C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/flt/FLT.h,v 1.8 2012/09/12 22:03:00 dfer Exp $
C $Name:  $

C     ==================================================================
C     HEADER flt
C     ==================================================================
C     o This header file contains variables that are used by the
C       flt package.
C     ==================================================================
C     HEADER flt
C     ==================================================================

C== Constant ==

C     flt_surf    :: "surface" level of the floats.
C                    Can be deeper than 1, e.g. IF no mixed layer model is used
C     flt_nan     :: qualifier for a float that is not yet released or that died
      _RL flt_surf
      _RL flt_nan
      PARAMETER (flt_surf = 1.)
      PARAMETER (flt_nan = -999.)

C     Full domain extension:
C     flt_xLo     :: Full domain lower X boundary
C     flt_xHi     :: Full domain upper X boundary
C     flt_yLo     :: Full domain lower Y boundary
C     flt_yHi     :: Full domain upper Y boundary

      _RL    flt_xLo, flt_xHi, flt_yLo, flt_yHi
     &       flt_xLo, flt_xHi, flt_yLo, flt_yHi

C== Parameters ==

C     flt_noise   :: range of noise added to the velocity component
C                    (randomly). The noise can be added or subtracted,
C                    the range is +/- flt_noise/2
C    flt_deltaT   :: time-step to step forward floats (in flt_runga2.F)
C                    default is deltaTClock
C    flt_int_traj :: period between storing model state at float position, in s
C    flt_int_prof :: period between float vertical profiles, in s
C    FLT_Iter0    :: timestep number when float are initialized
C    note:  flt_int_prof is the time between getting profiles, not the
C           the return  cycle of the float to the surface. The latter can
C           be specified individually for every float. Because the mechanism
C           for returning to the surface is called in the profiling routine
C           flt_int_prof has to be the minimum of all iup(max_npart).
C           The subsampling of profiles can be done later in the analysis.

      _RL flt_noise, flt_deltaT
      _RL flt_int_traj, flt_int_prof
      INTEGER FLT_Iter0
     &       flt_noise, flt_deltaT,
     &       flt_int_traj, flt_int_prof,
     &       FLT_Iter0

C  flt_selectTrajOutp :: select which var. to output along trajectories
C  flt_selectProfOutp :: select which var. to output along profiles
C                        =0 : none ; =1 : position only ; =2 : +p,u,v,t,s
      INTEGER flt_selectTrajOutp
      INTEGER flt_selectProfOutp
     &       flt_selectTrajOutp, flt_selectProfOutp

C     flt_file    :: name of the file containing the initial positions.
C                    At initialization the program first looks for a
C                    global file flt_file.data. If that is not found it
C                    looks for tiled files flt_file.iG.jG.data.
      CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) flt_file
      COMMON / FLT_PARAM_C / flt_file

C     mapIniPos2Index :: convert float initial position to (local) index map
      LOGICAL mapIniPos2Index
      COMMON / FLT_PARAM_L / mapIniPos2Index

C== Float State ==

C     npart_tile  :: actual number of floats per tile
      INTEGER npart_tile(nSx,nSy)
      COMMON / FLT_STATE_I / npart_tile

C     max_npart   :: total number of floats
C                    (this is read from the input files)
      _RL   max_npart
      COMMON / FLT_STATE_R / max_npart

C     npart       :: float identifier
C     tstart      :: start date of integration of float, in s.
C                    Note: If tstart=-1 floats are integrated right from the
C                          beginning
C     tend        :: end date of integration of float, in s.
C                    Note: If tend=-1 floats are integrated till the end of
C                          integration
C     ipart       :: horiz. position of float : 1rst decimal (local) index
C     jpart       :: horiz. position of float :  2nd decimal (local) index
C     kpart       :: vertical level of float (decimal number in case of 3D float)
C     kfloat      :: target depth of float.
C     iup         :: type of float :
C                  o should profile   ( >  0 = return  cycle, in s, to surface)
C                  o remain at depth  ( =  0 )
C                  o is a 3D float    ( = -1 )
C                  o should be advected without additional noise ( = -2 ).
C                    This implies that the float is non-profiling
C                  o is a mooring     ( = -3 ), i.e. the float is not advected
C     itop        :: time of float the surface, in s
      _RL     npart(max_npart_tile,nSx,nSy)
      _RL    tstart(max_npart_tile,nSx,nSy)
      _RL      tend(max_npart_tile,nSx,nSy)
      _RL     ipart(max_npart_tile,nSx,nSy)
      _RL     jpart(max_npart_tile,nSx,nSy)
      _RL     kpart(max_npart_tile,nSx,nSy)
      _RL    kfloat(max_npart_tile,nSx,nSy)
      _RL       iup(max_npart_tile,nSx,nSy)
      _RL      itop(max_npart_tile,nSx,nSy)

     &       npart, tstart, tend,
     &       ipart, jpart, kpart,
     &       kfloat, iup, itop
