C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/verification/cpl_aim+ocn/code_ocn/CPP_OPTIONS.h,v 1.2 2004/04/17 22:17:11 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #ifndef CPP_OPTIONS_H #define CPP_OPTIONS_H C CPP flags controlling particular source code features C o Shortwave heating as extra term in external_forcing.F C Note: this should be a run-time option #undef SHORTWAVE_HEATING C o Include/exclude phi_hyd calculation code #define INCLUDE_PHIHYD_CALCULATION_CODE C o Include/exclude call to S/R CONVECT #define INCLUDE_CONVECT_CALL C o Include/exclude call to S/R CALC_DIFFUSIVITY #define INCLUDE_CALC_DIFFUSIVITY_CALL C o Include/exclude Implicit vertical advection code #define INCLUDE_IMPLVERTADV_CODE C o Include/exclude nonHydrostatic code #undef ALLOW_NONHYDROSTATIC C o Include pressure loading code #define ATMOSPHERIC_LOADING C o Use "Exact Convervation" of fluid in Free-Surface formulation C so that d/dt(eta) is exactly equal to - Div.Transport #define EXACT_CONSERV C o Allow the use of Non-Linear Free-Surface formulation C this implies that surface thickness (hFactors) vary with time #define NONLIN_FRSURF C o Use "OLD" UV discretisation near boundaries (*not* recommended) C Note - only works with #undef NO_SLIP_LATERAL in calc_mom_rhs.F C because the old code did not have no-slip BCs #undef OLD_ADV_BCS C o Execution environment support options #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" C o Include/exclude code specific to the ECCO/SEALION version. C AUTODIFF or EXF package. C Currently controled by a single header file C For this to work, PACKAGES_CONFIG.h needs to be included! cph#if (defined (ALLOW_AUTODIFF) || \ cph defined (ALLOW_ECCO) || \ cph defined (ALLOW_EXF)) cph# include "ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h" cph#endif #endif /* CPP_OPTIONS_H */