C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/cost/cost_final.F,v 1.37 2017/02/18 16:20:12 gforget Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "COST_OPTIONS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_CTRL # include "CTRL_OPTIONS.h" #endif SUBROUTINE COST_FINAL( myThid ) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE cost_final c ================================================================== c c o Sum of all cost function contributions. c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE cost_final c ================================================================== IMPLICIT NONE c == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "cost.h" #ifdef ALLOW_CTRL # include "ctrl.h" #endif #ifdef ALLOW_DIC # include "DIC_COST.h" #endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_SHELFICE # include "SHELFICE_COST.h" #endif #ifdef ALLOW_PROFILES # include "PROFILES_SIZE.h" # include "profiles.h" #endif c == routine arguments == INTEGER myThid #ifdef ALLOW_COST c == local variables == INTEGER bi,bj _RL glob_fc, loc_fc #ifdef ALLOW_PROFILES integer num_file,num_var #endif character*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf c == end of interface == #ifdef ALLOW_SEAICE if (useSEAICE) CALL SEAICE_COST_FINAL (myThid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_SHELFICE CALL SHELFICE_COST_FINAL (myThid) #endif c print *, 'ph-1 in thsice_cost_final' #ifdef ALLOW_THSICE IF (useThSIce) CALL THSICE_COST_FINAL (myThid) #endif c print *, 'ph-3 in thsice_cost_final' #ifdef ALLOW_ECCO IF (useECCO) CALL ECCO_COST_FINAL (myThid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_STATE_FINAL CALL COST_STATE_FINAL (myThid) cgf : effectively using this in adjoint requires the c use of adjoint_state_final. That will activate the c objf_state_final vector in place of the fc scalar. c objf_state_final is therefore not added to fc. #endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_VECTOR cgf : same idea as for ALLOW_COST_STATE_FINAL CALL COST_VECTOR (myThid) #endif # ifdef ALLOW_COST_TEST CALL COST_TEST (myThid) # endif # ifdef ALLOW_COST_ATLANTIC_HEAT CALL COST_ATLANTIC_HEAT (myThid) # endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_HFLUXM cgf : to compile previous line user is expected to provide cost_hflux.F CALL COST_HFLUX (myThid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_TEMP CALL COST_TEMP (myThid) cgf : to compile previous line user is expected to provide cost_temp.F #endif write(msgBuf,'(A,D22.15)') ' early fc = ', fc call PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) c-- Sum up all contributions. loc_fc = 0. DO bj = myByLo(myThid), myByHi(myThid) DO bi = myBxLo(myThid), myBxHi(myThid) #ifdef ALLOW_COST_TEST write(standardmessageunit,'(A,D22.15)') & ' --> objf_test(bi,bj) = ', objf_test(bi,bj) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_TRACER write(standardmessageunit,'(A,D22.15)') & ' --> objf_tracer(bi,bj) = ', objf_tracer(bi,bj) #endif #if ( !defined (ALLOW_ECCO) || !defined (ALLOW_COST_ATLANTIC) ) # ifdef ALLOW_COST_ATLANTIC_HEAT write(standardmessageunit,'(A,D22.15)') & ' --> objf_atl(bi,bj) = ', objf_atl(bi,bj) # endif #endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_TEMP write(standardmessageunit,'(A,D22.15)') & ' --> objf_temp_tut(bi,bj) = ', objf_temp_tut(bi,bj) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_HFLUXM write(standardmessageunit,'(A,D22.15)') & ' --> objf_hflux_tut(bi,bj) = ', objf_hflux_tut(bi,bj) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_TRANSPORT write(standardmessageunit,'(A,D22.15)') & ' --> objf_transport(bi,bj) = ', objf_transport(bi,bj) #endif tile_fc(bi,bj) = tile_fc(bi,bj) #ifdef ALLOW_COST_TEST & + mult_test * objf_test(bi,bj) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_TRACER & + mult_tracer * objf_tracer(bi,bj) #endif #if ( !defined (ALLOW_ECCO) || !defined (ALLOW_COST_ATLANTIC) ) # ifdef ALLOW_COST_ATLANTIC_HEAT & + mult_atl * objf_atl(bi,bj) # endif #endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_TRANSPORT & + mult_transport * objf_transport(bi,bj) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_TEMP & + mult_temp_tut * objf_temp_tut(bi,bj) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_HFLUXM & + mult_hflux_tut * objf_hflux_tut(bi,bj) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_PROFILES if (.NOT.useECCO) then do num_file=1,NFILESPROFMAX do num_var=1,NVARMAX tile_fc(bi,bj) = tile_fc(bi,bj) & + mult_profiles(num_file,num_var) & *objf_profiles(num_file,num_var,bi,bj) enddo enddo endif #endif loc_fc = loc_fc + tile_fc(bi,bj) ENDDO ENDDO write(msgBuf,'(A,D22.15)') ' local fc = ', loc_fc call PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) c-- Do global summation. CALL GLOBAL_SUM_TILE_RL( tile_fc, glob_fc, myThid ) _BEGIN_MASTER( myThid ) fc = fc + glob_fc _END_MASTER( myThid ) c-- Add contributions from global mean constraints _BEGIN_MASTER( myThid ) fc = fc + glofc _END_MASTER( myThid ) #ifdef ALLOW_DIC_COST cph-- quickly for testing fc = totcost #endif write(msgBuf,'(A,D22.15)') ' global fc = ', fc call PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) c-- to avoid re-write of output in reverse checkpointing loops, c-- switch off output flag : CALL TURNOFF_MODEL_IO( 0, myThid ) #endif /* ALLOW_COST */ return end