C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/atm2d/atm2d_init_vars.F,v 1.10 2012/08/21 21:02:22 jscott Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "ctrparam.h" C SUBROUTINE ATM2D_INIT_VARS(myThid) C |==========================================================| C | Initialization steps which depend on pickups loading. | C \==========================================================/ IMPLICIT NONE #include "ATMSIZE.h" #include "DRIVER.h" C !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C == Routine arguments == C myThid - thread number for this instance of the routine. INTEGER myThid C === Local variables === #ifdef PREDICTED_AEROSOL PRINT *,' Before eppaemission' CALL EPPAEMISSION (0) #endif #ifdef CLM # ifndef CLM35 CALL ATMOSPHERE(0,0) ! initialize the atmospheric model # endif CALL CLM4MIT2D ! initialize CLM # ifdef CLM35 PRINT *,'After clm4mit2d initialization' PRINT *,'orbfix=',orbfix,' dyn_pft=',dyn_pft PRINT *,'orbyr=',orbyr,' rampyr_dynpft=',rampyr_dynpft # ifndef ORBITAL_FOR IF (orbyr.ne.2000) THEN PRINT *,'Wrong orbyr for CLM3.5' STOP ENDIF # endif CALL ATMOSPHERE(0,0) # endif #else CALL ATMOSPHERE(0,0) #endif #ifdef ML_2D C 2D mixed layer model initialization CALL OCEAN_ML(dtocn*3600.,dtatm*3600.) # ifdef CPL_OCEANCO2 CALL ZEROGARY # endif #endif #ifdef CPL_TEM PRINT *,' Start of tem_init' aocuav=0.0 nepav=0.0 # ifdef DATA4TEM nfile=1 # endif c call tem_init(inyear,lyear) CALL CLIMATE2TEM(0,0) CALL TEMCLM_INIT CALL LCLUC_INIT CALL UPDATELCLUC(0) CALL TEM_INIT adupt=0.0 PRINT *,' TEM initialization finished' #endif #ifdef OCEAN_3D CALL ATM2D_READ_PICKUP(myThid) #endif RETURN END