C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/mnc/mnc_grid.F,v 1.20 2008/06/20 20:36:58 utke Exp $
C $Name:  $
#include "MNC_OPTIONS.h"

     I     fname, 
     I     gname, 
     I     ndim, 
     I     dnames, 
     I     myThid )

C     Create an MNC grid within a NetCDF file context.
C     !USES:
      implicit none

      integer myThid, ndim
      character*(*) fname,gname
      character*(*) dnames(ndim)

      integer ind

      CALL MNC_GRID_INIT_ALL(fname, gname, ndim, dnames, ind, myThid)


C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| CBOP 1 C !ROUTINE: MNC_GRID_INIT_ALL C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE MNC_GRID_INIT_ALL( I fname, I gname, I ndim, I dnames, O ind, I myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: C Initialize a new conceptual (MNC inner layer) grid within a NetCDF C file context. If the requested grid name already exists, then C verify that it has exactly the same number of dimensions, each C with exactly the same size and report a fatal error if not. This C is a necessary check since the MNC inner layer does not support C grid name re--definition. C !USES: implicit none #include "MNC_COMMON.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "netcdf.inc" C !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer myThid, ndim, ind character*(*) fname,gname character*(*) dnames(ndim) CEOP C !LOCAL VARIABLES: integer i,j,k,ii,jj,kk, n,nf, indf,indg,indd, fid, ngrid integer ng_ind,lg_ind, ds_last, ndim_file, igr,ig1,ig2 integer ngt, ngn character*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgbuf character*(MNC_MAX_PATH) file_name C Functions integer ILNBLNK C Get the file ID and indicies DO i =1,MNC_MAX_PATH file_name(i:i) = ' ' ENDDO nf = ILNBLNK(fname) IF (nf .GT. MNC_MAX_PATH) nf = MNC_MAX_PATH file_name(1:nf) = fname(1:nf) CALL MNC_GET_IND(MNC_MAX_FID,file_name,mnc_f_names,indf,myThid) IF (indf .LT. 1) THEN write(msgbuf,'(3a)') 'MNC ERROR: file ''', file_name(1:nf), & ''' does not exist' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgbuf, mythid ) stop 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MNC_GRID_INIT' ENDIF fid = mnc_f_info(indf,2) ngrid = mnc_f_info(indf,3) ng_ind = 4 + 3*ngrid IF (ngrid .EQ. 0) THEN ds_last = 0 ELSE lg_ind = 4 + 3*(ngrid - 1) ds_last = mnc_f_info(indf,(lg_ind+2)) ENDIF C Check for sufficient space in memory i = ds_last + ndim j = 3 + 3*(ngrid + 1) IF ((i .GE. MNC_MAX_INFO) .OR. (j .GE. MNC_MAX_INFO)) THEN write(msgbuf,'(2a)') 'MNC_GRID_INIT_ALL ERROR: insufficient', & ' space--please increase MNC_MAX_INFO' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgbuf, mythid ) stop 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MNC_GRID_INIT_ALL' ENDIF C Enter DEFINE mode CALL MNC_FILE_REDEF(fname, myThid) ngn = ILNBLNK(gname) C Check for grid re-definition DO igr = 1,mnc_f_info(indf,3) ii = 4 + 3*(igr - 1) ngt = ILNBLNK(mnc_g_names(mnc_f_info(indf,ii))) IF ( (ngt .EQ. ngn) & .AND. (mnc_g_names(mnc_f_info(indf,ii))(1:ngt) & .EQ. gname(1:ngn)) ) THEN ig1 = mnc_f_info(indf,ii+1) ig2 = mnc_f_info(indf,ii+2) C Check if different number of dims IF (ndim .NE. (ig2-ig1+1)) THEN kk = ILNBLNK( mnc_f_names(indf) ) write(msgbuf,'(6a)') 'MNC ERROR: grid ''', gname(1:ngn), & ''' was previously defined for file ''', & mnc_f_names(indf)(1:kk), ''' with a different ', & 'number of dimensions' CALL PRINT_ERROR(msgbuf, mythid) stop 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MNC_GRID_INIT' ENDIF C Check if same number of dims but different dim names k = 0 DO jj = ig1,ig2 k = k + 1 IF (mnc_d_names(mnc_fd_ind(indf,jj)) .NE. dnames(k)) THEN kk = ILNBLNK( mnc_f_names(indf) ) write(msgbuf,'(6a)') 'MNC ERROR: grid ''', gname(1:ngn), & ''' was previously defined for file ''', & mnc_f_names(indf)(1:kk), ''' with a different ', & 'combination of dimensions' CALL PRINT_ERROR(msgbuf, mythid) stop 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MNC_GRID_INIT' ENDIF ENDDO C Reaching this point means that the grid name WAS previously C defined and the number and sizes of the associated dimensions C exactly match so everything is OK and we do not need to create C a new definition for this grid. RETURN ENDIF ENDDO C Reaching this point means the grid was NOT previously defined and C we must therefore create a new definition. CALL MNC_GET_NEXT_EMPTY_IND(MNC_MAX_ID, mnc_g_names, & 'mnc_g_names', indg, myThid) mnc_g_names(indg)(1:MNC_MAX_CHAR) = & mnc_blank_name(1:MNC_MAX_CHAR) n = ILNBLNK(gname) mnc_g_names(indg)(1:n) = gname(1:n) C Add the dimensions DO i = 1,ndim j = ds_last + i n = ILNBLNK(dnames(i)) C Search for the dimension ID within the list of dimensions C defined for this file ndim_file = mnc_f_alld(indf,1) indd = 0 DO ii = 1,ndim_file jj = mnc_f_alld(indf,ii+1) kk = ILNBLNK(mnc_d_names(jj)) IF ((n .EQ. kk) & .AND. (dnames(i)(1:n) .EQ. mnc_d_names(jj)(1:kk))) THEN indd = jj GOTO 20 ENDIF ENDDO 20 CONTINUE IF (indd .LT. 1) THEN write(msgbuf,'(5a)') 'MNC ERROR: dimension ''', & dnames(i)(1:n), ''' does not exist for file ''', & fname(1:nf), '''' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgbuf, mythid ) stop 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MNC_GRID_INIT' ENDIF mnc_fd_ind(indf,j) = indd ENDDO C Grid successfully added, so update file table mnc_f_info(indf,ng_ind) = indg mnc_f_info(indf,ng_ind+1) = ds_last + 1 mnc_f_info(indf,ng_ind+2) = ds_last + ndim mnc_f_info(indf,3) = ngrid + 1 ind = indg RETURN END

C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| CBOP 1 C !ROUTINE: MNC_GRID_GET_DIMIND C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE MNC_GRID_GET_DIMIND( I indf, I dname, O ind_fg_ids, I myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: C Get the dimension ID (index) for the named dimension. C !USES: implicit none #include "MNC_COMMON.h" C !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer indf, ind_fg_ids, myThid character*(*) dname CEOP C !LOCAL VARIABLES: integer i,j,k,l, n,n1, ngrid, ds,de C Functions integer ILNBLNK ind_fg_ids = -1 n = ILNBLNK(dname) ngrid = mnc_f_info(indf,3) DO i = 1,ngrid j = 4 + 3*(i - 1) ds = mnc_f_info(indf,j+1) de = mnc_f_info(indf,j+2) DO k = ds,de l = mnc_fd_ind(indf,k) n1 = ILNBLNK(mnc_d_names(l)) IF ((n .EQ. n1) & .AND. (mnc_d_names(l)(1:n1) .EQ. dname(1:n))) THEN ind_fg_ids = k RETURN ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END
