C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_oad/cost_temp.F,v 1.2 2014/09/11 19:55:25 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "COST_OPTIONS.h" c#ifdef ALLOW_CTRL c# include "CTRL_OPTIONS.h" c#endif SUBROUTINE COST_TEMP( myThid ) C *==========================================================* C | SUBROUTINE COST_TEMP C | o the subroutine computes the sum of the squared errors C | relatively to the Levitus climatology C *==========================================================* IMPLICIT NONE C == Global variables === #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "cost.h" #include "ctrl_weights.h" C ======== Routine arguments ====================== C myThid - Thread number for this instance of the routine. INTEGER myThid #ifdef ALLOW_COST_TEMP C ========= Local variables ========================= INTEGER i, j, k INTEGER bi, bj INTEGER Nk _RL locfc,tmp _RL thetalev(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr,nSx,nSy) Nk = 2 C Read annual mean Levitus temperature CALL READ_FLD_XYZ_RL('lev_t_an.bin',' ',thetalev,0,myThid) C Total number of wet temperature point tmp = 0. _d 0 DO bj=myByLo(myThid),myByHi(myThid) DO bi=myBxLo(myThid),myBxHi(myThid) DO k=1, Nk DO j=1,sNy DO i=1,sNx tmp = tmp + maskC(i,j,k,bi,bj) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO _GLOBAL_SUM_RL( tmp , myThid ) IF ( tmp.GT.0. ) tmp = 1. _d 0 / tmp DO bj=myByLo(myThid),myByHi(myThid) DO bi=myBxLo(myThid),myBxHi(myThid) locfc = 0. _d 0 DO k=1,Nk DO j=1,sNy DO i=1,sNx locfc = locfc + tmp*maskC(i,j,k,bi,bj)* & wtheta(k,bi,bj)* & ( cMeanTheta(i,j,k,bi,bj) - thetalev(i,j,k,bi,bj) )**2 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO objf_temp_tut(bi,bj) = locfc c print*,'objf_temp_tut =',locfc,startTime,endTime,tmp ENDDO ENDDO #endif /* ALLOW_COST_TEMP */ RETURN END