C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/profiles/active_file_profiles_ad.F,v 1.8 2015/08/06 15:48:20 gforget Exp $
C $Name:  $


c     ==================================================================
c     active_files_ad.F: Routines to handle the I/O of the active file
c                        for the adjoint calculations. All files are
c                        direct access files.
c     Routines
c     o  adactive_read_profile      - Adjoint of active_read_profile
c     o  adactive_write_profile     - Adjoint of active_write_profile
c        changed: gforget@ocean.mit.edu 23-Mar-2006
c     ==================================================================

      subroutine ADACTIVE_READ_PROFILE(
     I                              active_num_file,
     I                              nadactive_var,
     I                              adactive_var,
     I                              active_varnum,
     I                              irec,
     I                              lAdInit,
     I                              myiter,
     I                              bi,
     I                              bj,
     I                              mythid
     &                            )

c     ==================================================================
c     SUBROUTINE adactive_read_profile
c     ==================================================================
c     o Adjoint of active_read_profile.
c     ==================================================================
      implicit none

c     == global variables ==
#include "EEPARAMS.h"
#include "SIZE.h"
# include "PROFILES_SIZE.h"
# include "profiles.h"

c     == routine arguments ==
c     active_var_file: filename
c     nadactive_var:   integer size of adactive_var
c     adactive_var:    array
c     irec:            record number
c     myIter:          number of optimization iteration (default: 0)
c     mythid:          thread number for this instance
c     doglobalread:    flag for global or local read/write
c                      (default: .false.)
c     lAdInit:         initialisation of corresponding adjoint
c                      variable and write to active file
      integer nadactive_var,active_num_file
      _RL    adactive_var(nadactive_var)
      integer irec,active_varnum
      integer myiter
      integer  bi,bj,mythid
      logical lAdInit


      call ACTIVE_READ_PROFILE_RL( fidadjoint(active_num_file,bi,bj) ,
     &     active_num_file,
     &     nadactive_var, adactive_var, active_varnum, lAdInit,
     &     irec, prof_ind_glob(active_num_file,irec,bi,bj),
     &     REVERSE_SIMULATION, myiter,bi,bj, mythid)



c ================================================================== c ================================================================== c ================================================================== subroutine ADACTIVE_WRITE_PROFILE( I active_num_file, I nadactive_var, I adactive_var, I active_varnum, I irec, I myiter, I bi, I bj, I mythid, I dummy & ) C !DESCRIPTION: \bv c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE adactive_write_profile c ================================================================== c o Adjoint of active_write_profile. c ================================================================== implicit none c == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #ifdef ALLOW_PROFILES # include "PROFILES_SIZE.h" # include "profiles.h" #endif c == routine arguments == c active_var_file: filename c nadactive_var: integer size of adactive_var c adactive_var: array c irec: record number c myIter: number of optimization iteration (default: 0) c mythid: thread number for this instance c doglobalread: flag for global or local read/write c (default: .false.) c lAdInit: initialisation of corresponding adjoint c variable and write to active file integer nadactive_var,active_num_file _RL adactive_var(nadactive_var) integer irec,active_varnum integer myiter integer bi,bj,mythid _RL dummy c == end of interface == #ifdef ALLOW_PROFILES call ACTIVE_WRITE_PROFILE_RL( fidadjoint(active_num_file,bi,bj) , & active_num_file, & nadactive_var, adactive_var, active_varnum, & irec, prof_ind_glob(active_num_file,irec,bi,bj), & REVERSE_SIMULATION, myiter,bi,bj, mythid) #endif end

c ==================================================================