After the executes the MPMD coupled simulation, it carries out an output check and extracts timing information to determine time to solution. The output check compares the daily global mean atmospheric potential temperature with a previously stored set of values for this configuration. The previoulsy computed set of values are in the file STDOUT.0000.ref in the JMC Code L Baseline top-level directory. These stored values are checked against the time series of mean potential temperature written to the file atm/run/STDOUT.0000 by the script
Time to solution information is also extracted from the atm/run/STDOUT.0000 output file. The compute phase wall-clock time for the 17 processor, 10-day simulation used for the Code L Baseline is converted into a measure of the time required for one year of simulation. This is printed in the summary output file output.txt. Startup and shutdown time costs for the code are excluded to avoided skewing short benchmark results with respect to extended simulation performance.