Symbol Description Uses
f0 Reference coriolis parameter ( 1/s ) 27
facetEdgeLink Face-Edge connectivity map: 5
FeIntSec Sediment Fe flux, intersect value in: 6
fesedflux_pcm ratio of sediment iron to sinking organic matter 6
FetoC_sed Fe:P in sediments 5
FetoN_max Maximum Fe:N uptake ratio 5
FetoN_min Minimum Fe:N uptake ratio 6
fields List Output Fields 4
fileFlags 4
fileName List Output Filename 34
fileName1 4
fileName2 4
fileName3 4
fileName4 4
fileName5 4
fizhi_list 2
fizhi_mnc_read_pickup 5
fizhi_mnc_write_pickup 4
flamb latent heat of evaporation [J/kg] 8
flami latent heat of melting of pure ice [J/kg] 9
floats 3
flow_dir 4
flt_deltaT time-step to step forward floats (in flt_runga2.F) 24
flt_file name of the file containing the initial positions. 5
flt_int_prof period between float vertical profiles, in s 7
flt_int_traj period between storing model state at float position, in s 7
FLT_Iter0 timestep number when float are initialized 8
flt_noise range of noise added to the velocity component 40
flt_selectProfOutp select which var. to output along profiles 10
flt_selectTrajOutp select which var. to output along trajectories 9
flux_bdry_val_EAST 6
flux_bdry_val_NORTH 6
flux_bdry_val_SOUTH 6
flux_bdry_val_WEST 6
FluxFormula 17
fmin 24
fName base name for file to read 424
forcing_In_AB flag to put all forcings (Temp,Salt,Tracers,Momentum) contribution in (or out of) Adams-Bashforth time stepping. 5
forcingPrecond 64
fPrime Second Coriolis parameter ( 1/s ), related to Y-component 8
fracEnFreez fraction of energy going to lateral freezing (vs height increase) 9
fracEnMelt fraction of energy going to lateral melting (vs height decrease) 12
freefemax max solubility of free iron (mol/m3) 7
freeSurfFac Parameter to turn implicit free surface term on or off 25
frequency Frequency (in s) of Output (ouput every frequency second) 10
FSTAB Amplitude of stability correction (fraction) 14
FWIND0 ratio of near-sfc wind to lowest-level wind 12