C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_gwdrag.F,v 1.11 2005/07/01 01:12:00 jmc Exp $
C $Name:  $
#include "FIZHI_OPTIONS.h"
      subroutine GWDRAG (myid,pz,pl,ple,dpres,pkz,uz,vz,tz,qz,phis_var,
     .         dudt,dvdt,dtdt,im,jm,Lm,bi,bj,istrip,npcs,imglobal)
C  ========
C    Driver Routine for Gravity Wave Drag
C  ======
C  myid  ....... Process ID
C  pz    ....... Surface Pressure [im,jm]
C  pl    ....... 3D pressure field [im,jm,Lm]
C  ple   ....... 3d pressure at model level edges [im,jm,Lm+1]
C  dpres ....... pressure difference across level [im,jm,Lm]
C  pkz   ....... pressure**kappa [im,jm,Lm]
C  uz    ....... zonal velocity [im,jm,Lm]
C  vz    ....... meridional velocity [im,jm,Lm]
C  tz    ....... temperature [im,jm,Lm]
C  qz    ....... specific humidity [im,jm,Lm]
C  phis_var .... topography variance
C  im    ....... number of grid points in x direction
C  jm    ....... number of grid points in y direction
C  Lm    ....... number of grid points in vertical
C  istrip ...... 'strip' length for cache size control
C  npcs  ....... number of strips
C  imglobal .... (avg) number of longitude points around the globe
C  ============
C  dudt  ....... Updated U-Wind   Tendency including Gravity Wave Drag
C  dvdt  ....... Updated V-Wind   Tendency including Gravity Wave Drag
C  dtdt  ....... Updated Pi*Theta Tendency including Gravity Wave Drag
      implicit none

c Input Variables
c ---------------
      integer myid,im,jm,Lm,bi,bj,istrip,npcs,imglobal
      _RL pz(im,jm)
      _RL pl(im,jm,Lm)
      _RL ple(im,jm,Lm+1)
      _RL dpres(im,jm,Lm)
      _RL pkz(im,jm,Lm)
      _RL uz(im,jm,Lm)
      _RL vz(im,jm,Lm)
      _RL tz(im,jm,Lm)
      _RL qz(im,jm,Lm)
      _RL phis_var(im,jm)

      _RL dudt(im,jm,Lm)
      _RL dvdt(im,jm,Lm)
      _RL dtdt(im,jm,Lm)

c Local Variables
c ---------------
      _RL tv(im,jm,Lm)
      _RL dragu(im,jm,Lm), dragv(im,jm,Lm)
      _RL dragt(im,jm,Lm) 
      _RL dragx(im,jm), dragy(im,jm)
      _RL sumu(im,jm)
      integer nthin(im,jm),nbase(im,jm)
      integer nthini, nbasei

      _RL phis_std(im,jm)

      _RL std(istrip), ps(istrip)
      _RL us(istrip,Lm), vs(istrip,Lm), ts(istrip,Lm)
      _RL dragus(istrip,Lm), dragvs(istrip,Lm) 
      _RL dragxs(istrip), dragys(istrip)
      _RL plstr(istrip,Lm),plestr(istrip,Lm+1),dpresstr(istrip,Lm)
      integer nthinstr(istrip),nbasestr(istrip)

      integer n,i,j,L
      _RL getcon, pi
      _RL grav, rgas, cp, cpinv, lstar
      logical  diagnostics_is_on
      _RL tmpdiag(im,jm)

c Initialization
c --------------
      pi    = 4.0*atan(1.0)
      grav  = getcon('GRAVITY')
      rgas  = getcon('RGAS')
      cp    = getcon('CP')
      cpinv = 1.0/cp
      lstar = 2*getcon('EARTH RADIUS')*cos(pi/3.0)/imglobal

c Compute NTHIN and NBASE
c -----------------------
      do j=1,jm
      do i=1,im

      do nthini = 1,Lm+1
       if( pz(i,j)-ple(i,j,Lm+2-nthini).gt.25. ) then
        nthin(i,j) = nthini
        goto 10
   10 continue
      do nbasei = 1,Lm+1
       if( ple(i,j,Lm+2-nbasei).lt.(0.667*pz(i,j)) ) then
        nbase(i,j) = nbasei
        goto 20
   20 continue
      if( (0.667*pz(i,j))-ple(i,j,Lm+2-nbase(i,j)) .gt. 
     .           ple(i,j,Lm+3-nbase(i,j))-(0.667*pz(i,j)) ) then
      nbase(i,j) = nbase(i,j)-1


c Compute Topography Sub-Grid Standard Deviation
c        and constrain the Maximum Value
c ----------------------------------------------
      do j=1,jm
      do i=1,im
         phis_std(i,j) = min( 400.0 _d 0, sqrt( max(0.0 _d 0,
     $        phis_var(i,j)) )/grav )

c Compute Virtual Temperatures
c ----------------------------
      do L = 1,Lm
      do j = 1,jm
      do i = 1,im
      tv(i,j,L) = tz(i,j,L)*pkz(i,j,L)*(1.+.609*qz(i,j,L))

      do L = 1,Lm
      do j = 1,jm
      do i = 1,im
       dragu(i,j,L) = 0.
       dragv(i,j,L) = 0.
       dragt(i,j,L) = 0.

c Call Gravity Wave Drag Paramterization on A-Grid
c ------------------------------------------------

      do n=1,npcs

      call STRIPIT ( phis_std,std,im*jm,im*jm,istrip,1,n )

      call STRIPIT ( pz,ps,im*jm,im*jm,istrip,1 ,n )
      call STRIPIT ( uz,us,im*jm,im*jm,istrip,Lm,n )
      call STRIPIT ( vz,vs,im*jm,im*jm,istrip,Lm,n )
      call STRIPIT ( tv,ts,im*jm,im*jm,istrip,Lm,n )
      call STRIPIT ( pl,plstr,im*jm,im*jm,istrip,Lm,n )
      call STRIPIT ( ple,plestr,im*jm,im*jm,istrip,Lm+1,n )
      call STRIPIT ( dpres,dpresstr,im*jm,im*jm,istrip,Lm,n )
      call STRIPITINT ( nthin,nthinstr,im*jm,im*jm,istrip,1,n )
      call STRIPITINT ( nbase,nbasestr,im*jm,im*jm,istrip,1,n )

      call GWDD ( ps,us,vs,ts,
     .            dragus,dragvs,dragxs,dragys,std,
     .            plstr,plestr,dpresstr,grav,rgas,cp,
     .            istrip,Lm,nthinstr,nbasestr,lstar )

      call PASTIT( dragus,dragu,istrip,im*jm,im*jm,Lm,n )
      call PASTIT( dragvs,dragv,istrip,im*jm,im*jm,Lm,n )
      call PASTIT( dragxs,dragx,istrip,im*jm,im*jm,1 ,n )
      call PASTIT( dragys,dragy,istrip,im*jm,im*jm,1 ,n )


c Add Gravity-Wave Drag to Wind and Theta Tendencies
c -------------------------------------------------- 
      do L = 1,Lm
      do j = 1,jm
      do i = 1,im
         dragu(i,j,L) = sign( min(0.006 _d 0,abs(dragu(i,j,L))), dragu(i
     $        ,j,L) ) 
         dragv(i,j,L) = sign( min(0.006 _d 0,abs(dragv(i,j,L))), dragv(i
     $        ,j,L) ) 
      dragt(i,j,L) = -( uz(i,j,L)*dragu(i,j,L)+vz(i,j,L)*dragv(i,j,L) )
     .                                                         *cpinv
       dudt(i,j,L) = dudt(i,j,L) + dragu(i,j,L)
       dvdt(i,j,L) = dvdt(i,j,L) + dragv(i,j,L)
       dtdt(i,j,L) = dtdt(i,j,L) + dragt(i,j,L)*pz(i,j)/pkz(i,j,L)

c Compute Diagnostics
c -------------------
      do L = 1,Lm

      if(diagnostics_is_on('GWDU    ',myid) ) then
       do j=1,jm
       do i=1,im
        tmpdiag(i,j) = dragu(i,j,L)*86400
       call DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(tmpdiag,'GWDU    ',L,1,3,bi,bj,myid)

      if(diagnostics_is_on('GWDV    ',myid) ) then
       do j=1,jm
       do i=1,im
        tmpdiag(i,j) = dragv(i,j,L)*86400
       call DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(tmpdiag,'GWDV    ',L,1,3,bi,bj,myid)

      if(diagnostics_is_on('GWDT    ',myid) ) then
       do j=1,jm
       do i=1,im
        tmpdiag(i,j) = dragt(i,j,L)*86400
       call DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(tmpdiag,'GWDT    ',L,1,3,bi,bj,myid)


c Gravity Wave Drag at Surface (U-Wind)
c -------------------------------------
      if(diagnostics_is_on('GWDUS   ',myid) ) then
       call DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(dragx,'GWDUS   ',0,1,3,bi,bj,myid)

c Gravity Wave Drag at Surface (V-Wind)
c -------------------------------------
      if(diagnostics_is_on('GWDVS   ',myid) ) then
       call DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(dragy,'GWDVS   ',0,1,3,bi,bj,myid)

c Gravity Wave Drag at Model Top (U-Wind)
c ---------------------------------------
      if(diagnostics_is_on('GWDUT   ',myid) ) then
      do j = 1,jm
      do i = 1,im
      sumu(i,j) = 0.0
      do L = 1,Lm
      do j = 1,jm
      do i = 1,im
      sumu(i,j) = sumu(i,j) + dragu(i,j,L)*dpres(i,j,L)/pz(i,j)
       do j=1,jm
       do i=1,im
        tmpdiag(i,j) = dragx(i,j) + sumu(i,j)*pz(i,j)/grav*100
       call DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(tmpdiag,'GWDUT   ',0,1,3,bi,bj,myid)

c Gravity Wave Drag at Model Top (V-Wind)
c ---------------------------------------
      if(diagnostics_is_on('GWDVT   ',myid) ) then
      do j = 1,jm
      do i = 1,im
      sumu(i,j) = 0.0
      do L = 1,Lm
      do j = 1,jm
      do i = 1,im
      sumu(i,j) = sumu(i,j) + dragv(i,j,L)*dpres(i,j,L)/pz(i,j)
       do j=1,jm
       do i=1,im
        tmpdiag(i,j) = dragy(i,j) + sumu(i,j)*pz(i,j)/grav*100
       call DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(tmpdiag,'GWDVT   ',0,1,3,bi,bj,myid)


SUBROUTINE GWDD ( ps,u,v,t,dudt,dvdt,xdrag,ydrag, . std,pl,ple,dpres, . grav,rgas,cp,irun,Lm,nthin,nbase,lstar ) C*********************************************************************** C C Description: C ============ C Parameterization to introduce a Gravity Wave Drag C due to sub-grid scale orographic forcing C C Input: C ====== C ps ......... Surface Pressure C u .......... Zonal Wind (m/sec) C v .......... Meridional Wind (m/sec) C t .......... Virtual Temperature (deg K) C std ........ Standard Deviation of sub-grid Orography (m) C ple ....... Model pressure Edge Values C pl ........ Model pressure Values C dpres....... Model Delta pressure Values C grav ....... Gravitational constant (m/sec**2) C rgas ....... Gas constant C cp ......... Specific Heat at constant pressure C irun ....... Number of grid-points in horizontal dimension C Lm ......... Number of grid-points in vertical dimension C lstar ...... Monochromatic Wavelength/(2*pi) C C Output: C ======= C dudt ....... Zonal Acceleration due to GW Drag (m/sec**2) C dvdt ....... Meridional Acceleration due to GW Drag (m/sec**2) C xdrag ...... Zonal Surface and Base Layer Stress (Pa) C ydrag ...... Meridional Surface and Base Layer Stress (Pa) C C NOTE: Quantities computed locally in GWDD use a C bottom-up counting of levels C The fizhi code uses a top-down so all C Quantities that came in through the arg list C must use reverse vertical indexing!!! C*********************************************************************** implicit none c Input Variables c --------------- integer irun,Lm _RL ps(irun) _RL u(irun,Lm), v(irun,Lm), t(irun,Lm) _RL dudt(irun,Lm), dvdt(irun,Lm) _RL xdrag(irun), ydrag(irun) _RL std(irun) _RL ple(irun,Lm+1), pl(irun,Lm), dpres(irun,Lm) _RL grav, rgas, cp integer nthin(irun),nbase(irun) _RL lstar c Dynamic Allocation Variables c ---------------------------- _RL ubar(irun), vbar(irun), robar(irun) _RL speed(irun), ang(irun) _RL bv(irun,Lm) _RL nbar(irun) _RL XTENS(irun,Lm+1), YTENS(irun,Lm+1) _RL TENSIO(irun,Lm+1) _RL DRAGSF(irun) _RL RO(irun,Lm), DZ(irun,Lm) integer icrilv(irun) c Local Variables c --------------- integer i,L _RL a,g,agrav,akwnmb _RL gocp,roave,roiave,frsf,gstar,vai1,vai2 _RL vaisd,velco,deluu,delvv,delve2,delz,vsqua _RL richsn,crifro,crif2,fro2,coef c Initialization c -------------- a = 1.0 g = 1.0 agrav = 1.0/grav akwnmb = 1.0/lstar gocp = grav/cp c Compute Atmospheric Density (with virtual temp) c ----------------------------------------------- do l = 1,Lm do i = 1,irun ro(i,L) = pl(i,Lm+1-L)/(rgas*t(i,Lm+1-L)) enddo enddo c Compute Layer Thicknesses c ------------------------- do l = 2,Lm do i = 1,irun roiave = ( 1./ro(i,L-1) + 1./ro(i,L) )*0.5 dz(i,L) = agrav*roiave*( pl(i,Lm+2-L)-pl(i,Lm+1-L) ) enddo enddo c*********************************************************************** c Surface and Base Layer Stress * c*********************************************************************** c Definition of Surface Wind Vector c --------------------------------- do i = 1,irun robar(i) = 0.0 ubar(i) = 0.0 vbar(i) = 0.0 enddo do i = 1,irun do L = 1,nbase(i)-1 robar(i) = robar(i) + ro(i,L) * (ple(i,Lm+2-L)-ple(i,Lm+1-L)) ubar(i) = ubar(i) + u(i,Lm+1-L) * (ple(i,Lm+2-L)-ple(i,Lm+1-L)) vbar(i) = vbar(i) + v(i,Lm+1-L) * (ple(i,Lm+2-L)-ple(i,Lm+1-L)) enddo enddo do i = 1,irun robar(i) = robar(i)/(ps(i)-ple(i,Lm+1-(nbase(i)-1))) * 100.0 ubar(i) = ubar(i)/(ps(i)-ple(i,Lm+1-(nbase(i)-1))) vbar(i) = vbar(i)/(ps(i)-ple(i,Lm+1-(nbase(i)-1))) speed(i) = sqrt( ubar(i)*ubar(i) + vbar(i)*vbar(i) ) ang(i) = atan2(vbar(i),ubar(i)) enddo c Brunt Vaisala Frequency c ----------------------- do i = 1,irun do l = 2,nbase(i) vai1 = (t(i,Lm+1-L)-t(i,Lm+2-L))/dz(i,L)+gocp if( vai1.LT.0.0 ) then vai1 = 0.0 endif vai2 = 2.0*grav/( t(i,Lm+1-L)+t(i,Lm+2-L) ) vsqua = vai1*vai2 bv(i,L) = sqrt(vsqua) enddo enddo c Stress at the Surface Level c --------------------------- do i = 1,irun nbar(i) = 0.0 enddo do i = 1,irun do l = 2,nbase(i) nbar(i) = nbar(i) + bv(i,L)*(pl(i,Lm+2-L)-pl(i,Lm+1-L)) enddo enddo do i = 1,irun nbar(i) = nbar(i)/(pl(i,Lm)-pl(i,Lm+1-nbase(i))) frsf = nbar(i)*std(i)/speed(i) if( speed(i).eq.0.0 .or. nbar(i).eq.0.0 ) then tensio(i,1) = 0.0 else gstar = g*frsf*frsf/(frsf*frsf+a*a) tensio(i,1) = gstar*(robar(i)*speed(i)*speed(i)*speed(i)) . / (nbar(i)*lstar) endif xtens(i,1) = tensio(i,1) * cos(ang(i)) ytens(i,1) = tensio(i,1) * sin(ang(i)) dragsf(i) = tensio(i,1) xdrag(i) = xtens(i,1) ydrag(i) = ytens(i,1) enddo c Check for Very thin lowest layer c -------------------------------- do i = 1,irun if( nthin(i).gt.1 ) then do l = 1,nthin(i) tensio(i,L) = tensio(i,1) xtens(i,L) = xtens(i,1) ytens(i,L) = ytens(i,1) enddo endif enddo c****************************************************** c Compute Gravity Wave Stress from NTHIN+1 to NBASE * c****************************************************** do i = 1,irun do l = nthin(i)+1,nbase(i) velco = 0.5*( (u(i,Lm+1-L)*ubar(i) + v(i,Lm+1-L)*vbar(i)) . + (u(i,Lm+2-L)*ubar(i) + v(i,Lm+2-L)*vbar(i)) ) . / speed(i) C Convert to Newton/m**2 roave = 0.5*(ro(i,L-1)+ro(i,L)) * 100.0 if( velco.le.0.0 ) then tensio(i,L) = tensio(i,L-1) goto 1500 endif c Froude number squared c --------------------- fro2 = bv(i,L)/(akwnmb*roave*velco*velco*velco)*tensio(i,L-1) deluu = u(i,Lm+1-L)-u(i,Lm+2-L) delvv = v(i,Lm+1-L)-v(i,Lm+2-L) delve2 = ( deluu*deluu + delvv*delvv ) c Compute Richarson Number c ------------------------ if( delve2.ne.0.0 ) then delz = dz(i,L) vsqua = bv(i,L)*bv(i,L) richsn = delz*delz*vsqua/delve2 else richsn = 99999.0 endif if( richsn.le.0.25 ) then tensio(i,L) = tensio(i,L-1) goto 1500 endif c Stress in the Base Layer changes if the local Froude number c exceeds the Critical Froude number c ---------------------------------- crifro = 1.0 - 0.25/richsn crif2 = crifro*crifro if( l.eq.2 ) crif2 = min(0.7 _d 0,crif2) if( fro2.gt.crif2 ) then tensio(i,L) = crif2/fro2*tensio(i,L-1) else tensio(i,L) = tensio(i,L-1) endif 1500 continue xtens(i,L) = tensio(i,L)*cos(ang(i)) ytens(i,L) = tensio(i,L)*sin(ang(i)) enddo enddo c****************************************************** c Compute Gravity Wave Stress from Base+1 to Top * c****************************************************** do i = 1,irun icrilv(i) = 0 enddo do i = 1,irun do l = nbase(i)+1,Lm+1 tensio(i,L) = 0.0 c Check for Critical Level Absorption c ----------------------------------- if( icrilv(i).eq.1 ) goto 130 c Let Remaining Stress escape out the top edge of model c ----------------------------------------------------- if( l.eq.Lm+1 ) then tensio(i,L) = tensio(i,L-1) goto 130 endif roave = 0.5*(ro(i,L-1)+ro(i,L)) * 100.0 vai1 = (t(i,Lm+1-L)-t(i,Lm+2-L))/dz(i,L)+gocp if( vai1.lt.0.0 ) then icrilv(i) = 1 tensio(i,L) = 0.0 goto 130 endif vai2 = 2.0*grav/(t(i,Lm+1-L)+t(i,Lm+2-L)) vsqua = vai1*vai2 vaisd = sqrt(vsqua) velco = 0.5*( (u(i,Lm+1-L)*ubar(i) + v(i,Lm+1-L)*vbar(i)) . + (u(i,Lm+2-L)*ubar(i) + v(i,Lm+2-L)*vbar(i)) ) . / speed(i) if( velco.lt.0.0 ) then icrilv(i) = 1 tensio(i,L) = 0.0 goto 130 endif c Froude number squared c --------------------- fro2 = vaisd/(akwnmb*roave*velco*velco*velco)*tensio(i,L-1) deluu = u(i,Lm+1-L)-u(i,Lm+2-L) delvv = v(i,Lm+1-L)-v(i,Lm+2-L) delve2 = ( deluu*deluu + delvv*delvv ) c Compute Richarson Number c ------------------------ if( delve2.ne.0.0 ) then delz = dz(i,L) richsn = delz*delz*vsqua/delve2 else richsn = 99999.0 endif if( richsn.le.0.25 ) then tensio(i,L) = 0.0 icrilv(i) = 1 goto 130 endif c Stress in Layer changes if the local Froude number c exceeds the Critical Froude number c ---------------------------------- crifro = 1.0 - 0.25/richsn crif2 = crifro*crifro if( fro2.ge.crif2 ) then tensio(i,L) = crif2/fro2*tensio(i,L-1) else tensio(i,L) = tensio(i,L-1) endif 130 continue xtens(i,L) = tensio(i,L)*cos(ang(i)) ytens(i,L) = tensio(i,L)*sin(ang(i)) enddo enddo C ****************************************************** C MOMENTUM CHANGE FOR FREE ATMOSPHERE * C ****************************************************** do i = 1,irun do l = nthin(i)+1,Lm coef = -grav*ps(i)/dpres(i,Lm+1-L) dudt(i,Lm+1-L) = coef*(xtens(i,L+1)-xtens(i,L)) dvdt(i,Lm+1-L) = coef*(ytens(i,L+1)-ytens(i,L)) enddo enddo c Momentum change near the surface c -------------------------------- do i = 1,irun coef = grav*ps(i)/(ple(i,Lm+1-nthin(i))-ple(i,Lm+1)) dudt(i,Lm) = coef*(xtens(i,nthin(i)+1)-xtens(i,1)) dvdt(i,Lm) = coef*(ytens(i,nthin(i)+1)-ytens(i,1)) enddo c If Lowest layer is very thin, it is strapped to next layer c ---------------------------------------------------------- do i = 1,irun if( nthin(i).gt.1 ) then do l = 2,nthin(i) dudt(i,Lm+1-L) = dudt(i,Lm) dvdt(i,Lm+1-L) = dvdt(i,Lm) enddo endif enddo c Convert Units to (m/sec**2) c --------------------------- do l = 1,Lm do i = 1,irun dudt(i,L) = - dudt(i,L)/ps(i)*0.01 dvdt(i,L) = - dvdt(i,L)/ps(i)*0.01 enddo enddo return end