C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/cost/cost_tile.F,v 1.21 2014/06/27 13:56:05 mlosch Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "COST_OPTIONS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF # include "AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h" #endif CBOI C C !TITLE: COST FUNCTION C !AUTHORS: mitgcm developers ( support@mitgcm.org ) C !AFFILIATION: Massachussetts Institute of Technology C !DATE: C !INTRODUCTION: cost function evaluation C \bv c The cost function package is connected to the differntiability c of the code. Differentiability refers to computing the derivative c of a cost function with respect to a set of control variables c (initial state, boundary values, model parameters). c The cost function may be an element of the final state, c a diagonstic thereof, a quantity that is integrated over the c model trajectory, or some model vs. data misfit. c This routine controls the cost function evaluation c at each time step. c Different contributions to the cost function are called from here. c The present package contains the basic handling of the c cost function evaluation along with two prototype cost terms. c The cost package is connected with the mitgcm code as follows: c C !CALLING SEQUENCE: c ... c |-- initialise_fixed c | c |-- packages_readparms c | c |-- cost_readparms c ... c |-- initialise_varia c | c |-- packages_init_variables c | c |-- cost_init c ... c |-- the_main_loop c | c |-- do iloop = 1,nTimeSteps c | forward_step c | cost_tile c | | c | |-- cost_tracer c | c | enddo c | c |-- cost_final C \ev CEOI CBOP C !ROUTINE: THE_MAIN_LOOP C !INTERFACE: subroutine COST_TILE( mytime, myiter, myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: \bv C *================================================================* C | subroutine cost_tile C | o this routine computes is called at each time step to C | accumulate the cost function for the tiles of this processor C *================================================================* C \ev C !USES: implicit none C == Global variables === #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "DYNVARS.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "cost.h" #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF # include "tamc.h" # ifdef ALLOW_PTRACERS # include "PTRACERS_SIZE.h" # include "PTRACERS_FIELDS.h" # endif #endif C !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C == Routine arguments == C myThid - Thread number for this instance of the routine. _RL myTime integer myiter integer myThid #ifdef ALLOW_COST C !LOCAL VARIABLES: C == Local variables == integer bi, bj CEOP #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC CADJ STORE theta = comlev1, key = ikey_dynamics, CADJ & kind = isbyte CADJ STORE uvel, vvel = comlev1, key = ikey_dynamics, CADJ & kind = isbyte # ifdef ALLOW_DEPTH_CONTROL CADJ STORE hfacw, hfacs = comlev1, key = ikey_dynamics, CADJ & kind = isbyte # endif # ifdef ALLOW_PTRACERS # ifdef NONLIN_FRSURF CADJ STORE hFacC = comlev1, key = ikey_dynamics, CADJ & kind = isbyte CADJ STORE ptracer = comlev1, key = ikey_dynamics, CADJ & kind = isbyte # endif # endif #endif IF ( myTime .GT. (EndTime - lastinterval) ) THEN #if (defined (ALLOW_COST_TEST) defined (ALLOW_COST_ATLANTIC_HEAT) defined (ALLOW_COST_TEMP) ) CALL COST_ACCUMULATE_MEAN (myThid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_SHELFICE CALL SHELFICE_COST_ACCUMULATE (myThid) #endif #if (defined ALLOW_THSICE defined ALLOW_THSICE_COST_TEST) IF (useThSIce) & CALL THSICE_COST_DRIVER (myTime, myIter, myThid) #endif ENDIF DO bj=myByLo(myThid),myByHi(myThid) DO bi=myBxLo(myThid),myBxHi(myThid) #ifdef ALLOW_COST_TRACER CALL COST_TRACER( bi, bj, myThid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_TRANSPORT CALL COST_TRANSPORT( bi, bj, myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif /* ALLOW_COST_TRANSPORT */ ENDDO ENDDO #endif /* ALLOW_COST */ RETURN END