C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/autodiff/tamc.h,v 1.12 2014/04/04 23:06:34 jmc Exp $
C $Name:  $

C     ================================================================
C     ================================================================
C     o Header for the use of the Tangent Linear and Adjoint Model
C       Compiler (TAMC).
C     started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu  04-Feb-1999
C     changed: Patrick Heimbach heimbach@mit.edu 06-Jun-2000
C              - New parameter nlevchk_0 for dimensionalising
C                common blocks in the undef ALLOW_TAMC_CHECKPOINTING case
C              - nhreads_chkpt was declared at the wrong place
C              - new keys, separate for different packages

C     ================================================================
C     ================================================================

  These lines are here to deliberately cause a compile-time error.
  If you see these lines in your .f files or the compiler shows them
  as an error then it means you have not placed your customized "tamc.h"
  file in the appropriate place.
  You need to place you own copy of tamc.h in the include path for the
  model (e.g., where your SIZE.h is), and comment out these lines.
  In particular the parameters nchklev_1/2/3 (and possibly also maxpass
   and maxcube in case you are using ptracers or cubed sphere grid)
  need to be set correctly.

C     TAMC checkpointing parameters:
C     ==============================
C     The checkpointing parameters have to be consistent with other model
C     parameters and variables. This has to be checked before the model is
C     run.
C     nyears_chkpt   :: Number of calendar years affected by the assimilation
C                       experiment; nyears_chkpt has to be at least equal to
C                       the result of cal_IntYears(mythid).
C     nmonths_chkpt  :: Number of months per year; nmonth_chkpt has to be at
C                       least equal to nmonthyear.
C     ndays_chkpt    :: Number of days per month; nday_chkpt has to be at least
C                       equal to nmaxdaymonth.
C     nsteps_chkpt   :: Number of steps per day; nsteps_chkpt has to be at
C                       least equal to cal_nStepDay(mythid)
C     ncheck_chkpt   :: Number of innermost checkpoints.
C     ngeom_chkpt    :: Geometry factor.
C     nthreads_chkpt :: Number of threads to be used; nth_chkpt .eq. nTx*nTy

      integer nyears_chkpt
      integer nmonths_chkpt
      integer ndays_chkpt
      integer ngeom_chkpt
      integer ncheck_chkpt
      integer nthreads_chkpt

      parameter (nyears_chkpt   =          1 )
      parameter (nmonths_chkpt  =         12 )
      parameter (ndays_chkpt    =         31 )
      parameter (ngeom_chkpt    = nr*nsx*nsy )
      parameter (ncheck_chkpt   =          6 )
      parameter ( nthreads_chkpt = 1 )


      integer    nchklev_1
      parameter( nchklev_1      =    5 )
      integer    nchklev_2
      parameter( nchklev_2      =    2 )
c      parameter( nchklev_2      =  150 )
      integer    nchklev_3
      parameter( nchklev_3      =    3 )
c      parameter( nchklev_3      =  150 )

C--   Note always check for the correct sizes of the common blocks!

#else /* ALLOW_TAMC_CHECKPOINTING undefined */

      integer    nchklev_0
      parameter( nchklev_0      =  64800 )
      integer    nchklev_1
      parameter( nchklev_1      =    5 )


C     TAMC keys:
C     ==========
C     The keys are used for storing and reading data of the reference
C     trajectory.
C     The convention used here is:
C                                    ikey_
C     which means that this key is used in routine  for reading
C     and writing data.

      common /tamc_keys_i/
     &                     ikey_dynamics,
     &                     ikey_yearly,
     &                     ikey_daily_1,
     &                     ikey_daily_2,
     &                     iloop_daily

      integer ikey_dynamics
      integer ikey_yearly
      integer ikey_daily_1
      integer ikey_daily_2
      integer iloop_daily

      INTEGER    isbyte
      PARAMETER( isbyte      = 8 )
      INTEGER    maximpl
      PARAMETER( maximpl     = 6 )
      INTEGER    maxpass
      PARAMETER( maxpass     = 2 )
      INTEGER    maxcube
      PARAMETER( maxcube     = 1 )

      INTEGER act0, act1, act2, act3, act4
      INTEGER max0, max1, max2, max3
      INTEGER iikey, kkey, passkey, igadkey,
     &        itdkey, idynkey, igmkey, ikppkey, iptrkey

C     Parameter that is needed for the tape complev_cg2d_iter
C     cannot be smaller than the allowed number of iterations in cg2d
C     (numItersMax >= cg2dMaxIters in data-file)
      INTEGER numItersMax
      PARAMETER ( numItersMax = 100 )

C     ================================================================
C     ================================================================