Contact: Bruce Wyman, Steve Klein Reviewers:
Controls the selection of schemes to determine diffusion coefficents in the free atmosphere and outputs related diagnostic quantities.
The follow processes are controlled by this module: 1) Mellor-Yamada 2.5 turbulence closure scheme 2) Generalized diffusivity scheme 3) Shallow convection scheme 4) Calculation of gustiness
my25_turb_mod diffusivity_mod shallow_conv_mod diag_manager_mod time_manager_mod constants_mod utilities_mod
use vert_turb_driver_mod [,only: vert_turb_driver_init, vert_turb_driver, vert_turb_driver_end] vert_turb_driver_init - Must be called once before vert_turb_driver to initialize the module (reads namelist input) and other modules used. vert_turb_driver - Called every time step to compute diffusion coefficients. vert_turb_driver_end - Called at the end of the model run to terminate the vert_turb_driver module and other modules used. Notes: 1) A namelist interface controls runtime options and selects fields for diagnostics output.
call vert_turb_driver_init (id, jd, kd, axes, Time) input id, jd number of horizontal grid points in the global fields along the i and j axis, repectively. [integer] kd number of vertical points in a column of the atmosphere [integer] axes The axis indices that are returned by previous calls to diag_axis_init. The values of this array correspond to the x, y, full (p)level, and half (p)level axes. These are the axes that diagnostic fields are output on. [integer, dimension(4)] Time The current time. [time_type] --------------------------------------------------------------------- call vert_turb_driver (is, js, Time, Time_next, dt, frac_land, p_half, p_full, z_half, z_full, u_star, b_star, rough, u, v, t, q, um, vm, tm, qm, udt, vdt, tdt, qdt, diff_t, diff_m, gust [, mask, kbot] ) input is starting i index for current window [integer] js starting j index for current window [integer] Time time at the current time level (tau) [time_type] Time_next time at the next time level (tau+1) [time_type] dt time step in seconds (from tau-1 to tau+1 if leapfrog) [real] frac_land fraction (0. to 1.) of surface which covered by land [real, dimension(:,:)] p_half pressure at half model levels [real, dimension(:,:,nlev+1)] p_full pressure at full model levels [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] z_half height (in meters) at half model levels [real, dimension(:,:,nlev+1)] z_full height (in meters) at full model levels [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] u_star friction velocity (m/s) for the surface layer [real, dimension(:,:)] b_star bouyancy scale (deg K/m ???) for the surface layer [real, dimension(:,:)] rough surface roughness length scale (m) [real, dimension(:,:)] u zonal wind component (m/s) at full model levels at the current time level [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] v meridional wind component (m/s) at full model levels at the current time level [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] t temperature (deg K) at full model levels at the current time level [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] q specific humidity (kg/kg) at full model levels at the current time level [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] um zonal wind component (m/s) at the previous time level [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] vm meridional wind component (m/s) at the previous time level [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] tm temperature (deg K) at the previous time level [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] qm specific humidity (kg/kg) at the previous time level [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] udt zonal wind tendency in m/s2 [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] vdt meridional wind tendency in m/s2 [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] tdt temperature tendency in deg k per sec [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] qdt specific humidity tendency in kg vapor/kg air/sec [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] output diff_t diffusion coefficients (m2/s) for heat/moisture/tracers at half model levels, note that there is no surface value [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] diff_m diffusion coefficients (m2/s) for momentum at half model levels, note that there is no surface value [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] gust surface layer gustiness (m/s), currently this returns a constant value (1 m/s) everywhere [real, dimension(:,:)] input (optional), for the step-mountain (eta) coordinate option mask mask (1. or 0.) for grid boxes above or below the ground, usually only necessary for the step-mountain (eta) vertical coordinate [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] kbot index of the lowest model level, usually only necessary for the step-mountain (eta) vertical coordinate [integer, dimension(:,:)] --------------------------------------------------------------------- call vert_turb_driver_end There are no arguments to this routine.
&vert_turb_driver_nml do_mellor_yamada Switch to to determine when Mellor-Yamada or the generalized diffusivity scheme is used. [logical, default: do_mellor_yamada=.true.] do_shallow_conv Switch to turn on/off shallow convection scheme. [logical, default: do_shallow_conv=.false.] gust_scheme Sets the scheme used for the gustiness calculation. Valid schemes (case sensitive) are: = 'constant' --> use namelist value CONSTANT_GUST = 'beljaars' --> use Beljaars(1994) scheme [character, default: gust_scheme = 'constant'] constant_gust Value used for gustiness (in m/s) when gust_scheme = 'constant'. [real, default: constant_gust = 1.] use_tau Switch to determine whether the input data (momentum, temp, sphum) used to computed the diffusion coefficients and/or update TKE should be for the current time level (tau) or next time level (tau+1) if use_tau = true then data at tau is used (e.g., u,v,t,q) if use_tau = false then data at tau+1 is used by explicitly adding the tendency to the data at tau-1 (e.g., tt=t+dt*tdt) [logical, default: use_tau=true ] do_molecular_diffusion ?????? [logical, default: do_molecular_diffusion = .false.]
Diagnostic fields may be output to a netcdf file by specifying the module name vert_turb and the desired field names (given below) in file diag_table. See the documentation for diag_manager.
Diagnostic fields for module name: vert_turb field name field description ---------- ----------------- tke turbulent kinetic energy (m2/s2) lscale turbulent length scale (m) lscale_0 master length scale (m) z_pbl depth of planetary boundary layer (m) gust gustiness (m/s) diff_t vert diff coeff for temp (m2/s) diff_m vert diff coeff for momentum (m2/s) diff_sc vert diff coeff for shallow conv (m2/s) Notes: 1) tke, lscale, and lscale_0 can only be output when the Mellor-Yamada scheme is used.
Changes prior to CVS version control changes (1/24/2000) * Minor change. When the Mellor-Yamada scheme is NOT selected the Mellor-Yamada initialization and end routines are no longer called. changes (10/4/1999) * Major changes. * MPP version created. Minor changes for open_file, error_mesg, and Fortran write statements. Answers should reproduce the previous version. * Implementation of the new MPP diagnostics package. This required major changes to the diagnostic interface and the manner in which diagnostics quantities are selected. There are additional arguments to several interfaces. changes (8/31/1999) Diagnostic field z_pbl, the depth of planetary boundary layer, may now be output for either the generalized diffusivity scheme or the Mellor-Yamada scheme. (In an earlier revision PBL depth could only be output for the diffusivity scheme.)
Fatal errors in vert_turb_driver_init: attempting to call initialization twice You can not call vert_turb_driver_init more than once. invalid value for namelist variable GUST_SCHEME The gustiness scheme you have selected is not valid. Check the namelist options for variable GUST_SCHEME. Fatal errors in vert_turb_driver: initialization has not been called You have not called vert_turb_driver_init before calling vert_turb_driver.
There are no known bugs.