C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/dic/o2_surfforcing.F,v 1.22 2010/03/22 02:25:20 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "DIC_OPTIONS.h" CBOP C !ROUTINE: O2_SURFFORCING C !INTERFACE: ========================================================== SUBROUTINE O2_SURFFORCING( PTR_O2, SGO2, I bi,bj,iMin,iMax,jMin,jMax, I myIter, myTime, myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: C Calculate the oxygen air-sea flux terms C !USES: =============================================================== IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "DYNVARS.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "FFIELDS.h" #include "DIC_VARS.h" c !INPUT PARAMETERS: =================================================== C myThid :: thread number C myIter :: current timestep C myTime :: current time C PTR_O2 :: oxygen tracer field _RL myTime _RL PTR_O2(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr) INTEGER iMin,iMax,jMin,jMax, bi, bj INTEGER myIter, myThid c !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: =================================================== C SGO2 :: air-sea exchange of oxygen _RL SGO2(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) #ifdef ALLOW_PTRACERS #ifdef ALLOW_O2 C !LOCAL VARIABLES: =================================================== C I, J, K - Loop counters INTEGER I,J,K C Solubility relation coefficients _RL SchmidtNoO2(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) _RL O2sat(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) _RL Kwexch(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) _RL FluxO2(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) _RL aTT _RL aTK _RL aTS _RL aTS2 _RL aTS3 _RL aTS4 _RL aTS5 _RL o2s _RL ttemp _RL stemp _RL oCnew CEOP K=1 C calculate SCHMIDT NO. for O2 DO j=jmin,jmax DO i=imin,imax IF (maskC(i,j,k,bi,bj).NE.0.) THEN ttemp = theta(i,j,k,bi,bj) stemp = salt(i,j,k,bi,bj) SchmidtNoO2(i,j) = & sox1 & + sox2 * ttemp & + sox3 * ttemp*ttemp & + sox4 * ttemp*ttemp*ttemp C Determine surface flux of O2 C exchange coeff accounting for ice cover and Schmidt no. C Kwexch_Pre= pisvel*(1-fice): previously computed in dic_surfforcing.F Kwexch(i,j) = Kwexch_Pre(i,j,bi,bj) & / sqrt(SchmidtNoO2(i,j)/660.0 _d 0) C determine saturation O2 C using Garcia and Gordon (1992), L&O (mistake in original ?) aTT = 298.15 _d 0 -ttemp aTK = 273.15 _d 0 +ttemp aTS = log(aTT/aTK) aTS2 = aTS*aTS aTS3 = aTS2*aTS aTS4 = aTS3*aTS aTS5 = aTS4*aTS oCnew = oA0 + oA1*aTS + oA2*aTS2 + oA3*aTS3 + & oA4*aTS4 + oA5*aTS5 & + stemp*(oB0 + oB1*aTS + oB2*aTS2 + oB3*aTS3) & + oC0*(stemp*stemp) o2s = EXP(oCnew) c Convert from ml/l to mol/m^3 O2sat(i,j) = o2s/22391.6 _d 0 * 1. _d 3 C Determine flux, inc. correction for local atmos surface pressure FluxO2(i,j) = Kwexch(i,j)* & (AtmosP(i,j,bi,bj)*O2sat(i,j) & - PTR_O2(i,j,K)) ELSE FluxO2(i,j) = 0. _d 0 ENDIF END
DO C update surface tendencies DO j=jmin,jmax DO i=imin,imax SGO2(i,j)= FluxO2(i,j) & *recip_drF(K) * recip_hFacC(i,j,K,bi,bj) ENDDO ENDDO #endif #endif RETURN END