C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/grdchk/grdchk_get_position.F,v 1.11 2014/10/09 00:50:54 gforget Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "GRDCHK_OPTIONS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_CTRL # include "CTRL_OPTIONS.h" #endif subroutine GRDCHK_GET_POSITION( mythid ) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE grdchk_loc c ================================================================== c c o Get the location of a given component of the control vector for c the current process. c c started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 04-Apr-2000 c continued: heimbach@mit.edu: 13-Jun-2001 c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE grdchk_loc c ================================================================== implicit none c == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #include "GRID.h" #ifdef ALLOW_SHELFICE # include "SHELFICE.h" #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS # include "OBCS_GRID.h" #endif #include "ctrl.h" #include "CTRL_OBCS.h" #include "grdchk.h" c == routine arguments == integer icvrec integer jtile integer itile integer layer integer obcspos integer itilepos integer jtilepos integer itest integer ierr integer mythid #ifdef ALLOW_GRDCHK c == local variables == integer iG,jG integer bi,bj integer i,j,k integer iobcs c integer biwrk,bjwrk integer iproc, jproc integer iwrk, jwrk, kwrk integer iobcswrk integer irec, irecwrk integer itlo,ithi integer jtlo,jthi integer jmin,jmax integer imin,imax integer icomptest integer nobcsmax integer pastit _RL wetlocal logical ltmp c == end of interface == jtlo = 1 jthi = nsy itlo = 1 ithi = nsx jmin = 1 jmax = sny imin = 1 imax = snx itile = iLocTile jtile = jLocTile itilepos = iGloPos jtilepos = jGloPos layer = kGloPos obcspos = obcsglo icvrec = recglo _BEGIN_MASTER( mythid ) c-- determine proc. number from following assumptions <= done in grdchk_readparms if ( myProcId .EQ. grdchkwhichproc ) then c initialise parameters ierr = -5 pastit = -1 wetlocal = 0 itest = 0 icomptest = 0 irecwrk = 1 c bjwrk = 1 c biwrk = 1 kwrk = 1 iobcswrk = 1 jwrk = 1 iwrk = 1 c-- set max loop index for obcs multiplicities if ( ncvargrd(grdchkvarindex) .eq. 'm' ) then nobcsmax = nobcs else nobcsmax = 1 endif c-- Start to loop over records. do irec = irecwrk, ncvarrecs(grdchkvarindex) iobcs = MOD((irec-1),nobcsmax) + 1 c do bj = bjwrk, jthi c do bi = biwrk, ithi bi = itile bj = jtile do k = kwrk, ncvarnrmax(grdchkvarindex) cph( cph-print print *, 'ph-grd get_pos irec, bj, bi, k ', cph-print & irec, bj, bi, k cph) if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then icvrec = irec do j = jwrk, ncvarymax(grdchkvarindex) do i = iwrk, ncvarxmax(grdchkvarindex) if (ierr .ne. 0) then if ( ncvargrd(grdchkvarindex) .eq. 'c' ) then if ( maskC(i,j,k,bi,bj) .gt. 0.) then icomptest = icomptest + 1 endif wetlocal = maskC(i,j,k,bi,bj) else if ( ncvargrd(grdchkvarindex) .eq. 's' ) then if ( _maskS(i,j,k,bi,bj) .gt. 0.) then icomptest = icomptest + 1 endif wetlocal = _maskS(i,j,k,bi,bj) else if ( ncvargrd(grdchkvarindex) .eq. 'w' ) then if ( _maskW(i,j,k,bi,bj) .gt. 0.) then icomptest = icomptest + 1 endif wetlocal = _maskW(i,j,k,bi,bj) #ifdef ALLOW_SHIFWFLX_CONTROL c-- Ice shelf mask. else if ( ncvargrd(grdchkvarindex) .eq. 'i' ) then if ( maskSHI(i,j,k,bi,bj) .gt. 0.) then icomptest = icomptest + 1 endif wetlocal = maskSHI(i,j,k,bi,bj) #endif /* ALLOW_SHIFWFLX_CONTROL */ else if ( ncvargrd(grdchkvarindex) .eq. 'm' ) then if ( grdchkvarindex .EQ. 11 ) then #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSN_CONTROL if (grdchk_maskxz(i,k,bi,bj,iobcs) .gt. 0. & .and. j.eq. OB_Jn(I,bi,bj) ) then icomptest = icomptest + 1 endif wetlocal = grdchk_maskxz(i,k,bi,bj,iobcs) #endif else if ( grdchkvarindex .EQ. 12 ) then #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSS_CONTROL if (grdchk_maskxz(i,k,bi,bj,iobcs) .gt. 0. & .and. j.eq. OB_Js(I,bi,bj) ) then icomptest = icomptest + 1 endif wetlocal = grdchk_maskxz(i,k,bi,bj,iobcs) #endif else if ( grdchkvarindex .EQ. 13 ) then #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSW_CONTROL if ( grdchk_maskyz(j,k,bi,bj,iobcs) .gt. 0. & .and. i.eq. OB_Iw(J,bi,bj) ) then icomptest = icomptest + 1 endif wetlocal = grdchk_maskyz(j,k,bi,bj,iobcs) #endif else if ( grdchkvarindex .EQ. 14 ) then #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSE_CONTROL if (grdchk_maskyz(j,k,bi,bj,iobcs) .gt. 0. & .and. i.eq. OB_Ie(J,bi,bj) ) then icomptest = icomptest + 1 endif wetlocal = grdchk_maskyz(j,k,bi,bj,iobcs) #endif endif endif c if ( i .EQ. itilepos .AND. & j .EQ. jtilepos .AND. & k .EQ. layer .AND. & bi .EQ. itile .AND. & bj .EQ. jtile .AND. & iobcs .EQ. obcspos .AND. & irec .EQ. icvrec ) then pastit = 0 if ( wetlocal .NE.0 ) then nbeg = icomptest nend = nbeg + nend ierr = 0 print '(a,6I5)', & ' grad-res exact position met: ' print '(a,7I5)', & ' grad-res ', grdchkwhichproc, & nbeg, itilepos, jtilepos, layer, & itile, jtile goto 1234 endif else if ( pastit .EQ. 0 .AND. & wetlocal .NE.0 ) then nbeg = icomptest nend = nbeg + nend ierr = 0 print '(a,6I5)', & ' grad-res closest next position: ' print '(a,7I5)', & ' grad-res ', grdchkwhichproc, & nbeg, itilepos, jtilepos, layer, & itile, jtile goto 1234 endif c endif enddo iwrk = 1 enddo jwrk = 1 else if (ierr .NE. 0) then itest = itest + nwettile(bi,bj,k,iobcs) iwrk = 1 jwrk = 1 endif c-- End of loop over k enddo kwrk = 1 c-- End of loop over bi c enddo c biwrk = 1 c-- End of loop over bj c enddo c bjwrk = 1 c-- End of loop over iobcs cph enddo cph iobcswrk = 1 c-- End of loop over irec records. enddo c-- End of if myProcId statement endif 1234 continue _END_MASTER( mythid ) _BARRIER #endif /* ALLOW_GRDCHK */ return end