Symbol Description Uses
cAdjFreq Frequency of convective adjustment 17
calendarDumps When set, approximate months (30-31 days) and years (360-372 days) Target residual for cg2d solver; no unit (RHS normalisation) Target residual for cg2d solver; W unit (No RHS normalisation) Target residual for cg3d solver. 14
CDL 12
cdrag_1 9
cdrag_2 9
cdrag_3 9
CDS 14
cekman 5
cg2dChkResFreq Frequency with which to check residual 5
cg2dMaxIters Maximum number of iterations in the 7
cg2dpcOffDFac Averaging weight for preconditioner off-diagonal. 8
cg2dPreCondFreq Frequency for updating cg2d preconditioner 7
cg2dTargetResidual 6
cg2dTargetResWunit 7
cg3dChkResFreq Frequency with which to check residual 4
cg3dMaxIters Maximum number of iterations in the 5
cg3dTargetResidual 6
chkPtFreq Frequency of rolling check pointing ( s ). 8
CHL 15
CHS 16
climsaltfile 10
climsaltperiod 8
climsaltstartdate1 6
climsaltstartdate2 6
climsssconst 5
climsssfile 12
climsssperiod 8
climsssstartdate1 6
climsssstartdate2 6
climsstconst 5
climsstfile 12
climsstperiod 8
climsststartdate1 6
climsststartdate2 6
climtempfile 10
climtempfreeze 12
climtempperiod 8
climtempstartdate1 6
climtempstartdate2 6
CloudFile 7
cmonob 5
conam 5
conas 5
conc1 7
conc2 5
conc3 5
concm 5
concs 7
concv 5
conservcycle 3
convertFW2Salt salinity, used to convert Fresh-Water Flux to Salt Flux 12
ConvFile 6
coord 2
cosPower Power of cosine of latitude to multiply viscosity 7
cost_ice_flag 10
cost_iprec 48
cost_nml 2
cost_yftype 41
costIceEnd1 5
costIceEnd2 5
costIceStart1 5
costIceStart2 5
costname 12
cpair specific heat of air (J/kg/K) 6
cpice specific heat of fresh ice (J/kg/K) 21
cpl_atmSendFrq Frequency^-1 for sending data to coupler (s) 5
cpl_earlyExpImpCall call coupler early in the time stepping call sequence 18
cpl_oldPickup restart from an old pickup (= until checkpoint 52m_post) 6
cpl_snapshot_mnc 6
cpl_taveFreq Frequency^-1 for time-Aver. output (s) 7
cpl_timeave_mnc 8
cpwater specific heat of water (J/kg/K) 11
cpwv specific heat of water vapour (J/kg/KC) 5
cstar 5
ctdsclimfile 5
ctdsfile 7
ctdtclimfile 5
ctdtfile 7
ctrl_nml 3
ctrl_packnames 3
ctrlname 16
curmtrufile 5
curmtrvfile 5
cvelTimeScale 6