C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/obcs/orlanski_east.F,v 1.13 2012/09/18 20:09:17 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ cc #include "OBCS_OPTIONS.h" SUBROUTINE ORLANSKI_EAST( bi, bj, futureTime, I uVel, vVel, wVel, theta, salt, I myThid ) C /==========================================================\ C | SUBROUTINE ORLANSKI_EAST | C | o Calculate future boundary data at open boundaries | C | at time = futureTime by applying Orlanski radiation | C | conditions. | C |==========================================================| C | | C \==========================================================/ IMPLICIT NONE C === Global variables === #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "OBCS_PARAMS.h" #include "OBCS_GRID.h" #include "OBCS_FIELDS.h" #include "ORLANSKI.h" C SPK 6/2/00: Added radiative OBCs for salinity. C SPK 6/6/00: Changed calculation of OB*w. When K=1, the C upstream value is used. For example on the eastern OB: C IF (K.EQ.1) THEN C OBEw(J,K,bi,bj)=wVel(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj) C ENDIF C C SPK 7/7/00: 1) Removed OB*w fix (see above). C 2) Added variable CMAX. Maximum diagnosed phase speed is now C clamped to CMAX. For stability of AB-II scheme (CFL) the C (non-dimensional) phase speed must be <0.5 C 3) (Sonya Legg) Changed application of uVel and vVel. C uVel on the western OB is actually applied at I_obc+1 C while vVel on the southern OB is applied at J_obc+1. C 4) (Sonya Legg) Added templates for forced OBs. C C SPK 7/17/00: Non-uniform resolution is now taken into account in diagnosing C phase speeds and time-stepping OB values. CL is still the C non-dimensional phase speed; CVEL is the dimensional phase C speed: CVEL = CL*(dx or dy)/dt, where dx and dy is the C appropriate grid spacings. Note that CMAX (with which CL C is compared) remains non-dimensional. C C SPK 7/18/00: Added code to allow filtering of phase speed following C Blumberg and Kantha. There is now a separate array C CVEL_**, where **=Variable(U,V,T,S,W)Boundary(E,W,N,S) for C the dimensional phase speed. These arrays are initialized to C zero in ini_obcs.F. CVEL_** is filtered according to C CVEL_** = fracCVEL*CVEL(new) + (1-fracCVEL)*CVEL_**(old). C fracCVEL=1.0 turns off filtering. C C SPK 7/26/00: Changed code to average phase speed. A new variable C 'cvelTimeScale' was created. This variable must now be C specified. Then, fracCVEL=deltaT/cvelTimeScale. C Since the goal is to smooth out the 'singularities' in the C diagnosed phase speed, cvelTimeScale could be picked as the C duration of the singular period in the unfiltered case. Thus, C for a plane wave cvelTimeScale might be the time take for the C wave to travel a distance DX, where DX is the width of the region C near which d(phi)/dx is small. C C JBG 4/10/03: Fixed phase speed at western boundary (as suggested by C Dale Durran in his MWR paper). Fixed value (in m/s) is C passed in as variable CFIX in data.obcs. C also now allow choice of Orlanski or fixed wavespeed C (by means of new booleans useFixedCEast and C useFixedCWest) without having to recompile each time C C == Routine arguments == INTEGER bi, bj _RL futureTime _RL uVel (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr,nSx,nSy) _RL vVel (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr,nSx,nSy) _RL wVel (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr,nSx,nSy) _RL theta(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr,nSx,nSy) _RL salt (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr,nSx,nSy) INTEGER myThid #ifdef ALLOW_ORLANSKI #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS_EAST C == Local variables == INTEGER J, K, I_obc _RL CL, ab1, ab2, fracCVEL, f1, f2 ab1 = 1.5 _d 0 + abEps /* Adams-Bashforth coefficients */ ab2 = -0.5 _d 0 - abEps /* CMAX is maximum allowable phase speed-CFL for AB-II */ /* cvelTimeScale is averaging period for phase speed in sec. */ fracCVEL = deltaT/cvelTimeScale /* fraction of new phase speed used*/ f1 = fracCVEL /* dont change this. Set cvelTimeScale */ f2 = 1.0-fracCVEL /* dont change this. set cvelTimeScale */ C Eastern OB (Orlanski Radiation Condition) DO K=1,Nr DO J=1-OLy,sNy+OLy I_obc=OB_Ie(J,bi,bj) IF ( I_obc.NE.OB_indexNone ) THEN C uVel IF ((UE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj).eq.0.).and. & (UE_STORE_3(J,K,bi,bj).eq.0.)) THEN CL=0. ELSE CL=-(uVel(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj)-UE_STORE_1(J,K,bi,bj))/ & (ab1*UE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj) + ab2*UE_STORE_3(J,K,bi,bj)) ENDIF IF (CL.lt.0.) THEN CL=0. ELSEIF (CL.gt.CMAX) THEN CL=CMAX ENDIF IF (useFixedCEast) THEN C Fixed phase speed (ignoring all of that painstakingly C saved data...) CVEL_UE(J,K,bi,bj) = CFIX ELSE CVEL_UE(J,K,bi,bj) = f1*(CL*dxF(I_obc-2,J,bi,bj)/deltaT & )+f2*CVEL_UE(J,K,bi,bj) ENDIF C update OBC to next timestep OBEu(J,K,bi,bj)=uVel(I_obc,J,K,bi,bj)- & CVEL_UE(J,K,bi,bj)*(deltaT*recip_dxF(I_obc-1,J,bi,bj))* & (ab1*(uVel(I_obc,J,K,bi,bj)-uVel(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj)) + & ab2*(UE_STORE_4(J,K,bi,bj)-UE_STORE_1(J,K,bi,bj))) C vVel IF ((VE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj).eq.0.).and. & (VE_STORE_3(J,K,bi,bj).eq.0.)) THEN CL=0. ELSE CL=-(vVel(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj)-VE_STORE_1(J,K,bi,bj))/ & (ab1*VE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj) + ab2*VE_STORE_3(J,K,bi,bj)) ENDIF IF (CL.lt.0.) THEN CL=0. ELSEIF (CL.gt.CMAX) THEN CL=CMAX ENDIF IF (useFixedCEast) THEN C Fixed phase speed (ignoring all of that painstakingly C saved data...) CVEL_VE(J,K,bi,bj) = CFIX ELSE CVEL_VE(J,K,bi,bj) = f1*(CL*dxV(I_obc-1,J,bi,bj) $ /deltaT)+f2*CVEL_VE(J,K,bi,bj) ENDIF C update OBC to next timestep OBEv(J,K,bi,bj)=vVel(I_obc,J,K,bi,bj)- & CVEL_VE(J,K,bi,bj)*(deltaT*recip_dxV(I_obc,J,bi,bj))* & (ab1*(vVel(I_obc,J,K,bi,bj)-vVel(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj)) + & ab2*(VE_STORE_4(J,K,bi,bj)-VE_STORE_1(J,K,bi,bj))) C Temperature IF ((TE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj).eq.0.).and. & (TE_STORE_3(J,K,bi,bj).eq.0.)) THEN CL=0. ELSE CL=-(theta(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj)-TE_STORE_1(J,K,bi,bj))/ & (ab1*TE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj) + ab2*TE_STORE_3(J,K,bi,bj)) ENDIF IF (CL.lt.0.) THEN CL=0. ELSEIF (CL.gt.CMAX) THEN CL=CMAX ENDIF IF (useFixedCEast) THEN C Fixed phase speed (ignoring all of that painstakingly C saved data...) CVEL_TE(J,K,bi,bj) = CFIX ELSE CVEL_TE(J,K,bi,bj) = f1*(CL*dxC(I_obc-1,J,bi,bj) $ /deltaT)+f2*CVEL_TE(J,K,bi,bj) ENDIF C update OBC to next timestep OBEt(J,K,bi,bj)=theta(I_obc,J,K,bi,bj)- & CVEL_TE(J,K,bi,bj)*(deltaT*recip_dxC(I_obc,J,bi,bj))* & (ab1*(theta(I_obc,J,K,bi,bj)-theta(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj))+ & ab2*(TE_STORE_4(J,K,bi,bj)-TE_STORE_1(J,K,bi,bj))) C Salinity IF ((SE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj).eq.0.).and. & (SE_STORE_3(J,K,bi,bj).eq.0.)) THEN CL=0. ELSE CL=-(salt(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj)-SE_STORE_1(J,K,bi,bj))/ & (ab1*SE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj) + ab2*SE_STORE_3(J,K,bi,bj)) ENDIF IF (CL.lt.0.) THEN CL=0. ELSEIF (CL.gt.CMAX) THEN CL=CMAX ENDIF IF (useFixedCEast) THEN C Fixed phase speed (ignoring all of that painstakingly C saved data...) CVEL_SE(J,K,bi,bj) = CFIX ELSE CVEL_SE(J,K,bi,bj) = f1*(CL*dxC(I_obc-1,J,bi,bj) $ /deltaT)+f2*CVEL_SE(J,K,bi,bj) ENDIF C update OBC to next timestep OBEs(J,K,bi,bj)=salt(I_obc,J,K,bi,bj)- & CVEL_SE(J,K,bi,bj)*(deltaT*recip_dxC(I_obc,J,bi,bj))* & (ab1*(salt(I_obc,J,K,bi,bj)-salt(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj))+ & ab2*(SE_STORE_4(J,K,bi,bj)-SE_STORE_1(J,K,bi,bj))) #ifdef ALLOW_NONHYDROSTATIC IF ( nonHydrostatic ) THEN C wVel IF ((WE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj).eq.0.).and. & (WE_STORE_3(J,K,bi,bj).eq.0.)) THEN CL=0. ELSE CL=-(wVel(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj)-WE_STORE_1(J,K,bi,bj))/ & (ab1*WE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj)+ab2*WE_STORE_3(J,K,bi,bj)) ENDIF IF (CL.lt.0.) THEN CL=0. ELSEIF (CL.gt.CMAX) THEN CL=CMAX ENDIF IF (useFixedCEast) THEN C Fixed phase speed (ignoring all of that painstakingly C saved data...) CVEL_WE(J,K,bi,bj) = CFIX ELSE CVEL_WE(J,K,bi,bj)=f1*(CL*dxC(I_obc-1,J,bi,bj)/deltaT) & + f2*CVEL_WE(J,K,bi,bj) ENDIF C update OBC to next timestep OBEw(J,K,bi,bj)=wVel(I_obc,J,K,bi,bj)- & CVEL_WE(J,K,bi,bj)*(deltaT*recip_dxC(I_obc,J,bi,bj))* & (ab1*(wVel(I_obc,J,K,bi,bj)-wVel(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj))+ & ab2*(WE_STORE_4(J,K,bi,bj)-WE_STORE_1(J,K,bi,bj))) ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_NONHYDROSTATIC */ C update/save storage arrays C uVel C copy t-1 to t-2 array UE_STORE_3(J,K,bi,bj)=UE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj) C copy (current time) t to t-1 arrays UE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj)=uVel(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj) - & uVel(I_obc-2,J,K,bi,bj) UE_STORE_1(J,K,bi,bj)=uVel(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj) UE_STORE_4(J,K,bi,bj)=uVel(I_obc,J,K,bi,bj) C vVel C copy t-1 to t-2 array VE_STORE_3(J,K,bi,bj)=VE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj) C copy (current time) t to t-1 arrays VE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj)=vVel(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj) - & vVel(I_obc-2,J,K,bi,bj) VE_STORE_1(J,K,bi,bj)=vVel(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj) VE_STORE_4(J,K,bi,bj)=vVel(I_obc,J,K,bi,bj) C Temperature C copy t-1 to t-2 array TE_STORE_3(J,K,bi,bj)=TE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj) C copy (current time) t to t-1 arrays TE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj)=theta(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj) - & theta(I_obc-2,J,K,bi,bj) TE_STORE_1(J,K,bi,bj)=theta(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj) TE_STORE_4(J,K,bi,bj)=theta(I_obc,J,K,bi,bj) C Salinity C copy t-1 to t-2 array SE_STORE_3(J,K,bi,bj)=SE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj) C copy (current time) t to t-1 arrays SE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj)=salt(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj) - & salt(I_obc-2,J,K,bi,bj) SE_STORE_1(J,K,bi,bj)=salt(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj) SE_STORE_4(J,K,bi,bj)=salt(I_obc,J,K,bi,bj) #ifdef ALLOW_NONHYDROSTATIC IF ( nonHydrostatic ) THEN C wVel C copy t-1 to t-2 array WE_STORE_3(J,K,bi,bj)=WE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj) C copy (current time) t to t-1 arrays WE_STORE_2(J,K,bi,bj)=wVel(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj) - & wVel(I_obc-2,J,K,bi,bj) WE_STORE_1(J,K,bi,bj)=wVel(I_obc-1,J,K,bi,bj) WE_STORE_4(J,K,bi,bj)=wVel(I_obc,J,K,bi,bj) ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_NONHYDROSTATIC */ ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO #endif #endif /* ALLOW_ORLANSKI */ RETURN END