C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/kpp/kpp_routines.F,v 1.57 2016/11/30 00:14:14 jmc Exp $
C $Name:  $

#include "KPP_OPTIONS.h"
# include "AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h"

C-- File kpp_routines.F: subroutines needed to implement
C--                      KPP vertical mixing scheme
C--  Contents
C--  o KPPMIX      - Main driver and interface routine.
C--  o BLDEPTH     - Determine oceanic planetary boundary layer depth.
C--  o WSCALE      - Compute turbulent velocity scales.
C--  o RI_IWMIX    - Compute interior viscosity diffusivity coefficients.
C--  o Z121        - Apply 121 vertical smoothing.
C--  o SMOOTH_HORIZ- Apply horizontal smoothing to global array.
C--  o BLMIX       - Boundary layer mixing coefficients.
C--  o ENHANCE     - Enhance diffusivity at boundary layer interface.
C--  o STATEKPP    - Compute buoyancy-related input arrays.
C--  o KPP_DOUBLEDIFF - Compute double diffusive contribution to diffusivities


     I       kmtj, shsq, dvsq, ustar, msk
     I     , bo, bosol
     I     , boplume,SPDepth
     I     , lon,lat
#endif /* ALLOW_SALT_PLUME */
     I     , dbloc, Ritop, coriol
     I     , diffusKzS, diffusKzT
     I     , ikppkey
     O     , diffus
     U     , ghat
     O     , hbl
     I     , bi, bj, myTime, myIter, myThid )

c     Main driver subroutine for kpp vertical mixing scheme and
c     interface to greater ocean model
c     written  by: bill large,    june  6, 1994
c     modified by: jan morzel,    june 30, 1994
c                  bill large,  august 11, 1994
c                  bill large, january 25, 1995 : "dVsq" and 1d code
c                  detlef stammer,  august 1997 : for use with MIT GCM Classic
c                  d. menemenlis,     june 1998 : for use with MIT GCM UV


#include "SIZE.h"
#include "EEPARAMS.h"
#include "PARAMS.h"
#include "KPP_PARAMS.h"
# include "tamc.h"

c input
c   bi, bj :: Array indices on which to apply calculations
c   myTime :: Current time in simulation
c   myIter :: Current iteration number in simulation
c   myThid :: My Thread Id. number
c     kmtj   (imt)     - number of vertical layers on this row
c     msk    (imt)     - surface mask (=1 if water, =0 otherwise)
c     shsq   (imt,Nr)  - (local velocity shear)^2                     ((m/s)^2)
c     dvsq   (imt,Nr)  - (velocity shear re sfc)^2                    ((m/s)^2)
c     ustar  (imt)     - surface friction velocity                        (m/s)
c     bo     (imt)     - surface turbulent buoy. forcing              (m^2/s^3)
c     bosol  (imt)     - radiative buoyancy forcing                   (m^2/s^3)
c     boplume(imt,Nrp1)- haline buoyancy forcing                      (m^2/s^3)
c     dbloc  (imt,Nr)  - local delta buoyancy across interfaces         (m/s^2)
c     dblocSm(imt,Nr)  - horizontally smoothed dbloc                    (m/s^2)
c                          stored in ghat to save space
c     Ritop  (imt,Nr)  - numerator of bulk Richardson Number
c                          (zref-z) * delta buoyancy w.r.t. surface   ((m/s)^2)
c     coriol (imt)     - Coriolis parameter                               (1/s)
c     diffusKzS(imt,Nr)- background vertical diffusivity for scalars    (m^2/s)
c     diffusKzT(imt,Nr)- background vertical diffusivity for theta      (m^2/s)
c     note: there is a conversion from 2-D to 1-D for input output variables,
c           e.g., hbl(sNx,sNy) -> hbl(imt),
c           where hbl(i,j) -> hbl((j-1)*sNx+i)
      INTEGER bi, bj
      _RL     myTime
      integer myIter
      integer myThid
      integer kmtj (imt   )
      _RL shsq     (imt,Nr)
      _RL dvsq     (imt,Nr)
      _RL ustar    (imt   )
      _RL bo       (imt   )
      _RL bosol    (imt   )
      _RL boplume  (imt,Nrp1)
      _RL SPDepth  (imt   )
      _RL lon  (imt   )
      _RL lat  (imt   )
#endif /* ALLOW_SALT_PLUME */
      _RL dbloc    (imt,Nr)
      _RL Ritop    (imt,Nr)
      _RL coriol   (imt   )
      _RS msk      (imt   )
      _RL diffusKzS(imt,Nr)
      _RL diffusKzT(imt,Nr)

      integer ikppkey

c output
c     diffus (imt,1)  - vertical viscosity coefficient                  (m^2/s)
c     diffus (imt,2)  - vertical scalar diffusivity                     (m^2/s)
c     diffus (imt,3)  - vertical temperature diffusivity                (m^2/s)
c     ghat   (imt)    - nonlocal transport coefficient                  (s/m^2)
c     hbl    (imt)    - mixing layer depth                                  (m)

      _RL diffus(imt,0:Nrp1,mdiff)
      _RL ghat  (imt,Nr)
      _RL hbl   (imt)

#ifdef ALLOW_KPP

c local
c     kbl    (imt         ) - index of first grid level below hbl
c     bfsfc  (imt         ) - surface buoyancy forcing                (m^2/s^3)
c     casea  (imt         ) - 1 in case A; 0 in case B
c     stable (imt         ) - 1 in stable forcing; 0 if unstable
c     dkm1   (imt,   mdiff) - boundary layer diffusivity at kbl-1 level
c     blmc   (imt,Nr,mdiff) - boundary layer mixing coefficients
c     sigma  (imt         ) - normalized depth (d / hbl)
c     Rib    (imt,Nr      ) - bulk Richardson number

      integer kbl(imt         )
      _RL bfsfc  (imt         )
      _RL casea  (imt         )
      _RL stable (imt         )
      _RL dkm1   (imt,   mdiff)
      _RL blmc   (imt,Nr,mdiff)
      _RL sigma  (imt         )
      _RL Rib    (imt,Nr      )

      integer i, k, md

c compute interior mixing coefficients everywhere, due to constant
c internal wave activity, static instability, and local shear
c instability.
c (ghat is temporary storage for horizontally smoothed dbloc)

cph these storings avoid recomp. of Ri_iwmix
CADJ STORE ghat  = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte
CADJ STORE dbloc = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte
      call RI_IWMIX (
     I       kmtj, shsq, dbloc, ghat
     I     , diffusKzS, diffusKzT
     I     , ikppkey
     O     , diffus, myThid )

cph these storings avoid recomp. of Ri_iwmix
cph DESPITE TAFs 'not necessary' warning!
CADJ STORE dbloc  = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte
CADJ STORE shsq   = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte
CADJ STORE ghat   = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte
CADJ STORE diffus = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte

c set seafloor values to zero and fill extra "Nrp1" coefficients
c for blmix

      do md = 1, mdiff
       do k=1,Nrp1
         do i = 1,imt
             if(k.ge.kmtj(i))  diffus(i,k,md) = 0.0

do end

do end

do c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c compute boundary layer mixing coefficients: c c diagnose the new boundary layer depth c----------------------------------------------------------------------- call BLDEPTH ( I kmtj I , dvsq, dbloc, Ritop, ustar, bo, bosol #ifdef ALLOW_SALT_PLUME I , boplume,SPDepth #ifdef SALT_PLUME_SPLIT_BASIN I , lon,lat #endif /* SALT_PLUME_SPLIT_BASIN */ #endif /* ALLOW_SALT_PLUME */ I , coriol I , ikppkey O , hbl, bfsfc, stable, casea, kbl, Rib, sigma I , bi, bj, myTime, myIter, myThid ) #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ STORE hbl,bfsfc,stable,casea,kbl = comlev1_kpp, CADJ & key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte #endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c compute boundary layer diffusivities c----------------------------------------------------------------------- call BLMIX ( I ustar, bfsfc, hbl, stable, casea, diffus, kbl O , dkm1, blmc, ghat, sigma, ikppkey I , myThid ) cph( #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ STORE dkm1,blmc,ghat = comlev1_kpp, CADJ & key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE hbl, kbl, diffus, casea = comlev1_kpp, CADJ & key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte #endif cph) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c enhance diffusivity at interface kbl - 1 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- call ENHANCE ( I dkm1, hbl, kbl, diffus, casea U , ghat O , blmc I , myThid ) cph( cph avoids recomp. of enhance #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ STORE blmc = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte #endif cph) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c combine interior and boundary layer coefficients and nonlocal term c !!!NOTE!!! In shallow (2-level) regions and for shallow mixed layers c (< 1 level), diffusivity blmc can become negative. The max-s below c are a hack until this problem is properly diagnosed and fixed. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k = 1, Nr do i = 1, imt if (k .lt. kbl(i)) then #ifdef ALLOW_SHELFICE C when there is shelfice on top (msk(i)=0), reset the boundary layer C mixing coefficients blmc to pure Ri-number based mixing blmc(i,k,1) = max ( blmc(i,k,1)*msk(i), & diffus(i,k,1) ) blmc(i,k,2) = max ( blmc(i,k,2)*msk(i), & diffus(i,k,2) ) blmc(i,k,3) = max ( blmc(i,k,3)*msk(i), & diffus(i,k,3) ) #endif /* not ALLOW_SHELFICE */ diffus(i,k,1) = max ( blmc(i,k,1), viscArNr(1) ) diffus(i,k,2) = max ( blmc(i,k,2), diffusKzS(i,Nr) ) diffus(i,k,3) = max ( blmc(i,k,3), diffusKzT(i,Nr) ) else ghat(i,k) = 0. _d 0 endif end

do end

do #endif /* ALLOW_KPP */ return end

c************************************************************************* subroutine BLDEPTH ( I kmtj I , dvsq, dbloc, Ritop, ustar, bo, bosol #ifdef ALLOW_SALT_PLUME I , boplume,SPDepth #ifdef SALT_PLUME_SPLIT_BASIN I , lon,lat #endif /* SALT_PLUME_SPLIT_BASIN */ #endif /* ALLOW_SALT_PLUME */ I , coriol I , ikppkey O , hbl, bfsfc, stable, casea, kbl, Rib, sigma I , bi, bj, myTime, myIter, myThid ) c the oceanic planetary boundary layer depth, hbl, is determined as c the shallowest depth where the bulk Richardson number is c equal to the critical value, Ricr. c c bulk Richardson numbers are evaluated by computing velocity and c buoyancy differences between values at zgrid(kl) < 0 and surface c reference values. c in this configuration, the reference values are equal to the c values in the surface layer. c when using a very fine vertical grid, these values should be c computed as the vertical average of velocity and buoyancy from c the surface down to epsilon*zgrid(kl). c c when the bulk Richardson number at k exceeds Ricr, hbl is c linearly interpolated between grid levels zgrid(k) and zgrid(k-1). c c The water column and the surface forcing are diagnosed for c stable/ustable forcing conditions, and where hbl is relative c to grid points (caseA), so that conditional branches can be c avoided in later subroutines. c IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "KPP_PARAMS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC # include "tamc.h" #endif c input c------ c bi, bj :: Array indices on which to apply calculations c myTime :: Current time in simulation c myIter :: Current iteration number in simulation c myThid :: My Thread Id. number c kmtj : number of vertical layers c dvsq : (velocity shear re sfc)^2 ((m/s)^2) c dbloc : local delta buoyancy across interfaces (m/s^2) c Ritop : numerator of bulk Richardson Number c =(z-zref)*dbsfc, where dbsfc=delta c buoyancy with respect to surface ((m/s)^2) c ustar : surface friction velocity (m/s) c bo : surface turbulent buoyancy forcing (m^2/s^3) c bosol : radiative buoyancy forcing (m^2/s^3) c boplume : haline buoyancy forcing (m^2/s^3) c coriol : Coriolis parameter (1/s) INTEGER bi, bj _RL myTime integer myIter integer myThid integer kmtj(imt) _RL dvsq (imt,Nr) _RL dbloc (imt,Nr) _RL Ritop (imt,Nr) _RL ustar (imt) _RL bo (imt) _RL bosol (imt) _RL coriol (imt) integer ikppkey #ifdef ALLOW_SALT_PLUME _RL boplume (imt,Nrp1) _RL SPDepth (imt) #ifdef SALT_PLUME_SPLIT_BASIN _RL lon (imt) _RL lat (imt) #endif /* SALT_PLUME_SPLIT_BASIN */ #endif /* ALLOW_SALT_PLUME */ c output c-------- c hbl : boundary layer depth (m) c bfsfc : Bo+radiation absorbed to d=hbf*hbl (m^2/s^3) c stable : =1 in stable forcing; =0 unstable c casea : =1 in case A, =0 in case B c kbl : -1 of first grid level below hbl c Rib : Bulk Richardson number c sigma : normalized depth (d/hbl) _RL hbl (imt) _RL bfsfc (imt) _RL stable (imt) _RL casea (imt) integer kbl(imt) _RL Rib (imt,Nr) _RL sigma (imt) #ifdef ALLOW_KPP c local c------- c wm, ws : turbulent velocity scales (m/s) _RL wm(imt), ws(imt) _RL worka(imt) _RL bvsq, vtsq, hekman, hmonob, hlimit, tempVar1, tempVar2 integer i, kl _RL p5 , eins parameter ( p5=0.5, eins=1.0 ) _RL minusone parameter ( minusone=-1.0 ) #ifdef SALT_PLUME_VOLUME integer km, km1 _RL temp #endif #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC integer kkppkey #endif #ifdef ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS c KPPBFSFC - Bo+radiation absorbed to d=hbf*hbl + plume (m^2/s^3) _RL KPPBFSFC(imt,Nr) _RL KPPRi(imt,Nr) #endif /* ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS */ c find bulk Richardson number at every grid level until > Ricr c c note: the reference depth is -epsilon/2.*zgrid(k), but the reference c u,v,t,s values are simply the surface layer values, c and not the averaged values from 0 to 2*ref.depth, c which is necessary for very fine grids(top layer < 2m thickness) c note: max values when Ricr never satisfied are c kbl(i)=kmtj(i) and hbl(i)=-zgrid(kmtj(i)) c initialize hbl and kbl to bottomed out values do i = 1, imt Rib(i,1) = 0. _d 0 if (kmtj(i).LT.1) kmtj(i) = 1 kbl(i) = kmtj(i) kl = kbl(i) hbl(i) = -zgrid(kl) end

do #ifdef ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS do kl = 1, Nr do i = 1, imt KPPBFSFC(i,kl) = 0. _d 0 KPPRi(i,kl) = 0. _d 0 enddo enddo #endif /* ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS */ do kl = 2, Nr #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC kkppkey = (ikppkey-1)*Nr + kl #endif c compute bfsfc = sw fraction at hbf * zgrid do i = 1, imt worka(i) = zgrid(kl) end

do #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store worka = comlev1_kpp_k, key = kkppkey, kind=isbyte #endif call SWFRAC( I imt, hbf, U worka, I myTime, myIter, myThid ) #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store worka = comlev1_kpp_k, key = kkppkey, kind=isbyte #endif do i = 1, imt c use caseA as temporary array casea(i) = -zgrid(kl) c compute bfsfc= Bo + radiative contribution down to hbf * hbl bfsfc(i) = bo(i) + bosol(i)*(1. - worka(i)) end

do #ifdef ALLOW_SALT_PLUME c compute bfsfc = plume fraction at hbf * zgrid IF ( useSALT_PLUME ) THEN #ifndef SALT_PLUME_VOLUME do i = 1, imt worka(i) = zgrid(kl) enddo Ccatn: in original way: accumulate all fractions of boplume above zgrid(kl) call SALT_PLUME_FRAC( I imt, hbf,SPDepth, #ifdef SALT_PLUME_SPLIT_BASIN I lon,lat, #endif /* SALT_PLUME_SPLIT_BASIN */ U worka, I myTime, myIter, myThid) do i = 1, imt bfsfc(i) = bfsfc(i) + boplume(i,1)*(worka(i)) C km=max(1,kbl(i)-1) C temp = (plumefrac(i,km)+plumefrac(i,kbl(i)))/2.0 C bfsfc(i) = bfsfc(i) + boplume(i,1)*temp enddo #else /* def SALT_PLUME_VOLUME */ catn: in vol way: need to integrate down to hbl, so first locate c k level associated with this hbl, then sum up all SPforc[T,S] DO i = 1, imt km =max(1,kbl(i)-1) km1=max(1,kbl(i)) temp = (boplume(i,km)+boplume(i,km1))*p5 bfsfc(i) = bfsfc(i) + temp ENDDO #endif /* ndef SALT_PLUME_VOLUME */ ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_SALT_PLUME */ #ifdef ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS do i = 1, imt KPPBFSFC(i,kl) = bfsfc(i) enddo #endif /* ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS */ do i = 1, imt stable(i) = p5 + sign(p5,bfsfc(i)) sigma(i) = stable(i) + (1. - stable(i)) * epsilon enddo c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c compute velocity scales at sigma, for hbl= caseA = -zgrid(kl) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- call WSCALE ( I sigma, casea, ustar, bfsfc, O wm, ws, myThid ) #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store ws = comlev1_kpp_k, key = kkppkey, kind=isbyte #endif do i = 1, imt c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c compute the turbulent shear contribution to Rib c----------------------------------------------------------------------- bvsq = p5 * 1 ( dbloc(i,kl-1) / (zgrid(kl-1)-zgrid(kl ))+ 2 dbloc(i,kl ) / (zgrid(kl )-zgrid(kl+1))) if (bvsq .eq. 0. _d 0) then vtsq = 0. _d 0 else vtsq = -zgrid(kl) * ws(i) * sqrt(abs(bvsq)) * Vtc endif c compute bulk Richardson number at new level c note: Ritop needs to be zero on land and ocean bottom c points so that the following if statement gets triggered c correctly; otherwise, hbl might get set to (big) negative c values, that might exceed the limit for the "exp" function c in "SWFRAC" c c rg: assignment to double precision variable to avoid overflow c ph: test for zero nominator c tempVar1 = dvsq(i,kl) + vtsq tempVar2 = max(tempVar1, phepsi) Rib(i,kl) = Ritop(i,kl) / tempVar2 #ifdef ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS KPPRi(i,kl) = Rib(i,kl) #endif end

do end

do #ifdef ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS IF ( useDiagnostics ) THEN CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(KPPBFSFC,'KPPbfsfc',0,Nr,2,bi,bj,myThid) CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(KPPRi ,'KPPRi ',0,Nr,2,bi,bj,myThid) ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS */ cph( cph without this store, there is a recomputation error for cph rib in adbldepth (probably partial recomputation problem) #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store Rib = comlev1_kpp CADJ & , key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte, CADJ & shape = (/ (sNx+2*OLx)*(sNy+2*OLy),Nr /) #endif cph) do kl = 2, Nr do i = 1, imt if (kbl(i).eq.kmtj(i) .and. Rib(i,kl).gt.Ricr) kbl(i) = kl end

do end

do #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store kbl = comlev1_kpp CADJ & , key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte, CADJ & shape = (/ (sNx+2*OLx)*(sNy+2*OLy) /) #endif do i = 1, imt kl = kbl(i) c linearly interpolate to find hbl where Rib = Ricr if (kl.gt.1 .and. kl.lt.kmtj(i)) then tempVar1 = (Rib(i,kl)-Rib(i,kl-1)) hbl(i) = -zgrid(kl-1) + (zgrid(kl-1)-zgrid(kl)) * 1 (Ricr - Rib(i,kl-1)) / tempVar1 endif end

do #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store hbl = comlev1_kpp CADJ & , key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte, CADJ & shape = (/ (sNx+2*OLx)*(sNy+2*OLy) /) #endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c find stability and buoyancy forcing for boundary layer c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i = 1, imt worka(i) = hbl(i) end

do #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store worka = comlev1_kpp CADJ & , key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte, CADJ & shape = (/ (sNx+2*OLx)*(sNy+2*OLy) /) #endif call SWFRAC( I imt, minusone, U worka, I myTime, myIter, myThid ) #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store worka = comlev1_kpp CADJ & , key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte, CADJ & shape = (/ (sNx+2*OLx)*(sNy+2*OLy) /) #endif do i = 1, imt bfsfc(i) = bo(i) + bosol(i) * (1. - worka(i)) end

do #ifdef ALLOW_SALT_PLUME IF ( useSALT_PLUME ) THEN #ifndef SALT_PLUME_VOLUME do i = 1, imt worka(i) = hbl(i) enddo call SALT_PLUME_FRAC( I imt,minusone,SPDepth, #ifdef SALT_PLUME_SPLIT_BASIN I lon,lat, #endif /* SALT_PLUME_SPLIT_BASIN */ U worka, I myTime, myIter, myThid ) do i = 1, imt bfsfc(i) = bfsfc(i) + boplume(i,1) * (worka(i)) C km=max(1,kbl(i)-1) C temp = (plumefrac(i,km)+plumefrac(i,kbl(i)))/2.0 C bfsfc(i) = bfsfc(i) + boplume(i,1)*temp enddo #else /* def SALT_PLUME_VOLUME */ DO i = 1, imt km =max(1,kbl(i)-1) km1=max(1,kbl(i)) temp = (boplume(i,km)+boplume(i,km1))/2.0 bfsfc(i) = bfsfc(i) + temp ENDDO #endif /* ndef SALT_PLUME_VOLUME */ ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_SALT_PLUME */ #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store bfsfc = comlev1_kpp CADJ & , key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte, CADJ & shape = (/ (sNx+2*OLx)*(sNy+2*OLy) /) #endif c-- ensure bfsfc is never 0 do i = 1, imt stable(i) = p5 + sign( p5, bfsfc(i) ) bfsfc(i) = sign(eins,bfsfc(i))*max(phepsi,abs(bfsfc(i))) end

do cph( cph added stable to store list to avoid extensive recomp. #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store bfsfc, stable = comlev1_kpp CADJ & , key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte, CADJ & shape = (/ (sNx+2*OLx)*(sNy+2*OLy) /) #endif cph) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c check hbl limits for hekman or hmonob c ph: test for zero nominator c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( LimitHblStable ) THEN do i = 1, imt if (bfsfc(i) .gt. 0.0) then hekman = cekman * ustar(i) / max(abs(Coriol(i)),phepsi) hmonob = cmonob * ustar(i)*ustar(i)*ustar(i) & / vonk / bfsfc(i) hlimit = stable(i) * min(hekman,hmonob) & + (stable(i)-1.) * zgrid(Nr) hbl(i) = min(hbl(i),hlimit) end

if end

do ENDIF #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store hbl = comlev1_kpp CADJ & , key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte, CADJ & shape = (/ (sNx+2*OLx)*(sNy+2*OLy) /) #endif do i = 1, imt hbl(i) = max(hbl(i),minKPPhbl) kbl(i) = kmtj(i) end

do #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store hbl = comlev1_kpp CADJ & , key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte, CADJ & shape = (/ (sNx+2*OLx)*(sNy+2*OLy) /) #endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c find new kbl c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do kl = 2, Nr do i = 1, imt if ( kbl(i).eq.kmtj(i) .and. (-zgrid(kl)).gt.hbl(i) ) then kbl(i) = kl endif end

do end

do c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c find stability and buoyancy forcing for final hbl values c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i = 1, imt worka(i) = hbl(i) end

do #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store worka = comlev1_kpp CADJ & , key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte, CADJ & shape = (/ (sNx+2*OLx)*(sNy+2*OLy) /) #endif call SWFRAC( I imt, minusone, U worka, I myTime, myIter, myThid ) #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store worka = comlev1_kpp CADJ & , key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte, CADJ & shape = (/ (sNx+2*OLx)*(sNy+2*OLy) /) #endif do i = 1, imt bfsfc(i) = bo(i) + bosol(i) * (1. - worka(i)) end

do #ifdef ALLOW_SALT_PLUME IF ( useSALT_PLUME ) THEN #ifndef SALT_PLUME_VOLUME do i = 1, imt worka(i) = hbl(i) enddo call SALT_PLUME_FRAC( I imt,minusone,SPDepth, #ifdef SALT_PLUME_SPLIT_BASIN I lon,lat, #endif /* SALT_PLUME_SPLIT_BASIN */ U worka, I myTime, myIter, myThid ) do i = 1, imt bfsfc(i) = bfsfc(i) + boplume(i,1) * (worka(i)) C km=max(1,kbl(i)-1) C temp = (plumefrac(i,km)+plumefrac(i,kbl(i)))/2.0 C bfsfc(i) = bfsfc(i) + boplume(i,1)*temp enddo #else /* def SALT_PLUME_VOLUME */ DO i = 1, imt km =max(1,kbl(i)-1) km1=max(1,kbl(i)-0) temp = (boplume(i,km)+boplume(i,km1))/2.0 bfsfc(i) = bfsfc(i) + temp ENDDO #endif /* ndef SALT_PLUME_VOLUME */ ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_SALT_PLUME */ #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store bfsfc = comlev1_kpp CADJ & , key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte, CADJ & shape = (/ (sNx+2*OLx)*(sNy+2*OLy) /) #endif c-- ensures bfsfc is never 0 do i = 1, imt stable(i) = p5 + sign( p5, bfsfc(i) ) bfsfc(i) = sign(eins,bfsfc(i))*max(phepsi,abs(bfsfc(i))) end

do c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c determine caseA and caseB c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i = 1, imt kl = kbl(i) casea(i) = p5 + 1 sign(p5, -zgrid(kl) - p5*hwide(kl) - hbl(i)) end

do #endif /* ALLOW_KPP */ return end

c************************************************************************* subroutine WSCALE ( I sigma, hbl, ustar, bfsfc, O wm, ws, I myThid ) c compute turbulent velocity scales. c use a 2D-lookup table for wm and ws as functions of ustar and c zetahat (=vonk*sigma*hbl*bfsfc). c c note: the lookup table is only used for unstable conditions c (zehat.le.0), in the stable domain wm (=ws) gets computed c directly. c IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "KPP_PARAMS.h" c input c------ c sigma : normalized depth (d/hbl) c hbl : boundary layer depth (m) c ustar : surface friction velocity (m/s) c bfsfc : total surface buoyancy flux (m^2/s^3) c myThid : thread number for this instance of the routine integer myThid _RL sigma(imt) _RL hbl (imt) _RL ustar(imt) _RL bfsfc(imt) c output c-------- c wm, ws : turbulent velocity scales at sigma _RL wm(imt), ws(imt) #ifdef ALLOW_KPP c local c------ c zehat : = zeta * ustar**3 _RL zehat integer iz, izp1, ju, i, jup1 _RL udiff, zdiff, zfrac, ufrac, fzfrac, wam _RL wbm, was, wbs, u3, tempVar c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c use lookup table for zehat < zmax only; otherwise use c stable formulae c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i = 1, imt zehat = vonk*sigma(i)*hbl(i)*bfsfc(i) if (zehat .le. zmax) then zdiff = zehat - zmin C For extremely negative buoyancy forcing bfsfc, zehat and hence C zdiff can become very negative (default value of zmin = 4.e-7) and C the extrapolation beyond the limit zmin of the lookup table can C give very bad values and may make the model crash. Here is a C simple fix (thanks to Dimitry Sidorenko) that effectively replaces C linear extrapolation with nearest neighbor extrapolation so that C only the lower limit values of the lookup tables wmt/wst are used. C Alternatively, one can get rid of the lookup table altogether C and compute the coefficients online (done in NEMO, for example). C zdiff = max( 0. _d 0, zehat - zmin ) iz = int( zdiff / deltaz ) iz = min( iz, nni ) iz = max( iz, 0 ) izp1 = iz + 1 udiff = ustar(i) - umin ju = int( udiff / deltau ) ju = min( ju, nnj ) ju = max( ju, 0 ) jup1 = ju + 1 zfrac = zdiff / deltaz - float(iz) ufrac = udiff / deltau - float(ju) fzfrac= 1. - zfrac wam = fzfrac * wmt(iz,jup1) + zfrac * wmt(izp1,jup1) wbm = fzfrac * wmt(iz,ju ) + zfrac * wmt(izp1,ju ) wm(i) = (1.-ufrac) * wbm + ufrac * wam was = fzfrac * wst(iz,jup1) + zfrac * wst(izp1,jup1) wbs = fzfrac * wst(iz,ju ) + zfrac * wst(izp1,ju ) ws(i) = (1.-ufrac) * wbs + ufrac * was else u3 = ustar(i) * ustar(i) * ustar(i) tempVar = u3 + conc1 * zehat wm(i) = vonk * ustar(i) * u3 / tempVar ws(i) = wm(i) endif end

do #endif /* ALLOW_KPP */ return end

c************************************************************************* subroutine RI_IWMIX ( I kmtj, shsq, dbloc, dblocSm, I diffusKzS, diffusKzT, I ikppkey, O diffus, I myThid ) c compute interior viscosity diffusivity coefficients due c to shear instability (dependent on a local Richardson number), c to background internal wave activity, and c to static instability (local Richardson number < 0). IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "KPP_PARAMS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF # include "AUTODIFF_PARAMS.h" #endif #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC # include "tamc.h" #endif c input c kmtj (imt) number of vertical layers on this row c shsq (imt,Nr) (local velocity shear)^2 ((m/s)^2) c dbloc (imt,Nr) local delta buoyancy (m/s^2) c dblocSm(imt,Nr) horizontally smoothed dbloc (m/s^2) c diffusKzS(imt,Nr)- background vertical diffusivity for scalars (m^2/s) c diffusKzT(imt,Nr)- background vertical diffusivity for theta (m^2/s) c myThid :: My Thread Id. number integer kmtj (imt) _RL shsq (imt,Nr) _RL dbloc (imt,Nr) _RL dblocSm (imt,Nr) _RL diffusKzS(imt,Nr) _RL diffusKzT(imt,Nr) integer ikppkey integer myThid c output c diffus(imt,0:Nrp1,1) vertical viscosivity coefficient (m^2/s) c diffus(imt,0:Nrp1,2) vertical scalar diffusivity (m^2/s) c diffus(imt,0:Nrp1,3) vertical temperature diffusivity (m^2/s) _RL diffus(imt,0:Nrp1,3) #ifdef ALLOW_KPP c local variables c Rig local Richardson number c fRi, fcon function of Rig _RL Rig _RL fRi, fcon _RL ratio integer i, ki, kp1 _RL c1, c0 #ifdef ALLOW_KPP_VERTICALLY_SMOOTH integer mr CADJ INIT kpp_ri_tape_mr = common, 1 #endif c constants c1 = 1. _d 0 c0 = 0. _d 0 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c compute interior gradient Ri at all interfaces ki=1,Nr, (not surface) c use diffus(*,*,1) as temporary storage of Ri to be smoothed c use diffus(*,*,2) as temporary storage for Brunt-Vaisala squared c set values at bottom and below to nearest value above bottom #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF C break data flow dependence on diffus diffus(1,1,1) = 0.0 do ki = 1, Nr do i = 1, imt diffus(i,ki,1) = 0. diffus(i,ki,2) = 0. diffus(i,ki,3) = 0. enddo enddo #endif do ki = 1, Nr do i = 1, imt if (kmtj(i) .LE. 1 ) then diffus(i,ki,1) = 0. diffus(i,ki,2) = 0. elseif (ki .GE. kmtj(i)) then diffus(i,ki,1) = diffus(i,ki-1,1) diffus(i,ki,2) = diffus(i,ki-1,2) else diffus(i,ki,1) = dblocSm(i,ki) * (zgrid(ki)-zgrid(ki+1)) & / max( Shsq(i,ki), phepsi ) diffus(i,ki,2) = dbloc(i,ki) / (zgrid(ki)-zgrid(ki+1)) endif end

do end

do #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store diffus = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte #endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c vertically smooth Ri #ifdef ALLOW_KPP_VERTICALLY_SMOOTH do mr = 1, num_v_smooth_Ri #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ store diffus(:,:,1) = kpp_ri_tape_mr CADJ & , key=mr, shape=(/ (sNx+2*OLx)*(sNy+2*OLy),Nr+2 /) #endif call Z121 ( U diffus(1,0,1), I myThid ) end

do #endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c after smoothing loop do ki = 1, Nr do i = 1, imt c evaluate f of Brunt-Vaisala squared for convection, store in fcon Rig = max ( diffus(i,ki,2) , BVSQcon ) ratio = min ( (BVSQcon - Rig) / BVSQcon, c1 ) fcon = c1 - ratio * ratio fcon = fcon * fcon * fcon c evaluate f of smooth Ri for shear instability, store in fRi Rig = max ( diffus(i,ki,1), c0 ) ratio = min ( Rig / Riinfty , c1 ) fRi = c1 - ratio * ratio fRi = fRi * fRi * fRi c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- c evaluate diffusivities and viscosity c mixing due to internal waves, and shear and static instability kp1 = MIN(ki+1,Nr) #ifdef EXCLUDE_KPP_SHEAR_MIX diffus(i,ki,1) = viscArNr(1) diffus(i,ki,2) = diffusKzS(i,kp1) diffus(i,ki,3) = diffusKzT(i,kp1) #else /* EXCLUDE_KPP_SHEAR_MIX */ # ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF if ( inAdMode ) then diffus(i,ki,1) = viscArNr(1) diffus(i,ki,2) = diffusKzS(i,kp1) diffus(i,ki,3) = diffusKzT(i,kp1) else else /* ALLOW_AUTODIFF */ if ( .TRUE. ) then # endif /* ALLOW_AUTODIFF */ diffus(i,ki,1) = viscArNr(1) + fcon*difmcon + fRi*difm0 diffus(i,ki,2) = diffusKzS(i,kp1)+fcon*difscon+fRi*difs0 diffus(i,ki,3) = diffusKzT(i,kp1)+fcon*diftcon+fRi*dift0 endif #endif /* EXCLUDE_KPP_SHEAR_MIX */ end

do end

do c ------------------------------------------------------------------------ c set surface values to 0.0 do i = 1, imt diffus(i,0,1) = c0 diffus(i,0,2) = c0 diffus(i,0,3) = c0 end

do #endif /* ALLOW_KPP */ return end

c************************************************************************* subroutine Z121 ( U v, I myThid ) c Apply 121 smoothing in k to 2-d array V(i,k=1,Nr) c top (0) value is used as a dummy c bottom (Nrp1) value is set to input value from above. c Note that it is important to exclude from the smoothing any points c that are outside the range of the K(Ri) scheme, ie. >0.8, or <0.0. c Otherwise, there is interference with other physics, especially c penetrative convection. IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "KPP_PARAMS.h" c input/output c------------- c v : 2-D array to be smoothed in Nrp1 direction c myThid: thread number for this instance of the routine integer myThid _RL v(imt,0:Nrp1) #ifdef ALLOW_KPP c local _RL zwork, zflag _RL KRi_range(1:Nrp1) integer i, k, km1, kp1 _RL p0 , p25 , p5 , p2 parameter ( p0 = 0.0, p25 = 0.25, p5 = 0.5, p2 = 2.0 ) KRi_range(Nrp1) = p0 #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC C-- dummy assignment to end declaration part for TAMC i = 0 C-- HPF directive to help TAMC CHPF$ INDEPENDENT CADJ INIT z121tape = common, Nr #endif /* ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC */ do i = 1, imt k = 1 #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ STORE v(i,k) = z121tape #endif v(i,Nrp1) = v(i,Nr) do k = 1, Nr KRi_range(k) = p5 + SIGN(p5,v(i,k)) KRi_range(k) = KRi_range(k) * & ( p5 + SIGN(p5,(Riinfty-v(i,k))) ) end

do zwork = KRi_range(1) * v(i,1) v(i,1) = p2 * v(i,1) + & KRi_range(1) * KRi_range(2) * v(i,2) zflag = p2 + KRi_range(1) * KRi_range(2) v(i,1) = v(i,1) / zflag do k = 2, Nr #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ STORE v(i,k), zwork = z121tape #endif km1 = k - 1 kp1 = k + 1 zflag = v(i,k) v(i,k) = p2 * v(i,k) + & KRi_range(k) * KRi_range(kp1) * v(i,kp1) + & KRi_range(k) * zwork zwork = KRi_range(k) * zflag zflag = p2 + KRi_range(k)*(KRi_range(kp1)+KRi_range(km1)) v(i,k) = v(i,k) / zflag end

do end

do #endif /* ALLOW_KPP */ return end

c************************************************************************* subroutine SMOOTH_HORIZ ( I k, bi, bj, U fld, I myThid ) c Apply horizontal smoothing to global _RL 2-D array IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "KPP_PARAMS.h" c input c bi, bj : array indices c k : vertical index used for masking c myThid : thread number for this instance of the routine INTEGER myThid integer k, bi, bj c input/output c fld : 2-D array to be smoothed _RL fld( 1-OLx:sNx+OLx, 1-OLy:sNy+OLy ) #ifdef ALLOW_KPP c local integer i, j, im1, ip1, jm1, jp1 _RL tempVar _RL fld_tmp( 1-OLx:sNx+OLx, 1-OLy:sNy+OLy ) integer imin , imax , jmin , jmax parameter(imin=2-OLx, imax=sNx+OLx-1, jmin=2-OLy, jmax=sNy+OLy-1) _RL p0 , p5 , p25 , p125 , p0625 parameter( p0=0.0, p5=0.5, p25=0.25, p125=0.125, p0625=0.0625 ) DO j = jmin, jmax jm1 = j-1 jp1 = j+1 DO i = imin, imax im1 = i-1 ip1 = i+1 tempVar = & p25 * maskC(i ,j ,k,bi,bj) + & p125 * ( maskC(im1,j ,k,bi,bj) + & maskC(ip1,j ,k,bi,bj) + & maskC(i ,jm1,k,bi,bj) + & maskC(i ,jp1,k,bi,bj) ) + & p0625 * ( maskC(im1,jm1,k,bi,bj) + & maskC(im1,jp1,k,bi,bj) + & maskC(ip1,jm1,k,bi,bj) + & maskC(ip1,jp1,k,bi,bj) ) IF ( tempVar .GE. p25 ) THEN fld_tmp(i,j) = ( & p25 * fld(i ,j )*maskC(i ,j ,k,bi,bj) + & p125 *(fld(im1,j )*maskC(im1,j ,k,bi,bj) + & fld(ip1,j )*maskC(ip1,j ,k,bi,bj) + & fld(i ,jm1)*maskC(i ,jm1,k,bi,bj) + & fld(i ,jp1)*maskC(i ,jp1,k,bi,bj))+ & p0625*(fld(im1,jm1)*maskC(im1,jm1,k,bi,bj) + & fld(im1,jp1)*maskC(im1,jp1,k,bi,bj) + & fld(ip1,jm1)*maskC(ip1,jm1,k,bi,bj) + & fld(ip1,jp1)*maskC(ip1,jp1,k,bi,bj))) & / tempVar ELSE fld_tmp(i,j) = fld(i,j) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO c transfer smoothed field to output array DO j = jmin, jmax DO i = imin, imax fld(i,j) = fld_tmp(i,j) ENDDO ENDDO #endif /* ALLOW_KPP */ return end

c************************************************************************* subroutine BLMIX ( I ustar, bfsfc, hbl, stable, casea, diffus, kbl O , dkm1, blmc, ghat, sigma, ikppkey I , myThid ) c mixing coefficients within boundary layer depend on surface c forcing and the magnitude and gradient of interior mixing below c the boundary layer ("matching"). c c caution: if mixing bottoms out at hbl = -zgrid(Nr) then c fictitious layer at Nrp1 is needed with small but finite width c hwide(Nrp1) (eg. epsln = 1.e-20). c IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "KPP_PARAMS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC # include "tamc.h" #endif c input c ustar (imt) surface friction velocity (m/s) c bfsfc (imt) surface buoyancy forcing (m^2/s^3) c hbl (imt) boundary layer depth (m) c stable(imt) = 1 in stable forcing c casea (imt) = 1 in case A c diffus(imt,0:Nrp1,mdiff) vertical diffusivities (m^2/s) c kbl (imt) -1 of first grid level below hbl c myThid thread number for this instance of the routine integer myThid _RL ustar (imt) _RL bfsfc (imt) _RL hbl (imt) _RL stable(imt) _RL casea (imt) _RL diffus(imt,0:Nrp1,mdiff) integer kbl(imt) c output c dkm1 (imt,mdiff) boundary layer difs at kbl-1 level c blmc (imt,Nr,mdiff) boundary layer mixing coefficients (m^2/s) c ghat (imt,Nr) nonlocal scalar transport c sigma(imt) normalized depth (d / hbl) _RL dkm1 (imt,mdiff) _RL blmc (imt,Nr,mdiff) _RL ghat (imt,Nr) _RL sigma(imt) integer ikppkey #ifdef ALLOW_KPP c local c gat1*(imt) shape function at sigma = 1 c dat1*(imt) derivative of shape function at sigma = 1 c ws(imt), wm(imt) turbulent velocity scales (m/s) _RL gat1m(imt), gat1s(imt), gat1t(imt) _RL dat1m(imt), dat1s(imt), dat1t(imt) _RL ws(imt), wm(imt) integer i, kn, ki, kl _RL R, dvdzup, dvdzdn, viscp _RL difsp, diftp, visch, difsh, difth _RL f1, sig, a1, a2, a3, delhat _RL Gm, Gs, Gt _RL tempVar _RL p0 , eins parameter (p0=0.0, eins=1.0) #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC integer kkppkey #endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c compute velocity scales at hbl c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i = 1, imt sigma(i) = stable(i) * 1.0 + (1. - stable(i)) * epsilon end

do #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ STORE sigma = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte #endif call WSCALE ( I sigma, hbl, ustar, bfsfc, O wm, ws, myThid ) #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ STORE wm = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE ws = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte #endif do i = 1, imt wm(i) = sign(eins,wm(i))*max(phepsi,abs(wm(i))) ws(i) = sign(eins,ws(i))*max(phepsi,abs(ws(i))) end

do #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ STORE wm = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE ws = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte #endif do i = 1, imt kn = int(caseA(i)+phepsi) *(kbl(i) -1) + $ (1 - int(caseA(i)+phepsi)) * kbl(i) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c find the interior viscosities and derivatives at hbl(i) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- delhat = 0.5*hwide(kn) - zgrid(kn) - hbl(i) R = 1.0 - delhat / hwide(kn) dvdzup = (diffus(i,kn-1,1) - diffus(i,kn ,1)) / hwide(kn) dvdzdn = (diffus(i,kn ,1) - diffus(i,kn+1,1)) / hwide(kn+1) viscp = 0.5 * ( (1.-R) * (dvdzup + abs(dvdzup)) + 1 R * (dvdzdn + abs(dvdzdn)) ) dvdzup = (diffus(i,kn-1,2) - diffus(i,kn ,2)) / hwide(kn) dvdzdn = (diffus(i,kn ,2) - diffus(i,kn+1,2)) / hwide(kn+1) difsp = 0.5 * ( (1.-R) * (dvdzup + abs(dvdzup)) + 1 R * (dvdzdn + abs(dvdzdn)) ) dvdzup = (diffus(i,kn-1,3) - diffus(i,kn ,3)) / hwide(kn) dvdzdn = (diffus(i,kn ,3) - diffus(i,kn+1,3)) / hwide(kn+1) diftp = 0.5 * ( (1.-R) * (dvdzup + abs(dvdzup)) + 1 R * (dvdzdn + abs(dvdzdn)) ) visch = diffus(i,kn,1) + viscp * delhat difsh = diffus(i,kn,2) + difsp * delhat difth = diffus(i,kn,3) + diftp * delhat f1 = stable(i) * conc1 * bfsfc(i) / & max(ustar(i)**4,phepsi) gat1m(i) = visch / hbl(i) / wm(i) dat1m(i) = -viscp / wm(i) + f1 * visch gat1s(i) = difsh / hbl(i) / ws(i) dat1s(i) = -difsp / ws(i) + f1 * difsh gat1t(i) = difth / hbl(i) / ws(i) dat1t(i) = -diftp / ws(i) + f1 * difth end

do #ifdef KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE CADJ STORE gat1m = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE gat1s = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE gat1t = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE dat1m = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE dat1s = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE dat1t = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte #endif do i = 1, imt dat1m(i) = min(dat1m(i),p0) dat1s(i) = min(dat1s(i),p0) dat1t(i) = min(dat1t(i),p0) end

do #ifdef KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE CADJ STORE dat1m = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE dat1s = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE dat1t = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte #endif do ki = 1, Nr #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC kkppkey = (ikppkey-1)*Nr + ki #endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c compute turbulent velocity scales on the interfaces c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i = 1, imt sig = (-zgrid(ki) + 0.5 * hwide(ki)) / hbl(i) sigma(i) = stable(i)*sig + (1.-stable(i))*min(sig,epsilon) end

do #ifdef KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE CADJ STORE wm = comlev1_kpp_k, key = kkppkey CADJ STORE ws = comlev1_kpp_k, key = kkppkey #endif #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ STORE sigma = comlev1_kpp_k, key = kkppkey #endif call WSCALE ( I sigma, hbl, ustar, bfsfc, O wm, ws, myThid ) #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ STORE wm = comlev1_kpp_k, key = kkppkey CADJ STORE ws = comlev1_kpp_k, key = kkppkey #endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c compute the dimensionless shape functions at the interfaces c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i = 1, imt sig = (-zgrid(ki) + 0.5 * hwide(ki)) / hbl(i) a1 = sig - 2. a2 = 3. - 2. * sig a3 = sig - 1. Gm = a1 + a2 * gat1m(i) + a3 * dat1m(i) Gs = a1 + a2 * gat1s(i) + a3 * dat1s(i) Gt = a1 + a2 * gat1t(i) + a3 * dat1t(i) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c compute boundary layer diffusivities at the interfaces c----------------------------------------------------------------------- blmc(i,ki,1) = hbl(i) * wm(i) * sig * (1. + sig * Gm) blmc(i,ki,2) = hbl(i) * ws(i) * sig * (1. + sig * Gs) blmc(i,ki,3) = hbl(i) * ws(i) * sig * (1. + sig * Gt) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c nonlocal transport term = ghat * o c----------------------------------------------------------------------- tempVar = ws(i) * hbl(i) ghat(i,ki) = (1.-stable(i)) * cg / max(phepsi,tempVar) end

do end

do c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c find diffusivities at kbl-1 grid level c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i = 1, imt kl = kbl(i) sig = -zgrid(kl-1) / hbl(i) sigma(i) = stable(i) * sig & + (1. - stable(i)) * min(sig,epsilon) end

do #ifdef KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE CADJ STORE wm = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE ws = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte #endif #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ STORE sigma = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte #endif call WSCALE ( I sigma, hbl, ustar, bfsfc, O wm, ws, myThid ) #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ STORE wm = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE ws = comlev1_kpp, key=ikppkey, kind=isbyte #endif do i = 1, imt kl = kbl(i) sig = -zgrid(kl-1) / hbl(i) a1 = sig - 2. a2 = 3. - 2. * sig a3 = sig - 1. Gm = a1 + a2 * gat1m(i) + a3 * dat1m(i) Gs = a1 + a2 * gat1s(i) + a3 * dat1s(i) Gt = a1 + a2 * gat1t(i) + a3 * dat1t(i) dkm1(i,1) = hbl(i) * wm(i) * sig * (1. + sig * Gm) dkm1(i,2) = hbl(i) * ws(i) * sig * (1. + sig * Gs) dkm1(i,3) = hbl(i) * ws(i) * sig * (1. + sig * Gt) end

do #endif /* ALLOW_KPP */ return end

c************************************************************************* subroutine ENHANCE ( I dkm1, hbl, kbl, diffus, casea U , ghat O , blmc & , myThid ) c enhance the diffusivity at the kbl-.5 interface IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "KPP_PARAMS.h" c input c dkm1(imt,mdiff) bl diffusivity at kbl-1 grid level c hbl(imt) boundary layer depth (m) c kbl(imt) grid above hbl c diffus(imt,0:Nrp1,mdiff) vertical diffusivities (m^2/s) c casea(imt) = 1 in caseA, = 0 in case B c myThid thread number for this instance of the routine integer myThid _RL dkm1 (imt,mdiff) _RL hbl (imt) integer kbl (imt) _RL diffus(imt,0:Nrp1,mdiff) _RL casea (imt) c input/output c nonlocal transport, modified ghat at kbl(i)-1 interface (s/m**2) _RL ghat (imt,Nr) c output c enhanced bound. layer mixing coeff. _RL blmc (imt,Nr,mdiff) #ifdef ALLOW_KPP c local c fraction hbl lies beteen zgrid neighbors _RL delta integer ki, i, md _RL dkmp5, dstar do i = 1, imt ki = kbl(i)-1 if ((ki .ge. 1) .and. (ki .lt. Nr)) then delta = (hbl(i) + zgrid(ki)) / (zgrid(ki) - zgrid(ki+1)) do md = 1, mdiff dkmp5 = casea(i) * diffus(i,ki,md) + 1 (1.- casea(i)) * blmc (i,ki,md) dstar = (1.- delta)**2 * dkm1(i,md) & + delta**2 * dkmp5 blmc(i,ki,md) = (1.- delta)*diffus(i,ki,md) & + delta*dstar end

do ghat(i,ki) = (1.- casea(i)) * ghat(i,ki) endif end

do #endif /* ALLOW_KPP */ return end

c************************************************************************* SUBROUTINE STATEKPP ( O RHO1, DBLOC, DBSFC, TTALPHA, SSBETA, I ikppkey, bi, bj, myThid ) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c "statekpp" computes all necessary input arrays c for the kpp mixing scheme c c input: c bi, bj = array indices on which to apply calculations c c output: c rho1 = potential density of surface layer (kg/m^3) c dbloc = local buoyancy gradient at Nr interfaces c g/rho{k+1,k+1} * [ drho{k,k+1}-drho{k+1,k+1} ] (m/s^2) c dbsfc = buoyancy difference with respect to the surface c g * [ drho{1,k}/rho{1,k} - drho{k,k}/rho{k,k} ] (m/s^2) c ttalpha= thermal expansion coefficient without 1/rho factor c d(rho) / d(potential temperature) (kg/m^3/C) c ssbeta = salt expansion coefficient without 1/rho factor c d(rho) / d(salinity) (kg/m^3/PSU) c c see also subroutines find_rho.F find_alpha.F find_beta.F c c written by: jan morzel, feb. 10, 1995 (converted from "sigma" version) c modified by: d. menemenlis, june 1998 : for use with MIT GCM UV c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "KPP_PARAMS.h" #include "DYNVARS.h" #include "GRID.h" #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC # include "tamc.h" #endif c-------------- Routine arguments ----------------------------------------- INTEGER bi, bj, myThid _RL RHO1 ( 1-OLx:sNx+OLx, 1-OLy:sNy+OLy ) _RL DBLOC ( 1-OLx:sNx+OLx, 1-OLy:sNy+OLy, Nr ) _RL DBSFC ( 1-OLx:sNx+OLx, 1-OLy:sNy+OLy, Nr ) _RL TTALPHA( 1-OLx:sNx+OLx, 1-OLy:sNy+OLy, Nrp1 ) _RL SSBETA ( 1-OLx:sNx+OLx, 1-OLy:sNy+OLy, Nrp1 ) #ifdef ALLOW_KPP c-------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c local arrays: c c rhok - density of t(k ) & s(k ) at depth k c rhokm1 - density of t(k-1) & s(k-1) at depth k c rho1k - density of t(1 ) & s(1 ) at depth k c work1,2,3 - work arrays for holding horizontal slabs _RL RHOK (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) _RL RHOKM1(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) _RL RHO1K (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) _RL WORK1 (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) _RL WORK2 (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) _RL WORK3 (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) INTEGER I, J, K INTEGER ikppkey, kkppkey c calculate density, alpha, beta in surface layer, and set dbsfc to zero kkppkey = (ikppkey-1)*Nr + 1 #ifdef KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE CADJ STORE theta(:,:,1,bi,bj) = comlev1_kpp_k, CADJ & key=kkppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE salt (:,:,1,bi,bj) = comlev1_kpp_k, CADJ & key=kkppkey, kind=isbyte #endif /* KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE */ CALL FIND_RHO_2D( I 1-OLx, sNx+OLx, 1-OLy, sNy+OLy, 1, I theta(1-OLx,1-OLy,1,bi,bj), salt(1-OLx,1-OLy,1,bi,bj), O WORK1, I 1, bi, bj, myThid ) #ifdef KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE CADJ STORE theta(:,:,1,bi,bj) = comlev1_kpp_k, CADJ & key=kkppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE salt (:,:,1,bi,bj) = comlev1_kpp_k, CADJ & key=kkppkey, kind=isbyte #endif /* KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE */ call FIND_ALPHA( I bi, bj, 1-OLx, sNx+OLx, 1-OLy, sNy+OLy, 1, 1, O WORK2, myThid ) call FIND_BETA( I bi, bj, 1-OLx, sNx+OLx, 1-OLy, sNy+OLy, 1, 1, O WORK3, myThid ) DO J = 1-OLy, sNy+OLy DO I = 1-OLx, sNx+OLx RHO1(I,J) = WORK1(I,J) + rhoConst TTALPHA(I,J,1) = WORK2(I,J) SSBETA(I,J,1) = WORK3(I,J) DBSFC(I,J,1) = 0. END


DO c calculate alpha, beta, and gradients in interior layers CHPF$ INDEPENDENT, NEW (RHOK,RHOKM1,RHO1K,WORK1,WORK2) DO K = 2, Nr kkppkey = (ikppkey-1)*Nr + k #ifdef KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE CADJ STORE theta(:,:,k,bi,bj) = comlev1_kpp_k, CADJ & key=kkppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE salt (:,:,k,bi,bj) = comlev1_kpp_k, CADJ & key=kkppkey, kind=isbyte #endif /* KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE */ CALL FIND_RHO_2D( I 1-OLx, sNx+OLx, 1-OLy, sNy+OLy, k, I theta(1-OLx,1-OLy,k,bi,bj), salt(1-OLx,1-OLy,k,bi,bj), O RHOK, I k, bi, bj, myThid ) #ifdef KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE CADJ STORE theta(:,:,k-1,bi,bj) = comlev1_kpp_k, CADJ & key=kkppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE salt (:,:,k-1,bi,bj) = comlev1_kpp_k, CADJ & key=kkppkey, kind=isbyte #endif /* KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE */ CALL FIND_RHO_2D( I 1-OLx, sNx+OLx, 1-OLy, sNy+OLy, k, I theta(1-OLx,1-OLy,k-1,bi,bj),salt(1-OLx,1-OLy,k-1,bi,bj), O RHOKM1, I k-1, bi, bj, myThid ) #ifdef KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE CADJ STORE theta(:,:,1,bi,bj) = comlev1_kpp_k, CADJ & key=kkppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE salt (:,:,1,bi,bj) = comlev1_kpp_k, CADJ & key=kkppkey, kind=isbyte #endif /* KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE */ CALL FIND_RHO_2D( I 1-OLx, sNx+OLx, 1-OLy, sNy+OLy, k, I theta(1-OLx,1-OLy,1,bi,bj), salt(1-OLx,1-OLy,1,bi,bj), O RHO1K, I 1, bi, bj, myThid ) #ifdef KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE CADJ STORE rhok (:,:) = comlev1_kpp_k, CADJ & key=kkppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE rhokm1(:,:) = comlev1_kpp_k, CADJ & key=kkppkey, kind=isbyte CADJ STORE rho1k (:,:) = comlev1_kpp_k, CADJ & key=kkppkey, kind=isbyte #endif /* KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE */ call FIND_ALPHA( I bi, bj, 1-OLx, sNx+OLx, 1-OLy, sNy+OLy, K, K, O WORK1, myThid ) call FIND_BETA( I bi, bj, 1-OLx, sNx+OLx, 1-OLy, sNy+OLy, K, K, O WORK2, myThid ) DO J = 1-OLy, sNy+OLy DO I = 1-OLx, sNx+OLx TTALPHA(I,J,K) = WORK1 (I,J) SSBETA(I,J,K) = WORK2 (I,J) DBLOC(I,J,K-1) = gravity * (RHOK(I,J) - RHOKM1(I,J)) / & (RHOK(I,J) + rhoConst) DBSFC(I,J,K) = gravity * (RHOK(I,J) - RHO1K (I,J)) / & (RHOK(I,J) + rhoConst) END



DO c compute arrays for K = Nrp1 DO J = 1-OLy, sNy+OLy DO I = 1-OLx, sNx+OLx TTALPHA(I,J,Nrp1) = TTALPHA(I,J,Nr) SSBETA(I,J,Nrp1) = SSBETA(I,J,Nr) DBLOC(I,J,Nr) = 0. END


DO #ifdef ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS IF ( useDiagnostics ) THEN CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(DBSFC ,'KPPdbsfc',0,Nr,2,bi,bj,myThid) CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(DBLOC ,'KPPdbloc',0,Nr,2,bi,bj,myThid) ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS */ #endif /* ALLOW_KPP */ RETURN END

c************************************************************************* SUBROUTINE KPP_DOUBLEDIFF ( I TTALPHA, SSBETA, U kappaRT, U kappaRS, I ikppkey, imin, imax, jmin, jmax, bi, bj, myThid ) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c "KPP_DOUBLEDIFF" adds the double diffusive contributions C as Rrho-dependent parameterizations to kappaRT and kappaRS c c input: c bi, bj = array indices on which to apply calculations c imin, imax, jmin, jmax = array boundaries c ikppkey = key for TAMC/TAF automatic differentiation c myThid = thread id c c ttalpha= thermal expansion coefficient without 1/rho factor c d(rho) / d(potential temperature) (kg/m^3/C) c ssbeta = salt expansion coefficient without 1/rho factor c d(rho) / d(salinity) (kg/m^3/PSU) c output: updated c kappaRT/S :: background diffusivities for temperature and salinity c c written by: martin losch, sept. 15, 2009 c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "KPP_PARAMS.h" #include "DYNVARS.h" #include "GRID.h" #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC # include "tamc.h" #endif c-------------- Routine arguments ----------------------------------------- INTEGER ikppkey, imin, imax, jmin, jmax, bi, bj, myThid _RL TTALPHA( 1-OLx:sNx+OLx, 1-OLy:sNy+OLy, Nrp1 ) _RL SSBETA ( 1-OLx:sNx+OLx, 1-OLy:sNy+OLy, Nrp1 ) _RL KappaRT( 1-OLx:sNx+OLx, 1-OLy:sNy+OLy, Nr ) _RL KappaRS( 1-OLx:sNx+OLx, 1-OLy:sNy+OLy, Nr ) #ifdef ALLOW_KPP C-------------------------------------------------------------------------- C C local variables C I,J,K :: loop indices C kkppkey :: key for TAMC/TAF automatic differentiation C INTEGER I, J, K INTEGER kkppkey C alphaDT :: d\rho/d\theta * d\theta C betaDS :: d\rho/dsalt * dsalt C Rrho :: "density ratio" R_{\rho} = \alpha dT/dz / \beta dS/dz C nuddt/s :: double diffusive diffusivities C numol :: molecular diffusivity C rFac :: abbreviation for 1/(R_{\rho0}-1) _RL alphaDT ( 1-OLx:sNx+OLx, 1-OLy:sNy+OLy ) _RL betaDS ( 1-OLx:sNx+OLx, 1-OLy:sNy+OLy ) _RL nuddt ( 1-OLx:sNx+OLx, 1-OLy:sNy+OLy ) _RL nudds ( 1-OLx:sNx+OLx, 1-OLy:sNy+OLy ) _RL Rrho _RL numol, rFac, nutmp INTEGER Km1 C set some constants here numol = 1.5 _d -06 rFac = 1. _d 0 / (Rrho0 - 1. _d 0 ) C kkppkey = (ikppkey-1)*Nr + 1 CML#ifdef KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE CMLCADJ STORE theta(:,:,1,bi,bj) = comlev1_kpp_k, CMLCADJ & key=kkppkey, kind=isbyte CMLCADJ STORE salt (:,:,1,bi,bj) = comlev1_kpp_k, CMLCADJ & key=kkppkey, kind=isbyte CML#endif /* KPP_AUTODIFF_MORE_STORE */ DO K = 1, Nr Km1 = MAX(K-1,1) DO J = 1-OLy, sNy+OLy DO I = 1-OLx, sNx+OLx alphaDT(I,J) = ( theta(I,J,Km1,bi,bj)-theta(I,J,K,bi,bj) ) & * 0.5 _d 0 * ABS( TTALPHA(I,J,Km1) + TTALPHA(I,J,K) ) betaDS(I,J) = ( salt(I,J,Km1,bi,bj)-salt(I,J,K,bi,bj) ) & * 0.5 _d 0 * ( SSBETA(I,J,Km1) + SSBETA(I,J,K) ) nuddt(I,J) = 0. _d 0 nudds(I,J) = 0. _d 0 ENDDO ENDDO IF ( K .GT. 1 ) THEN DO J = jMin, jMax DO I = iMin, iMax Rrho = 0. _d 0 C Now we have many different cases C a. alphaDT > 0 and betaDS > 0 => salt fingering C (salinity destabilizes) IF ( alphaDT(I,J) .GT. betaDS(I,J) & .AND. betaDS(I,J) .GT. 0. _d 0 ) THEN Rrho = MIN( alphaDT(I,J)/betaDS(I,J), Rrho0 ) C Large et al. 1994, eq. 31a C nudds(I,J) = dsfmax * ( 1. _d 0 - (Rrho - 1. _d 0) * rFac )**3 nutmp = ( 1. _d 0 - (Rrho - 1. _d 0) * rFac ) nudds(I,J) = dsfmax * nutmp * nutmp * nutmp C Large et al. 1994, eq. 31c nuddt(I,J) = 0.7 _d 0 * nudds(I,J) ELSEIF ( alphaDT(I,J) .LT. 0. _d 0 & .AND. betaDS(I,J) .LT. 0. _d 0 & .AND.alphaDT(I,J) .GT. betaDS(I,J) ) THEN C b. alphaDT < 0 and betaDS < 0 => semi-convection, diffusive convection C (temperature destabilizes) C for Rrho >= 1 the water column is statically unstable and we never C reach this point Rrho = alphaDT(I,J)/betaDS(I,J) C Large et al. 1994, eq. 32 nuddt(I,J) = numol * 0.909 _d 0 & * exp ( 4.6 _d 0 * exp ( & - 5.4 _d 0 * ( 1. _d 0/Rrho - 1. _d 0 ) ) ) CMLC or CMLC Large et al. 1994, eq. 33 CML nuddt(I,J) = numol * 8.7 _d 0 * Rrho**1.1 C Large et al. 1994, eqs. 34 nudds(I,J) = nuddt(I,J) * MAX( 0.15 _d 0 * Rrho, & 1.85 _d 0 * Rrho - 0.85 _d 0 ) ELSE C Do nothing, because in this case the water colume is unstable C => double diffusive processes are negligible and mixing due C to shear instability will dominate ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO C ENDIF ( K .GT. 1 ) ENDIF C DO J = 1-OLy, sNy+OLy DO I = 1-OLx, sNx+OLx kappaRT(I,J,K) = kappaRT(I,J,K) + nuddt(I,J) kappaRS(I,J,K) = kappaRS(I,J,K) + nudds(I,J) ENDDO ENDDO #ifdef ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS IF ( useDiagnostics ) THEN CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(nuddt,'KPPnuddt',k,1,2,bi,bj,myThid) CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(nudds,'KPPnudds',k,1,2,bi,bj,myThid) ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS */ C end of K-loop ENDDO #endif /* ALLOW_KPP */ RETURN END