story by Helen Hill

Motivated by satellite data, researchers at the State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography at the Chinese Academy of Science’s South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Guangzhou, China, have been using MITgcm to investigate the interaction of internal solitary waves with mesoscale eddies in the context of the northeastern South China Sea.
Based on an analysis of synthetic aperture radar and satellite altimeter data, co-authors Jieshuo Xie, Yingui He, Zhiwu Chen, and Shuqun Cai, observed peculiar distortion of the front associated with an internal solitary wave (ISW) and postulated it to be the result of an interaction with an oceanic mesoscale eddy.
Motivated by this, the team carried out numerical experiments using a fully nonhydrostatic and nonlinear implementation of MITgcm to probe how ISWs might be affected by the transit of an isolated cyclonic or anti-cyclonic eddy.
Model results demonstrated that retardation and acceleration effects to each side of an eddy can indeed act to produce distortions to the ISW front in good qualitative agreement with satellite observations.
Subsequent analysis revealed that the ISW energy along the front is focused onto (scattered from) the wave fragment where a concave (convex) pattern is formed, with the previously accumulated energy in the focusing region gradually released after the ISW propagates away from an eddy.
The team also found that the ISW amplitude is modulated greatly by a passing eddy due to the energy redistribution along the front. Sensitivity results indicate that the magnitude of the modulated ISW amplitude in the focusing region can reach twice the incident ISW amplitude, while in the scattering region it can be reduced by more than a half reinforcing the need to use eddy resolving models to further improve amplitude predictions in the region.
In addition the authors find that for an anti-cyclonic eddy, the internal gravity wave formed behind the energy focusing region can steepen and break with the consequent formation of a secondary trailing ISW packet, again showing good qualitative agreement with features observed in the satellite data.
To find out more about this work contact Shuqun Cai
Two small movies showing the internal solitary wave front passing through a cyclonic/an anticyclonic eddy
Cyclonic Eddy – video credit: Jieshuo Xie
Anti-Cyclonic Eddy – video credit: Jieshuo Xie
About the Researchers

Jieshuo Xie started to use MITgcm in June 2012. When not MITgcming he enjoys swimming, running and climbing mountain.

Yinghui He has been using MITgcm since September 2009. Yinghui likes to swim and play guitar.

Zhiwu Chen has been using MITgcm since July 2014. When not modeling ISWs he enjoys traveling and playing table tennis.

Jiexin Xu has been using MITgcm since July 2010. She enjoys travel and cooking.

Shuqun Cai has been using MITgcm since 2009. Hobbies include playing cards and hiking.
This Month’s Featured Publication
- Jieshuo Xie, Yinghui He, Zhiwu Chen, Jiexin Xu, and Shuqun Cai (2015), Simulations of internal solitary wave interactions with mesoscale eddies in the northeastern South China Sea, Journal of Physical Oceanography 2015 ; e-View, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-15-0029.1
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