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The Alliance for Computational Earth Science (ACES) at M.I.T focuses on developing and deploying advanced computational technologies to address challenging problems of Earth science


ACES is a platform for cross-disciplinary collaboration between Earth science researchers and computer science researchers at MIT. Projects in ACES are exploring the application of emerging computational technologies as a foundation for next generation Earth system research. Several different groups are participating in the ACES effort - you can read about some of their projects here

Earth Science Themes

Computational Science Themes

  • Planetary scale simulation.
    • numerical models of ocean, atmosphere, sea-ice, land-surface, mantle and crustal dynamics.
  • Constrained optimization of geophysical fluids problems.
    • solving for physical and biogeochemical parameters.
  • Model and data synthesis.
    •  combining models with in-situ and remote sensed data to monitor and understanding planetary processes.
  • Cluster and grid computing
    • robust middleware, heterogeneous computing
  • Responsive user-oriented, high-performance computing.
    • scalable algorithms and software systems, desktop productivity and HPC integration, parallel Matlab.
  • Automation of tools and techniques for high-dimensional systems.
    •  CPDN client and server, application of web-service technologies.
  • Integrated compute-laboratory teaching and research test-bed for planetary scale simulation tools.
    • sensor and simulation integration