C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/eesupp/inc/MAIN_PDIRECTIVES1.h,v 1.7 2005/11/07 18:16:08 cnh Exp $ C $Name: $ CBOP C !ROUTINE: MAIN_PDIRECTIVES1.h C !INTERFACE: C include "MAIN_PDIRECTIVES1.h" C !DESCRIPTION: C *==========================================================* C | MAIN\_PDIRECTIVES1.h C *==========================================================* C | Parallel directives to generate multithreaded code for C | various different compilers. The master preprocessor C | file CPP\_OPTIONS is used to select which of these C | options is included in the code. C *==========================================================* CEOP #ifdef USE_SOLARIS_THREADING C-- C-- Parallel directives for SUN/Pro compiler. C-- C Parallel compiler directives for Solaris C$PAR DOALL C$PAR& SHARED(nThreads) C$PAR& ,PRIVATE(myThid) C$PAR& ,SCHEDTYPE(SELF(1)) C #endif #define USE_KAP_THREADING #ifdef USE_KAP_THREADING C-- C-- Parallel directives for Kuck and Associates compiler. C-- This is used to generate multi-threaded code on Digital C-- systems. It can also be used under NT. C-- C Parallel compiler directives for Digital with kap compiler. C*KAP* PARALLEL REGION C*KAP*& SHARED(nThreads,eeBootError,threadIsComplete) C*KAP*& LOCAL(myThid,I) C*KAP* PARALLEL DO C*KAP*& BLOCKED(1) C #endif #ifdef USE_IRIX_THREADING C-- C-- Parallel directives for MIPS Pro Fortran compiler C-- C Parallel compiler directives for SGI with IRIX C$PAR PARALLEL DO C$PAR& CHUNK=1,MP_SCHEDTYPE=INTERLEAVE, C$PAR& SHARE(nThreads),LOCAL(myThid,I) C #endif #ifdef USE_EXEMPLAR_THREADING C-- C-- Parallel directives for HP Exemplar Fortran compiler C-- C Parallel compiler directives for HP Exemplar C$DIR loop_parallel C$DIR loop_private (I,myThid) #endif #ifdef USE_C90_THREADING C-- C-- Parallel directives for CRAY/SGI Fortan 90 compiler. C-- CMIC$ DO ALL PRIVATE (I, myThid ) SHARED(nThreads) CMIC$& SINGLE #endif #ifdef USE_OMP_THREADING C$OMP PARALLEL SHARED(nThreads), PRIVATE(I,myThid) #endif