C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/verification/cpl_atm2d+ocn/code_ocn/CPP_EEOPTIONS.h,v 1.4 2015/08/25 21:11:50 jmc Exp $
C $Name:  $

C     include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h"
C     *==========================================================*
C     | CPP\_EEOPTIONS.h                                         |
C     *==========================================================*
C     | C preprocessor "execution environment" supporting        |
C     | flags. Use this file to set flags controlling the        |
C     | execution environment in which a model runs - as opposed |
C     | to the dynamical problem the model solves.               |
C     | Note: Many options are implemented with both compile time|
C     |       and run-time switches. This allows options to be   |
C     |       removed altogether, made optional at run-time or   |
C     |       to be permanently enabled. This convention helps   |
C     |       with the data-dependence analysis performed by the |
C     |       adjoint model compiler. This data dependency       |
C     |       analysis can be upset by runtime switches that it  |
C     |       is unable to recoginise as being fixed for the     |
C     |       duration of an integration.                        |
C     |       A reasonable way to use these flags is to          |
C     |       set all options as selectable at runtime but then  |
C     |       once an experimental configuration has been        |
C     |       identified, rebuild the code with the appropriate  |
C     |       options set at compile time.                       |
C     *==========================================================*


C     In general the following convention applies:
C     ALLOW  - indicates an feature will be included but it may
C     CAN      have a run-time flag to allow it to be switched
C              on and off.
C              If ALLOW or CAN directives are "undef'd" this generally
C              means that the feature will not be available i.e. it
C              will not be included in the compiled code and so no
C              run-time option to use the feature will be available.
C     ALWAYS - indicates the choice will be fixed at compile time
C              so no run-time option will be present

C=== Macro related options ===
C--   Control storage of floating point operands
C     On many systems it improves performance only to use
C     8-byte precision for time stepped variables.
C     Constant in time terms ( geometric factors etc.. )
C     can use 4-byte precision, reducing memory utilisation and
C     boosting performance because of a smaller working set size.
C     However, on vector CRAY systems this degrades performance.
C     Enable to switch REAL4_IS_SLOW from genmake2 (with LET_RS_BE_REAL4):
#ifdef LET_RS_BE_REAL4
#undef REAL4_IS_SLOW
#else /* LET_RS_BE_REAL4 */
#define REAL4_IS_SLOW
#endif /* LET_RS_BE_REAL4 */

C--   Control use of "double" precision constants.
C     Use D0 where it means REAL*8 but not where it means REAL*16
#define D0 d0

C=== IO related options ===
C--   Flag used to indicate whether Fortran formatted write
C     and read are threadsafe. On SGI the routines can be thread
C     safe, on Sun it is not possible - if you are unsure then
C     undef this option.

C--   Flag used to indicate whether Binary write to Local file (i.e.,
C     a different file for each tile) and read are thread-safe.

C--   Flag to turn off the writing of error message to ioUnit zero

C--   Alternative formulation of BYTESWAP, faster than
C     compiler flag -byteswapio on the Altix.

C--   Flag defined for eeboot_minimal.F, eeset_parms.F and open_copy_data_file.F
C     to write STDOUT, STDERR and scratch files from process 0 only.
C WARNING: to use only when absolutely confident that the setup is working
C     since any message (error/warning/print) from any proc <> 0 will be lost.

C=== MPI, EXCH and GLOBAL_SUM related options ===
C--   Flag turns off MPI_SEND ready_to_receive polling in the
C     gather_* subroutines to speed up integrations.

C--   Control use of communication that might overlap computation.
C     Under MPI selects/deselects "non-blocking" sends and receives.
C--   Control use of communication that is atomic to computation.
C     Under MPI selects/deselects "blocking" sends and receives.

C--   Control XY periodicity in processor to grid mappings
C     Note: Model code does not need to know whether a domain is
C           periodic because it has overlap regions for every box.
C           Model assume that these values have been
C           filled in some way.

C--   disconnect tiles (no exchange between tiles, just fill-in edges
C     assuming locally periodic subdomain)

C--   Always cumulate tile local-sum in the same order by applying MPI allreduce
C     to array of tiles ; can get slower with large number of tiles (big set-up)

C--   Alternative way of doing global sum without MPI allreduce call
C     but instead, explicit MPI send & recv calls. Expected to be slower.

C--   Alternative way of doing global sum on a single CPU
C     to eliminate tiling-dependent roundoff errors. Note: This is slow.

C=== Other options (to add/remove pieces of code) ===
C--   Flag to turn on checking for errors from all threads and procs
C     (calling S/R STOP_IF_ERROR) before stopping.

C--   Control use of communication with other component:
C     allow to import and export from/to Coupler interface.

#endif /* _CPP_EEOPTIONS_H_ */

#include "CPP_EEMACROS.h"