Symbol Description Uses
i0 Loop counters 17
ice_emissivity 7
IceFile 12
iceMaskmax maximum Ice fraction (=1 for no fractional ice) 9
iceMaskmin mimimum Ice fraction (=1 for no fractional ice) 6
iGloPos 6
implicDiv2DFlow 10
implicitDiffusion Turns implicit vertical diffusion on 29
implicitFreeSurface Set to true to use implcit free surface 7
implicitViscosity Turns implicit vertical viscosity on 21
implicSurfPress parameter of the Crank-Nickelson time stepping : 14
impMatrixWriteTime 5
inAdExact 5
integr_GeoPot option to select the way we integrate the geopotential 15
iprint 33
IronFile 8
ivdc_kappa 22