C C Invocation from WRAPPER level... C C | C |-THE_MODEL_MAIN :: Primary driver for the MITgcm algorithm C | :: Called from WRAPPER level numerical C | :: code invocation routine. On entry C | :: to THE_MODEL_MAIN separate thread and C | :: separate processes will have been established. C | :: Each thread and process will have a unique ID C | :: but as yet it will not be associated with a C | :: specific region in decomposed discrete space. C | C |-INITIALISE_FIXED :: Set fixed model arrays such as topography, C | | :: grid, solver matrices etc.. C | | C | |-INI_PARMS :: Routine to set kernel model parameters. C | | :: Kernel parameters are read from file "data" C | | :: in directory in which code executes. C | | C | |-PACKAGES_BOOT :: Start up the optional package environment. C | | :: Runtime selection of active packages. C | |-PACKAGES_READPARMS :: read each package input parameter file C | | |- ${PKG}_READPARMS C | | C | |-SET_PARMS :: Finalise model parameter setting (if fct of pkg usage) C | | C | |-INI_MODEL_IO :: Initialise Input/Output setting C | | |-MNC_INIT :: Initialise MITgcm NetCDF interface (MNC)(see pkg/mnc) C | | |-MNC_CW_INIT :: Initialise MNC grid and variable types (see pkg/mnc) C | | |-MON_INIT :: Initialises monitor package ( see pkg/monitor ) C | | C | |-INI_GRID :: Control grid array (vert. and horiz.) initialisation. C | | | :: Grid arrays are held and described in GRID.h. C | | |-LOAD_GRID_SPACING :: Load grid spacing (vector) from files C | | |-INI_VERTICAL_GRID :: Set up vertical grid and coordinate C | | |-INI_CARTESIAN_GRID :: Cartesian horiz. grid initialisation C | | | :: (calculate grid from kernel parameters). C | | |-INI_SPHERICAL_POLAR_GRID :: Spherical polar horiz. grid setting C | | | :: (calculate grid from kernel parameters). C | | |-INI_CURVILINEAR_GRID :: General orthogonal, structured horiz. grid C | | | :: initialisation; input from raw grid files C | | | :: (LONC.bin, LATC.bin, DXF.bin, ... ) or per C | | | :: face file: horizGridFile(.faceXXX.bin) C | | |-INI_CYLINDER_GRID :: Cylindrical horiz. grid setting C | | C | |-LOAD_REF_FILES :: Read-in reference vertical profiles (T,S,Rho) C | |-INI_EOS :: Initialise Equation Of State (EOS) coefficients C | |-SET_REF_STATE :: Set reference pressure/geopotential, reference C | | :: stratification (for implicit IGW), vertical C | | :: velocity scaling factor and anelastic ref. density C | |-SET_GRID_FACTORS :: Set grid factors (fct of k) for deep-atmosphere C | | C | |-INI_DEPTHS :: Read (from "bathyFile") or set bathymetry/orography. C | |-INI_MASKS_ETC :: Derive horizontal and vertical cell fractions and C | | :: land masking for solid-fluid boundaries. C | | C | |-PACKAGES_INIT_FIXED :: do all packages fixed-initialisation setting C | | |- ${PKG}_INIT_FIXED C | | C | |-INI_GLOBAL_DOMAIN :: Initialise domain related (global) quantities. C | |-INI_LINEAR_PHISURF :: Set ref. surface Bo_surf C | | C | |-INI_CORI :: Set coriolis term. zero, f-plane, beta-plane, C | | :: sphere options are coded. C | |-INI_CG2D :: 2D conjugate grad solver initialisation. C | |-INI_CG3D :: 3D conjugate grad solver initialisation. C | | C | |-CONFIG_SUMMARY :: Provide synopsis of kernel setup. Includes C | | :: annotated table of kernel parameter settings. C | | C | |-PACKAGES_CHECK :: call each package configuration checking S/R C | | |- ${PKG}_CHECK C | | C | |-CONFIG_CHECK :: Check config and parameter consistency. C | | C | |-WRITE_GRID :: write grid fields to output files C | |-CPL_EXCH_CONFIGS :: exchange config with coupler-interface C | C |-CTRL_UNPACK :: Control vector support package. see pkg/ctrl C |-COST_DEPENDENT_INIT :: ( see pkg/cost ) C | C |-ADTHE_MAIN_LOOP :: Derivative evaluating form of main time stepping loop C ! :: Automatically generated by TAMC/TAF. C | C |-THE_MAIN_LOOP :: Main timestepping loop routine. C | | C | |-INITIALISE_VARIA :: Set the initial conditions for time evolving fields C | | | C #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF C | | |-INI_DEPTHS \ C | | |-CTRL_DEPTH_INI \ C | | |-UPDATE_MASKS_ETC } ALLOW_DEPTH_CONTROL case C | | |-UPDATE_CG2D / C #endif C | | |-INI_NLFS_VARS :: Initialise all Non-Lin Free-Surf arrays (SURFACE.h) C | | |-INI_DYNVARS :: Initialise to zero all DYNVARS.h arrays C | | |-INI_NH_VARS :: Initialise to zero all NH_VARS.h arrays C | | | C | | |-INI_FIELDS :: Control initialising model fields to non-zero C | | | |-INI_VEL :: Initialize 3D flow field. C | | | |-INI_THETA :: Set model initial temperature field. C | | | |-INI_SALT :: Set model initial salinity field. C | | | |-INI_PSURF :: Set model initial free-surface height/pressure. C | | | |-READ_PICKUP :: Read in main model pickup files to restart a run. C | | | C | | |-INI_MIXING :: Initialise diapycnal diffusivity. C | | | C | | |-INI_FORCING :: Set model initial forcing fields, either C | | | | :: set in-line or from file as shown here: C | | | |-READ_FLD_XY_RS(zonalWindFile) C | | | |-READ_FLD_XY_RS(meridWindFile) C | | | |-READ_FLD_XY_RS(surfQnetFile) C | | | |-READ_FLD_XY_RS(EmPmRfile) C | | | |-READ_FLD_XY_RS(thetaClimFile) C | | | |-READ_FLD_XY_RS(saltClimFile) C | | | |-READ_FLD_XY_RS(surfQswFile) C | | | C | | |-AUTODIFF_INIT_VARIA :: (see pkg/autodiff ) C | | | C | | |-PACKAGES_INIT_VARIABLES :: Does initialisation of time evolving C | | | | ${PKG}_INIT_VARIA :: package data. C | | | C | | |-COST_INIT_VARIA :: ( see pkg/cost ) C | | |-CONVECTIVE_ADJUSTMENT_INI :: Apply conv. adjustment to initial state C | | | C | | |-CALC_R_STAR :: Calculate the new level thickness factor (r* coord) C | | |-UPDATE_R_STAR :: Update the level thickness fraction (r* coord). C | | |-UPDATE_SIGMA :: Update the level thickness fraction (sigma-coord). C | | |-CALC_SURF_DR :: Calculate the new surface level thickness. C | | |-UPDATE_SURF_DR :: Update the surface-level thickness fraction. C | | | C | | |-UPDATE_CG2D :: Update 2D conjugate grad. for Free-Surf. C | | | C | | |-INTEGR_CONTINUITY :: Integrate the continuity Equation C | | | |-INTEGRATE_FOR_W :: Integrate for vertical velocity C | | | |-OBCS_APPLY_W :: Open boundary package (see pkg/obcs). C | | | |-UPDATE_ETAH :: Update Surface height/pressure C | | | C | | |-CALC_R_STAR :: Calculate the new level thickness factor (r* coord) C | | |-CALC_SURF_DR :: Calculate the new surface level thickness. C | | | C | | |-STATE_SUMMARY :: Summarise model prognostic variables. C | | | C | | |-MONITOR :: Monitor state (see pkg/monitor) C | | | C | | |-DO_STATEVARS_TAVE :: Time averaging package ( see pkg/timeave ). C | | | |-TIMEAVE_STATVARS :: Accumulate main model state variables C | | | |-PTRACERS_TIMEAVE :: Accumulate passive tracers variables C | | | C | | |-DO_THE_MODEL_IO :: Controlling routine for IO C | | | |-WRITE_STATE :: Write model state variables. C | | | |-TIMEAVE_STATV_WRITE :: Write Time averaged output (see pkg/timeave) C | | | |-FIZHI_WRITE_STATE :: Write Fizhi pkg output (see pkg/fizhi) C | | | |-AIM_WRITE_TAVE :: Write AIM pkg output (see pkg/aim_v23) C | | | |-LAND_OUTPUT :: Write Land pkg output (see pkg/land) C | | | |-OBCS_OUTPUT :: Write OBCS pkg output (see pkg/obcs) C | | | |-GMREDI_OUTPUT :: Write GM-Redi pkg output (see pkg/gmredi) C | | | |-KPP_OUTPUT :: Write KPP pkg output (see pkg/kpp) C | | | |-PP81_OUTPUT :: Write PP81 pkg output (see pkg/pp81) C | | | |-KL10_OUTPUT :: Write KL10 pkg output (see pkg/kl10) C | | | |-MY82_OUTPUT :: Write MY82 pkg output (see pkg/my82) C | | | |-OPPS_OUTPUT :: Write OPPS pkg output (see pkg/opps) C | | | |-GGL90_OUTPUT :: Write GGL90 pkg output (see pkg/ggl90) C | | | |-SBO_CALC :: Compute SBO diagnostics (see pkg/sbo) C | | | |-SBO_OUTPUT :: Write SBO pkg output (see pkg/sbo) C | | | |-SEAICE_OUTPUT :: Write SeaIce pkg output (see pkg/seaice) C | | | |-SHELFICE_OUTPUT :: Write ShelfIce pkg output (see pkg/shelfice) C | | | |-BULKF_OUTPUT :: Write Bulk-Force output (see pkg/bulK_force) C | | | |-THSICE_OUTPUT :: Write ThSIce pkg output (see pkg/thsice) C | | | |-PTRACERS_OUTPUT :: Write pTracers pkg output (see pkg/ptracers) C | | | |-MATRIX_OUTPUT :: Write Matrix pkg output (see pkg/matrix) C | | | |-GCHEM_OUTPUT :: Write Geochemistry pkg output (see pkg/gchem) C | | | |-CPL_OUTPUT :: Write Coupler-Interface output (see C | | | | :: pkg/atm_compon_interf, pkg/ocn_compon_interf) C | | | |-LAYERS_CALC :: Calculate layers diagnostics (see pkg/layers) C | | | |-LAYERS_OUTPUT :: Write Layers pkg output (see pkg/layers) C | | | |-DIAGNOSTICS_WRITE :: Write pkg/diagnostics output C | | | C====|>| **************************** C====|>| BEGIN MAIN TIMESTEPPING LOOP C====|>| **************************** C | |-COST_AVERAGESFIELDS :: time-averaged Cost function terms (see pkg/cost) C | |-PROFILES_INLOOP :: ( see pkg/profiles ) C | / C | |-MAIN_DO_LOOP :: Open-AD case: Main timestepping loop routine C | \ otherwise: just call FORWARD_STEP C | | C/\ | |-FORWARD_STEP :: Step forward a time-step ( AT LAST !!! ) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-AUTODIFF_INADMODE_UNSET :: Set/reset some adjoint flags C/\ | | |-RESET_NLFS_VARS :: Reset some Non-Lin Free-Surf vars (Adjoint) C/\ | | |-UPDATE_R_STAR :: Reset r-star factor variables (Adjoint) C/\ | | |-UPDATE_SURF_DR :: Reset NLFS surface thickness vars (Adjoint) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-PTRACERS_SWITCH_ONOFF :: Set/reset pTracers time-stepping switch C/\ | | |-DIAGNOSTICS_SWITCH_ONOFF :: Activate/de-activate diagnostics C/\ | | |-DO_STATEVARS_DIAGS ( 0 ) :: fill-up state variable diagnostics C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-NEST_CHILD_SETMEMO :: Nesting interface C/\ | | |-NEST_PARENT_IO_1 :: Nesting interface C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-LOAD_FIELDS_DRIVER :: Control loading of input fields from files C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-BULKF_FORCING :: Calculate surface forcing (see pkg/bulk_force) C/\ | | |-CHEAPAML :: Cheap AML driver ( see pkg/cheapaml ) C/\ | | |-CTRL_MAP_FORCING :: Control vector support package. (see pkg/ctrl) C/\ | | |-DUMMY_IN_STEPPING :: Autodiff package ( pkg/autodiff ). C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-CPL_EXPORT_MY_DATA :: Send coupling fields to coupler C/\ | | |-CPL_IMPORT_EXTERNAL_DATA :: Receive coupling fields from coupler C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-OASIS_PUT :: Oasis coupler interface C/\ | | |-OASIS_GET :: Oasis coupler interface C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-EBM_DRIVER :: Calculate EBM type atmospheric forcing (see pkg/ebm) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-DO_ATMOSPHERIC_PHYS :: Atmospheric physics computation C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-UPDATE_OCEAN_EXPORTS :: ( see pkg/fizhi ) C/\ | | | |-UPDATE_EARTH_EXPORTS :: ( see pkg/fizhi ) C/\ | | | |-UPDATE_CHEMISTRY_EXPORTS :: ( see pkg/fizhi ) C/\ | | | |-FIZHI_WRAPPER :: ( see pkg/fizhi ) C/\ | | | |-STEP_FIZHI_FG :: ( see pkg/fizhi ) C/\ | | | |-FIZHI_UPDATE_TIME :: ( see pkg/fizhi ) C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-ATM_PHYS_DRIVER :: ( see pkg/atm_phys ) C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-AIM_DO_PHYSICS :: ( see pkg/aim_v23 ) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-DO_OCEANIC_PHYS :: Oceanic (& seaice) physics computation C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-OBCS_CALC :: Open boundary. package (see pkg/obcs). C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-FRAZIL_CALC_RHS :: Compute FRAZIL tendencies ( see pkg/frazil ) C/\ | | | |-THSICE_MAIN :: Thermodynamic sea-ice driver (see pkg/thsice) C/\ | | | |-SEAICE_MODEL :: Sea-ice model driver (see pkg/seaice ) C/\ | | | |-SEAICE_COST_SENSI :: Sea-ice cost-function (see pkg/seaice ) C/\ | | | |-SHELFICE_THERMODYNAMICS :: Compute ShelfIce thermo (pkg/shelfice) C/\ | | | |-ICEFRONT_THERMODYNAMICS :: Compute IceFront thermo (pkg/icefront) C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-SALT_PLUME_DO_EXCH :: (see pkg/salt_plume ) C/\ | | | |-FREEZE_SURFACE :: Prevent SST to fall below TFreeze C/\ | | | |-OCN_APPLY_IMPORT :: Apply imported fields from coupler C/\ | | | |-EXTERNAL_FORCING_SURF:: Compute appropriately dimensioned C/\ | | | | :: surface forcing terms. C/\ | | | |-FIND_RHO_2D @ p(k) :: Calculate [rho(T,S,p)-Rho_0] of a slice C/\ | | | |-FIND_RHO_2D @ p(k-1) :: Calculate [rho(T,S,p)-Rho_0] of a slice C/\ | | | |-GRAD_SIGMA :: Calculate isoneutral gradients C/\ | | | |-CALC_IVDC :: Set Implicit Vertical Diffusivity for Convection C/\ | | | |-CALC_OCE_MXLAYER :: Diagnose Oceanic Mixed Layer depth C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-SALT_PLUME_CALC_DEPTH :: (see pkg/salt_plume ) C/\ | | | |-SALT_PLUME_VOLFRAC :: (see pkg/salt_plume ) C/\ | | | |-SALT_PLUME_APPLY (Temp) :: (see pkg/salt_plume ) C/\ | | | |-SALT_PLUME_APPLY (Salt) :: (see pkg/salt_plume ) C/\ | | | |-SALT_PLUME_FORCING_SURF :: (see pkg/salt_plume ) C/\ | | | |-KPP_CALC :: Compute KPP vertical mixing ( see pkg/kpp ) C/\ | | | |-PP81_CALC :: Compute PP81 vertical mixing ( see pkg/pp81 ) C/\ | | | |-KL10_CALC :: Compute KL10 vertical mixing ( see pkg/kl10 ) C/\ | | | |-MY82_CALC :: Compute MY82 vertical mixing ( see pkg/kl10 ) C/\ | | | |-GGL90_CALC :: Compute GGL90 vertical mixing (see pkg/ggl10) C/\ | | | |-GMREDI_CALC_TENSOR :: Compute GM-Redi tensor ( see pkg/gmredi ) C/\ | | | |-DWNSLP_CALC_FLOW :: Compute Down-Slope flow (see pkg/down_slope) C/\ | | | |-BBL_CALC_RHS :: Compute BBL tendencies ( see pkg/bbl ) C/\ | | | |-MYPACKAGE_CALC_RHS :: Compute mypackage tendencies (pkg/mypackage) C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-GMREDI_DO_EXCH :: ( see pkg/gmredi ) C/\ | | | |-KPP_DO_EXCH :: ( see pkg/kpp ) C/\ | | | |-DIAGS_RHO_G :: Compute some density related diagnostics C/\ | | | |-DIAGS_OCEANIC_SURF_FLUX :: Diagnose oceanic surface fluxes C/\ | | | |-SALT_PLUME_DIAGNOSTICS_FILL :: (see pkg/salt_plume ) C/\ | | | |-ECCO_PHYS :: ( see pkg/ecco ) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-STREAMICE_TIMESTEP :: ( see pkg/streamice ) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-GCHEM_CALC_TENDENCY :: geochemistry driver routine (see pkg/gchem) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-LONGSTEP_AVERAGE :: Averaging state vars ( see pkg/longstep ) C/\ | | |-LONGSTEP_THERMODYNAMICS :: Step forward tracers ( see pkg/longstep ) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-THERMODYNAMICS :: theta, salt + tracer equations driver. C/\ | | | | (synchronous time-stepping case) C/\ | | | |-CALC_WSURF_TR :: Compute T & S Linear-Free-Surf correction C/\ | | | |-PTRACERS_CALC_WSURF_TR :: Compute Tracers Linear-Free-Surf correct. C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-GMREDI_RESIDUAL_FLOW :: Get the flow field used to advect tracers C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-TEMP_INTEGRATE :: Step forward Prognostic Eq for Temperature. C/\ | | | | | C/\ | | | | |-ADAMS_BASHFORTH3 :: Extrapolate tracer forward in time (AB-3) C/\ | | | | |-ADAMS_BASHFORTH2 :: Extrapolate tracer forward in time (AB-2) C/\ | | | | |-CALC_3D_DIFFUSIVITY :: set vertical diffusivity C/\ | | | | | C/\ | | | | |-GAD_SOM_ADVECT :: Second Order Moment (SOM) advection C/\ | | | | |-GAD_ADVECTION :: Generalised advection driver (multi-dim C/\ | | | | | advection case) (see pkg/gad). C/\ | | | | |-CALC_ADV_FLOW :: set 3-D flow field to advect tracer C/\ | | | | |-APPLY_FORCING_T :: Problem specific forcing for temperature. C/\ | | | | |-GAD_CALC_RHS :: Calculate Advection-Diffusion tendency terms C/\ | | | | | C/\ | | | | |-ADAMS_BASHFORTH3 :: Extrapolate tendency forward in time (AB-3) C/\ | | | | |-ADAMS_BASHFORTH2 :: Extrapolate tendency forward in time (AB-2) C/\ | | | | |-FREESURF_RESCALE_G :: Re-scale Gt for free-surface height. C/\ | | | | |-DWNSLP_APPLY :: Add pkg/down_slope tendency C/\ | | | | | C/\ | | | | |-TIMESTEP_TRACER :: Step tracer field forward in time C/\ | | | | | C/\ | | | | |-GAD_IMPLICIT_R :: Solve vertical implicit Advect-Diffus. eqn. C/\ | | | | |-IMPLDIFF :: Solve vertical implicit diffusion equation. C/\ | | | | |-CYCLE_AB_TRACER :: Cycle time-stepping arrays for tracer field C/\ | | | | |-CYCLE_TRACER :: Cycle time-stepping arrays for tracer field C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-SALT_INTEGRATE :: Step forward Prognostic Eq for Salinity. C/\ | | | | | same sequence of calls as in TEMP_INTEGRATE C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-PTRACERS_INTEGRATE :: Integrate other tracer(s) (see pkg/ptracers). C/\ | | | | | same sequence of calls as in TEMP_INTEGRATE C/\ | | | | |-OBCS_APPLY_PTRACER :: Open boundary package for pTracers C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-OBCS_APPLY_TS :: Open boundary package (see pkg/obcs ). C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-LONGSTEP_AVERAGE :: Averaging state vars ( see pkg/longstep ) C/\ | | |-LONGSTEP_THERMODYNAMICS :: Step forward tracers ( see pkg/longstep ) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-DO_STAGGER_FIELDS_EXCHANGES :: Update overlap regions of arrays C/\ | | | Theta & Salt (implicit IGW case) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-DYNAMICS :: Momentum equations driver. C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-CALC_GRAD_PHI_SURF :: Calculate the gradient of the surface C/\ | | | | Potential anomaly. C/\ | | | |-CALC_VISCOSITY :: Calculate net vertical viscosity C/\ | | | |-MOM_CALC_3D_STRAIN :: Calculates the strain tensor of 3D flow field C/\ | | | |-OBCS_COPY_UV_N :: for Stevens bndary Conditions (see pkg/obcs) C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-CALC_PHI_HYD :: Integrate the hydrostatic relation. C/\ | | | |-MOM_FLUXFORM :: Flux Form momentum eqn. (pkg/mom_fluxform) C/\ | | | |-MOM_VECINV :: Vector Invariant momentum eqn (pkg/mom_vecinv) C/\ | | | |-MOM_CALC_SMAG_3D :: Calculate Smagorinsky 3D (harmonic) viscosities C/\ | | | |-MOM_UV_SMAG_3D :: Calculate U,V mom. tendency due to Smag 3D Visc C/\ | | | |-TIMESTEP :: Step horizontal momentum fields forward in time C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-MOM_U_IMPLICIT_R :: Solve implicitly vertical Adv-Diffus equation. C/\ | | | |-IMPLDIFF :: Solve vertical implicit diffusion equation. C/\ | | | |-OBCS_SAVE_UV_N :: for Stevens bndary Conditions (see pkg/obcs) C/\ | | | |-OBCS_APPLY_UV :: Apply Open bndary Conditions to provisional U,V C/\ | | | |-IMPLDIFF :: (CD-Scheme) Solve vertical impl. diffus. eqn C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-CALC_GW :: Vert. momentum tendency terms (Non-Hydrostatic) C/\ | | | | |-MOM_W_SMAG_3D :: Calculate W mom. tendency due to Smag 3D Visc C/\ | | | |-TIMESTEP_WVEL :: Step vert mom forward in time (Non-Hydrostatic) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-MNC_UPDATE_TIME :: Update MNC time record (see pkg/mnc) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-UPDATE_R_STAR :: Update the level thickness fraction (r* coord). C/\ | | |-UPDATE_SIGMA :: Update the level thickness fraction (sigma-coord). C/\ | | |-UPDATE_R_STAR :: Update the level thickness fraction. C/\ | | |-UPDATE_SURF_DR :: Update the surface-level thickness fraction. C/\ | | |-UPDATE_CG2D :: Update 2D conjugate grad. for Free-Surf. C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-SHAP_FILT_APPLY_UV :: Apply Shapiro Filter to provisional velocity C/\ | | |-ZONAL_FILT_APPLY_UV :: Apply Zonal Filter to provisional velocity C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-SOLVE_FOR_PRESSURE :: Find surface pressure. C/\ | | | |-CALC_DIV_GHAT :: Form the RHS of the surface pressure eqn. C/\ | | | |-CG2D :: Two-dim pre-con. conjugate-gradient. C/\ | | | |-PRE_CG3D :: Finish to set the RHS of the 3-D pressure eqn. C/\ | | | |-CG3D :: Three-dim pre-con. conjugate-gradient solver. C/\ | | | |-POST_CG3D :: finalise solution of NH and Free-Surf pressure C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-MOMENTUM_CORRECTION_STEP :: Finalise momentum stepping C/\ | | | |-CALC_GRAD_PHI_SURF :: Return DDx and DDy of surface pressure C/\ | | | |-CORRECTION_STEP :: Pressure correction to momentum C/\ | | | |-OBCS_APPLY_UV :: Open boundary package (see pkg/obcs). C/\ | | | |-SHAP_FILT_APPLY_UV :: Apply Shapiro Filter to latest velocity C/\ | | | |-ZONAL_FILT_APPLY_UV :: Apply Zonal Filter to latest velocity C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-INTEGR_CONTINUITY :: Integrate continuity equation (see above) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-CALC_R_STAR :: Calculate the new level thickness factor (r* coord) C/\ | | |-CALC_SURF_DR :: Calculate the new surface level thickness. C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-DO_STAGGER_FIELDS_EXCHANGES :: Update overlap regions of arrays C/\ | | | uVel,vVel & wVel (stagger-time-step case) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-DO_STATEVARS_DIAGS ( 1 ) :: fill-up state variable diagnostics C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-THERMODYNAMICS :: theta, salt + tracer Eq. driver (see above). C/\ | | | (staggered time-stepping case) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-TRACERS_CORRECTION_STEP :: Finalise tracer stepping: C/\ | | | | :: apply filter, conv.adjustment C/\ | | | |-TRACERS_IIGW_CORRECTION :: apply Implicit IGW adjustment to T & S C/\ | | | |-SHAP_FILT_APPLY_TS :: Apply Shapiro Filter to latest T & S C/\ | | | |-ZONAL_FILT_APPLY_TS :: Apply Zonal Filter to latest T & S C/\ | | | |-PTRACERS_ZONAL_FILT_APPLY :: Apply Zonal Filter to pTracers C/\ | | | |-SALT_FILL :: Fill up negative Salt C/\ | | | |-OPPS_INTERFACE :: ( see pkg/opps ) C/\ | | | |-CONVECTIVE_ADJUSTMENT :: Apply convective adjustment C/\ | | | |-MATRIX_STORE_TENDENCY_IMP :: ( see pkg/matrix ) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-LONGSTEP_AVERAGE :: Averaging state vars ( see pkg/longstep ) C/\ | | |-LONGSTEP_THERMODYNAMICS :: Step forward tracers ( see pkg/longstep ) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-GCHEM_FORCING_SEP :: Tracer forcing for gchem pkg (if tracer C/\ | | | :: dependent tendencies calculated separately) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-DO_FIELDS_BLOCKING_EXCHANGES :: Sync up overlap regions. C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-DO_STATEVARS_DIAGS ( 2 ) :: fill-up state variable diagnostics C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-GRIDALT_UPDATE :: ( see pkg/gridalt ) C/\ | | |-STEP_FIZHI_CORR :: ( see pkg/fizhi ) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-FLT_MAIN :: Step forward Floats (see pkg/flt) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-DO_STATEVARS_TAVE :: Time averaging package (see above) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-NEST_PARENT_IO_2 :: Nesting interface C/\ | | |-NEST_CHILD_TRANSP :: Nesting interface C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-MONITOR :: Monitor package (pkg/monitor). C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-COST_TILE :: ( see pkg/cost ) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-DO_THE_MODEL_IO :: Controlling routine for IO (see above) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-PTRACERS_RESET :: Re-initialize PTRACERS ( see pkg/ptracers ) C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-DO_WRITE_PICKUP :: Controlling routine for writing files to restart C/\ | | | |-PACKAGES_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write pickup files for each package C/\ | | | | | :: which needs it to restart C/\ | | | | |-GAD_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write Generic AdvDiff pickups for SOM C/\ | | | | | :: advection scheme (pkg/generic_advdiff) C/\ | | | | |-CD_CODE_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write CD-code pickups (see pkg/cd_code) C/\ | | | | |-OBCS_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write OBCS pickups (see pkg/obcs) C/\ | | | | |-GGL90_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write GGL90 pickups (see pkg/ggl90) C/\ | | | | |-BBL_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write BBL pickups (see pkg/bbl) C/\ | | | | |-CHEAPAML_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write CheapAML pickups (pkg/cheapaml) C/\ | | | | |-FLT_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write Floats pickups (see pkg/flt) C/\ | | | | |-PTRACERS_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write pTracers pickups (pkg/ptracers) C/\ | | | | |-GCHEM_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write Geo-Chem pickups (see pkg/gchem) C/\ | | | | |-SEAICE_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write SeaIce pickups (see pkg/seaice) C/\ | | | | |-STREAMICE_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write StreamIce pickups (pkg/streamice) C/\ | | | | |-THSICE_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write ThSIce pickups (see pkg/thsice) C/\ | | | | |-LAND_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write Land pickups (see pkg/land) C/\ | | | | |-ATM_PHYS_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write Atm-Phys pickups (pkg/atm_phys) C/\ | | | | |-FIZHI_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write Fizhi pickups (see pkg/fizhi) C/\ | | | | |-FIZHI_WRITE_VEGTILES :: Write Fizhi VegTiles (see pkg/fizhi) C/\ | | | | |-FIZHI_WRITE_DATETIME :: Write Fizhi DateTime (see pkg/fizhi) C/\ | | | | |-CPL_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write Coupling-Interface pickups C/\ | | | | |-MYPACKAGE_WRITE_PICKUP :: Write pkg/mypackage pickups C/\ | | | | C/\ | | | |-WRITE_PICKUP :: Write main model pickup files. C/\ | | | C/\ | | |-AUTODIFF_INADMODE_SET :: Set/reset some adjoint flags C | | C<===|=| ************************** C<===|=| END MAIN TIMESTEPPING LOOP C<===|=| ************************** C | | C | |-COST_AVERAGESFIELDS :: Time-averaged Cost function terms (see pkg/cost) C | |-PROFILES_INLOOP :: ( see pkg/profiles ) C | |-COST_FINAL :: Cost function package (see pkg/cost) C | C |-CTRL_PACK :: Control vector support package (see pkg/ctrl) C | C |-GRDCHK_MAIN :: Gradient check package (see pkg/grdchk) C | C |-TIMER_PRINTALL :: Computational timing summary C | C |-COMM_STATS :: Summarise inter-proc and inter-thread communication C | :: events.