Symbol Description Uses
C_basal_fric_const 9
ca_remin_depth CaCO3 remineralization lengthscale 5
cAdjFreq Frequency of convective adjustment 19
calcMeanVertShear calculate the mean (@ grid-cell center) of vertical 6
calcWindStress True to calculate Wind-Stress from surface wind 6
calendarDumps moved to package cal (calendar) 9
CatoN Calcium to nitrogen uptake by small phyto 5
cDalton coefficient used to evaluate Dalton number (for Evap) 10
cdalton coefficient used to evaluate the Dalton number 7
cDrag_1 5
cdrag_1 18
cDrag_2 5
cdrag_2 18
cDrag_3 5
cdrag_3 18
cekman 6
celsius2K convert centigrade (Celsius) degree to Kelvin 40
cen2kel conversion of deg. Centigrade to Kelvin 14
CFC_atmospFile file name of atmospheric pressure 10
CFC_forcingCycle periodic-cycle freq for CFC forcing (seconds) 12
CFC_forcingPeriod record spacing time for CFC forcing (seconds) 6
CFC_iceFile file name of seaice fraction 11
CFC_windFile file name of wind speeds 12
cg2dChkResFreq Frequency with which to check residual 5
cg2dMaxIters Maximum number of iterations in the 7
cg2dpcOffDFac Averaging weight for preconditioner off-diagonal. 11
cg2dPreCondFreq Frequency for updating cg2d preconditioner 7
cg2dTargetResidual 7
cg2dTargetResWunit 7
cg2dUseMinResSol =0 : use last-iteration/converged solution 12
cg3dChkResFreq Frequency with which to check residual 4
cg3dMaxIters Maximum number of iterations in the 5
cg3dTargetResidual 8
cheap_clFile 9
cheap_dlwFile 9
cheap_hFile 11
cheap_pr1 precipitation time constant 5
cheap_pr2 precipitation time constant 5
cheap_prFile 9
cheap_tauRelax main relaxation time-scale (in sec) for atm T & Q 8
cheap_tauRelaxOce relaxation time-scale (in sec) for atm T & Q, 8
cheapaml_h 7
cheapaml_kdiff 8
cheapaml_mask_width 5
cheapaml_ntim 7
cheapaml_taurelax 8
cheapaml_taurelaxocean 7
cheapamlXperiodic domain (including land) is periodic in X dir 23
cheapamlYperiodic domain (including land) is periodic in Y dir 22
cheapMaskFile 13
checkIniSalt check for points with identically zero initial salinity 6
checkIniTemp check for points with identically zero initial Pot.Temp. 7
chkPtFreq Frequency of rolling check pointing ( s ). 13
CHL chlorophyll climatology [mg/m3] 13
chl_min minimum chlorophyll concentration [ug kg-1] 6
CHS heat exchange coefficient over sea 17
climsice 4
climsss_exfremo_intercept 5
climsss_exfremo_slope 5
climsss_interpMethod 8
climsss_lat0 7
climsss_lat_inc 7
climsss_lon0 7
climsss_lon_inc 8
climsss_nlat 8
climsss_nlon 8
climsssconst 5
climsssfile 14
climsssperiod 10
climsssRepCycle 6
climsssstartdate1 5
climsssstartdate2 5
climsssStartTime 7
climsssTauRelax 6
climsst 17
climsst_exfremo_intercept 5
climsst_exfremo_slope 5
climsst_interpMethod 8
climsst_lat0 7
climsst_lat_inc 7
climsst_lon0 7
climsst_lon_inc 8
climsst_nlat 8
climsst_nlon 8
climsstconst 5
climsstfile 14
climsstperiod 10
climsstRepCycle 6
climsststartdate1 5
climsststartdate2 5
climsstStartTime 7
climsstTauRelax 6
climtempfreeze 7
climustr_exfremo_intercept 5
climustr_exfremo_slope 5
climustr_interpMethod 8
climustr_lat0 7
climustr_lat_inc 7
climustr_lon0 7
climustr_lon_inc 8
climustr_nlat 9
climustr_nlon 8
climustrconst 5
climustrfile 12
climustrperiod 10
climustrRepCycle 5
climustrstartdate1 5
climustrstartdate2 5
climustrStartTime 7
climustrTauRelax 4
climvstr_exfremo_intercept 5
climvstr_exfremo_slope 5
climvstr_interpMethod 8
climvstr_lat0 7
climvstr_lat_inc 7
climvstr_lon0 7
climvstr_lon_inc 8
climvstr_nlat 8
climvstr_nlon 8
climvstrconst 5
climvstrfile 12
climvstrperiod 10
climvstrRepCycle 5
climvstrstartdate1 5
climvstrstartdate2 5
climvstrStartTime 7
climvstrTauRelax 4
CloudFile 7
cmonob 6
conam 6
conas 6
conc1 8
conc2 6
conc3 6
concm 6
concs 8
concv 6
conservcycle 3
convertFW2Salt salinity, used to convert Fresh-Water Flux to Salt Flux 36
ConvFile 10
coord 2
cosPower Power of cosine of latitude to multiply viscosity 7
cost_ice_flag 12
cost_nml 2
costIceEnd1 7
costIceEnd2 6
costIceStart1 5
costIceStart2 5
costname 16
costTranspDataFile 10
cpAir specific heat of air [J/kg/K] 6
cpair 11
cpIce specific heat of fresh ice [J/kg/K] 23
cpl_atmSendFrq Frequency^-1 for sending data to coupler (s) 8
cpl_earlyExpImpCall retired; always call coupler early in call sequence 8
cpl_exchange1W_sIce controls 1-way exchange of seaice (step fwd in ATM) 21
cpl_exchange2W_sIce controls 2-way exchange of ThSIce variables 30
cpl_exchange_DIC controls exchange of DIC variables 26
cpl_exchange_RunOff controls exchange of RunOff fields 19
cpl_exchange_SaltPl controls exchange of Salt-Plume fields 17
cpl_oldPickup restart from an old pickup (= until checkpoint 59h) 6
cpl_sequential =0/1 : selects Synchronous/Sequential Coupling 10
cpl_snapshot_mnc 6
cpl_taveFreq Frequency^-1 for time-Aver. output (s) 8
cpl_timeave_mnc 8
cpWater specific heat of water [J/kg/K] 10
CriterionType 8
cstanton_1 9
cstanton_2 9
cStantonS coefficients used to evaluate Stanton number (for 7
cStantonU 7
cstar 10
ctdsclimfile 6
ctdsfile 8
ctdtclimfile 6
ctdtfile 8
CtoN Carbon to nitrogen ratio in organic matter 19
ctrl_nml 3
ctrl_nml_genarr 2
ctrl_packnames 3
ctrlname 20
ctrlSmoothCorrel2D use pkg/smooth correlation operator (incl. smoother) for 2D controls (Weaver, Courtier 01) 23
ctrlSmoothCorrel3D use pkg/smooth correlation operator (incl. smoother) for 3D controls (Weaver, Courtier 01) 14
ctrlUseGen use generic control approach rather than old codes from pkg/ecco 34
curmtrufile 6
curmtrvfile 6
cvapor_exp 6
cvapor_exp_ice 6
cvapor_fac 6
cvapor_fac_ice 6
cvelTimeScale 6