Symbol Description Uses
gamma_blk adiabatic lapse rate 29
gamma_DON Decay timescale of DON 6
gamma_DOP Decay timescale of DOP 6
gamma_irr_mem Photoadaptation time scale 5
gamma_POM 5
gasR gas constant 6
gBaro Accel. due to gravity used in barotropic equation ( m/s^2 ) 9
gchem_ForcingCycle periodic forcing parameter specific for gchem (seconds) 4
gchem_ForcingPeriod periodic forcing parameter specific for gchem (seconds) 4
gchem_int1 4
gchem_int2 4
gchem_int3 4
gchem_int4 4
gchem_int5 4
gchem_rl1 4
gchem_rl2 4
gchem_rl3 4
gchem_rl4 4
gchem_rl5 4
genarr2dPrecond 6
genarr3dPrecond 4
gencost_avgperiod 46
gencost_barfile 114
gencost_datafile 35
gencost_enddate1 6
gencost_enddate2 5
gencost_errfile 43
gencost_is1d 7
gencost_is3d 11
gencost_itracer 7
gencost_mask 25
gencost_msk_is3d 10
gencost_name 94
gencost_nrecperiod 5
gencost_outputlevel 25
gencost_posproc 11
gencost_posproc_c 12
gencost_posproc_i 12
gencost_posproc_r 5
gencost_preproc 11
gencost_preproc_c 7
gencost_preproc_i 7
gencost_preproc_r 7
gencost_scalefile 8
gencost_smooth2Ddiffnbt 5
gencost_spmax 9
gencost_spmin 10
gencost_spzero 9
gencost_startdate1 9
gencost_startdate2 6
gencost_timevaryweight 7
gencost_wei1d 9
gentim2dPrecond 6
geoid_covariancefile 6
geoid_errfile 8
geothermalFile 7
gfo_errfile 10
gfofile 10
gfointercept 7
gfoperiod 8
gfoslope 7
gfostartdate1 7
gfostartdate2 7
gfoTimeMaskFile 10
GGL90_dirichlet 7
GGL90_PARM01 2
GGL90_PARM02 2
GGL90alpha 6
GGL90ceps 7
GGL90ck 6
GGL90diffMax 7
GGL90diffTKEh 12
GGL90dumpFreq 6
GGL90m2 6
GGL90mixingLengthMin 14
GGL90mixingMaps 5
GGL90taveFreq 7
GGL90TKEbottom 9
GGL90TKEFile 8
GGL90TKEmin 11
GGL90TKEsurfMin 6
GGL90viscMax 8
GGL90writeState 6
globalFiles Selects between global and tiled files. 26
GM_AdvForm use Advective Form (instead of Skew-Flux form) 31
GM_AdvSeparate do separately advection by Eulerian and Bolus velocity 13
GM_background_K Thickness diffusivity [m^2/s] (GM bolus transport) 15
GM_background_K3dFile input file for 3.D GM_background_K 6
GM_bol1dFile input file for 1.D vert. scaling of Thickness diffusivity 8
GM_bol2dFile input file for 2.D horiz scaling of Thickness diffusivity 8
GM_BVP_cMin minimum value for wave speed parameter c in BVP [m/s] 6
GM_BVP_ModeNumber 4
GM_facTrL2dz minimum Trans. Layer Thick. as a factor of local dz 7
GM_facTrL2ML maximum Trans. Layer Thick. as a factor of Mix-Layer Depth 6
GM_InMomAsStress apply GM as a stress in momentum Eq. 22
GM_iso1dFile input file for 1.D vert. scaling of Isopycnal diffusivity 9
GM_iso2dFile input file for 2.D horiz scaling of Isopycnal diffusivity 9
GM_isopycK Isopycnal diffusivity [m^2/s] (Redi-tensor) 19
GM_isopycK3dFile input file for 3.D GM_isopycK 6
GM_K3D_b1 an empirically determined constant of O(1) 5
GM_K3D_beta_eq_0 Ignores the beta term when calculating grad(q) 5
GM_K3D_constK Constant diffusivity to use when GM_useK3D=.TRUE. and 7
GM_K3D_constRedi Imposes a constant K for the Redi isoneutral diffusivity 5
GM_K3D_EadyMaxDepth lower depth for Eady calculation 5
GM_K3D_EadyMinDepth upper depth for Eady calculation 5
GM_K3D_gamma mixing efficiency for 3D eddy diffusivity [-] 5
GM_K3D_Lambda 5
GM_K3D_maxC 6
GM_K3D_maxRenorm maximum value for the renormalisation factor 5
GM_K3D_minCori minimum value for f (to stop things blowing up near the equator) 8
GM_K3D_minN2 minimum value for the square of the buoyancy frequency 9
GM_K3D_minRenorm minimum value for the renormalisation factor 5
GM_K3D_Rmax Upper bound on the length scale used for calculating urms 5
GM_K3D_Rmin Lower bound on the length scale used for calculating the eddy radius 5
GM_K3D_smallK 7
GM_K3D_smooth Expand PV closure in terms of baroclinic modes (=.FALSE. for debugging only!) 7
GM_K3D_surfK Imposes a constant K in the surface layer 6
GM_K3D_surfMinDepth minimum value for the depth of the surface layer 5
GM_K3D_ThickSheet Use a thick PV sheet 6
GM_K3D_use_constK Imposes a constant K for the eddy transport 7
GM_K3D_vecFreq Frequency at which to update the baroclinic modes 5
GM_Kmin_horiz minimum horizontal diffusivity [m^2/s] 7
GM_maxK3D Upper bound on the diffusivity 5
GM_maxSlope maximum slope (tapering/clipping) [-] 32
GM_maxTransLay maximum Trans. Layer Thick. [m] 6
GM_Scrit 10
GM_Sd 10
GM_slopeSqCutoff slope^2 cut-off value 14
GM_Small_Number epsilon used in computing the slope 21
GM_taper_scheme select which tapering/clipping scheme to use 30
GM_useK3D use the 3 dimensional calculation for K 14
GM_useSubMeso use parameterization of mixed layer (Sub-Mesoscale) eddies 9
GM_Visbeck_alpha 18
GM_Visbeck_depth 8
GM_Visbeck_length 8
GM_Visbeck_maxSlope 9
GM_Visbeck_maxVal_K 5
GM_Visbeck_minDepth 5
GM_Visbeck_minVal_K 5
GMwxFile 11
GMwyFile 11
GMwzFile 10
gravity Acceleration due to constant gravity ( m/s^2 ) 204
gravity_mks gravitational acceleration [m/s^2] 7
gravityFile File containing gravity vertical profile (1.D) 12
gravitySign indicates the direction of gravity relative to R direction 26
grdchk_eps 10
grdchk_nml 2
grdchkvarindex 271
grdchkwhichproc 34
groundAtK1 put the surface(k=1) at the ground (replaced by usingPCoords) 4