kg]
[real, dimension(:,:)]
plparc Initial parcel pressure [pascals]
[real, dimension(:,:)]
phalf Pressure at half levels in pascals
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev+1)]
plcl Pressure at LCL [pascals]
[real, dimension(:,:)]
kbase Index of LCL in column
[integer, dimension(:,:)]
lipps If true, use Frank Lipps' formulation for buoyancy,
else buoyancy computed from equivalent potential temperature.
[logical, default: lipps = .false. ]
ldetran If true, do enhanced detrainment through inversion.
[logical, default: ldetran = .true. ]
theqvcr Critical lapse rate for buoyancy test in deg K /100m.
( Only if lipps = f )
[real, default: theqvcr = 0.0 ]
pshalow Shallow convection done below p = pshalow.
[real, default: pshalow = 750.0E2 pascals ]
akhsc0 Base value for mixing coefficient.
[real, default: akhsc0 = 5.0 m^2/sec ]
kctop No clouds expected for K < kctop
[integer, default: kctop = 3 ]
crthum Critical value for humidity.
[real, default: crthum = 0.85 ]
hc Condensation criterion.
[real, default: crthum = 1.0 ]