Symbol Description Uses
k0 light attentuation coefficient (1/m) 7
kapgm_errfile 6
kapredi_errfile 6
KDOPRemin DOP remineralization rate (1/s) = 1/(6 month) 5
KFE half saturation fe constant (mol/m3) 6
kGloPos 5
kIce thermal conductivity of pure ice [W/m/K] 10
KPO4 half saturation phosphate constant (mol/m3) 6
KPP_DiffSFile 9
kpp_dumpFreq 5
kpp_freq 5
KPP_ghatFile 4
KPP_ghatKFile 9
KPP_ghatUseTotalDiffus 9
kpp_taveFreq 4
KPPmixingMaps 4
KPPuseDoubleDiff 6
KPPwriteState 8
KRemin remin power law coeff 5
KScav iron scavenging rate QQ 8
kSnow thermal conductivity of snow [W/m/K] 7
ksolar bulk solar abs coeff of sea ice [m^-1] 6