story by Helen Hill

This month we take a closer look at work by recent MIT-WHOI Joint Program alumna Ping Zhai who has been using MITgcm to investigate the buoyancy driven circulation in the Red Sea and in particular the origin of a mid-basin cross-over current.
The Red Sea is effectively an ‘inverse estuary’ in which surface buoyancy loss far exceeds the gain due to freshwater input. The basin also exhibits a particularly narrow and elongated north-south geometry. Indeed the Coriolis parameter actually doubles from south to north with the result that zonal motions, while favored by the strong beta effect, are blocked by the narrow walls.
This work, which formed part of Zhai’s Phd thesis, focuses on understanding a west-to-east crossover of boundary currents seen in the mean circulation patterns from several past models of the Red Sea.

Idealized Red Sea Configuration and Resulting Circulation: (Left) The idealized domain (Middle) Mean density (color) and horizontal velocity (arrows) (Right) Snapshot of surface temperature – Zhai et al. 2015.
To probe the mechanisms that produce and control the cross-over, Zhai and co-authors WHOI Senior Scientists Larry Pratt and Amy Bower, set up an idealized, eddy-resolving, configuration of the MITgcm, forced by latitudinally varying buoyancy forcing – strong to the north, weaker to the south.
The resulting circulation consists of an anticyclonic boundary current in the southern Red Sea, and a cyclonic boundary current in the northern Red Sea, with northward surface flow crossing from the western boundary to the eastern boundary connecting the two at mid-basin.
Using their idealized model to study relevant parameter space, Zhai et al explored the crossover latitude dependence on Coriolis parameter, β and the meridional gradient of surface buoyancy forcing.
The authors find their results compare well with an analysis based on quasi-geostrophic, β-plane dynamics, which predicts the cross-over should lie at the latitude where the net potential vorticity advection (including an eddy component) is zero.
To find out more about this work contact Ping.

Ping Zhai, is a recent graduate of the MIT-WHOI Joint Program, now a Research Associate in the Ocean Observing and Modeling Group in the Department of Marine, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. When she is not hard at work modeling the ocean she enjoys snowboarding, diving, and surfing, and has recently become interested in pistol and rifle shooting. She also loves to bake.
This Month’s Featured Publication
- Ping Zhai, Larry J. Pratt, Amy Bower (2015), On the Crossover of Boundary Currents in an Idealized Model of the Red Sea, Journal of Physical Oceanography 2015 ; e-View, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-14-0192.1
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Yanli Jia, Ryo Furue, Julian P. McCreary Jr. (2015), Impacts of regional mixing on the temperature structure of the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Part 2: Depth-dependent vertical diffusion, Ocean Modelling
(in press), doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.02.007
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Do you have news about research using MITgcm? We are looking for contributions to these pages. If you have an interesting MITgcm project (ocean, atmosphere, sea-ice, physics, biology or otherwise) that you want to tell people about, get in touch. To make a post, contact Helen