Symbol Description Uses
hAlbIce ice thickness for albedo transition: thin/thick ice albedo 6
hAlbSnow snow thickness for albedo transition: snow/ground 12
hbf 5
HeatCapacity_Cp 20
HeffFile 8
hFacInf Threshold (inf and sup) for fraction size of surface cell 12
hFacMin Minimum fraction size of a cell (affects hFacC etc...) 10
hFacMinDp Minimum dimesional size of a cell (affects hFacC etc..., Pa) 6
hFacMinDr Minimum dimesional size of a cell (affects hFacC etc..., units of r) 17
hFacMinDz Minimum dimesional size of a cell (affects hFacC etc..., m) 6
hFacSup 7
hflux_errfile 7
hfluxbarfile 11
hfluxconst 5
hfluxfile 8
HfluxFile 2
hfluxperiod 6
hfluxstartdate1 6
hfluxstartdate2 6
highOrderVorticity use 3rd/4th order interp. of vorticity (V.I., advection) 9
hihig ice height above which freezing only occurs over open ocean 7
hiMax Maximum thickness for ice (m) 7
himin minimum thickness for ice (m) 8
himin0 minimum ice height (=himin for no fractional ice) 9
hMxL_default default value for ocean MixLayer thickness [m] 6
hNewSnowAge new snow thickness that refreshes snow-age (by 1/e) 12
HO 8
horizGridFile File containing horizontal-grid definition 7
hsMax Maximum thickness for snow (m) 8
hSnowWetness snow depth (m) corresponding to maximum wetness 9
humid_fac const. for the evaluation of the virtual temp. 11
hydrogSaltFile File containing initial hydrographic data for salinity. 10
hydrogThetaFile File containing initial hydrographic data for potential 16