C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/verification/fizhi-gridalt-hs/code/fizhi_init_fixed.F,v 1.4 2012/03/20 19:46:17 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "FIZHI_OPTIONS.h" SUBROUTINE FIZHI_INIT_FIXED (myThid) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Routine to initialise the fizhi package. c c Input: myThid - Process number calling this routine c c Notes: c 1) This routine is the interface to read input datasets and set c other fixed variables for fizhi c the datasets are: c vegetation (data for each tile at every grid point) c ozone (varies with lat, height and time - read it all in c now and interpolate between values later) c the other fixed parameters are: c N2O, Methane (vary with space) c CO2, CFC11, CFC12, CFC22 (set to a global value) c 3) For now, the fizhi package contains the alarms and clocks c routines, so this routine will also initialize the alarms. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "fizhi_SIZE.h" #include "fizhi_land_SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "fizhi_chemistry_coms.h" #include "fizhi_earth_coms.h" #include "fizhi_land_coms.h" #include "fizhi_ocean_coms.h" #include "chronos.h" #include "gridalt_mapping.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "PARAMS.h" INTEGER myThid INTEGER i,j,L,bi,bj INTEGER im1, im2, jm1, jm2, idim2, jdim2 INTEGER nymdb,nhmsb CHARACTER*40 vegdata _RL pressure0(Nrphys+1) _RL pressure(Nrphys) _RL lats(sNx,sNy,nSx,nSy), lons(sNx,sNy,nSx,nSy) _RL fracland(sNx,sNy,nSx,nSy) idim2 = sNx+OLx jdim2 = sNy+OLy im1 = 1 im2 = sNx jm1 = 1 jm2 = sNy nymdb = nymd0 nhmsb = nhms0 #ifdef ALLOW_MNC if (useMNC) then call FIZHI_MNC_INIT(myThid) endif #endif #ifdef ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS if ( useDiagnostics ) then call FIZHI_DIAGNOSTICS_INIT( myThid ) endif #endif call FIZHI_ALARMS(nymdb,nhmsb,deltaTClock) do bj = myByLo(myThid), myByHi(myThid) do bi = myBxLo(myThid), myBxHi(myThid) do j = jm1,jm2 do i = im1,im2 lons(i,j,bi,bj) = xC(i,j,bi,bj) lats(i,j,bi,bj) = yC(i,j,bi,bj) enddo enddo enddo enddo vegdata = 'veg19232.data' call FIZHI_INIT_VEG ( myThid, vegdata,im2,jm2,nSx,nSy, & nSx*nPx,nSy*nPy,maxtyp,nchp,nchptot,nchpland,lons,lats, & surftype,tilefrac,igrd,ityp,chfr,chlt,chlon) C And now fill the earth export landtype do bj = myByLo(myThid), myByHi(myThid) do bi = myBxLo(myThid), myBxHi(myThid) call GET_LANDFRAC(im2,jm2,nSx,nSy,bi,bj,maxtyp, & surftype,tilefrac,fracland(1,1,bi,bj)) do j=jm1,jm2 do i=im1,im2 landtype(i,j,bi,bj) = surftype(i,j,1,bi,bj) if(fracland(i,j,bi,bj).ge.0.3.and.surftype(i,j,1,bi,bj).ge.100) & landtype(i,j,bi,bj) = surftype(i,j,2,bi,bj) if(sice(i,j,bi,bj).ne.0.0)landtype(i,j,bi,bj) = 101 enddo enddo enddo enddo C Compute pressure profile to get methane and n2o values C - First bottom-up (in mb) pressure0(1)=1000. do L = 2,Nrphys+1 pressure0(L)=pressure0(L-1)-dpphys0(1,1,L-1,1,1)/100. enddo C Now flip pressure to a top-down array and average to mid levels C to send to fizhi init chem do L = 1,Nrphys pressure(L)=(pressure0(Nrphys+2-L)+pressure0(Nrphys+1-L))/2. enddo call FIZHI_INIT_CHEM(myThid, & nlatsoz,nlevsoz,ntimesoz,latsoz,levsoz,ozone, & nlatsq,nlevsq,ntimesq,latsq,levsq,stratq, & Nrphys,pressure,n2o,methane,co2,cfc11,cfc12,cfc22) do bj = myByLo(myThid), myByHi(myThid) do bi = myBxLo(myThid), myBxHi(myThid) do j=jm1,jm2 do i=im1,im2 phis_var(i,j,bi,bj) = 0. enddo enddo enddo enddo C Finally, grab unit numbers for reading sst and sea ice C (held in common block fizhi ocean coms) c call mdsfindunit( kice, myThid ) c open(kice) c call mdsfindunit( ksst, myThid ) c open(ksst) return end