This document provides a brief synopsis of the download, compilation
and execution procedure for the the Earth System Modeling
Framework (ESMF) JMC Code L
Baseline. The code and its time to solution measurements
are part of ESMF joint milestone E.
Code L is a coupled ocean atmosphere configuration
of the MIT General Circulaiton Model (MITgcm). This configuration
is actively in use for research into
air-sea dynamical and biogeochemical couplings, especially on interannual
and greater timescales.
Details of the code configuration can be found under the
Applications link at
Reference material for the MITgcm code can be found
specific information on the current JMC code L baseline setup
and its future evolution over the ESMF project
can be found
The baseline configuration provides a starting reference point for a time to solution metric that will be used to evaluate ESMF framework overheads. As the ESMF project progresses, code L will evolve internally and the framework will replace the codes' native infrastructure. Two forms of code L will exist throughout the ESMF project one outside the framework and one that is fully framework compliant. These two forms will be used, all through the ESMF project, to establish that the time to solution, for an identical problem, of the framework compliant code is less than 10% longer than the time to solution for the non-framework form.
The problem used to measure time to solution is a ten-day coupled simulation starting from the saved state of a 50 year coupled spin-up. Subsequent milestones will give the time to solution for both framework and non-framework code. At this stage, prior to the framework development, only a single time to solution is calculated and reported. Section 2 describes downloading Code L Baseline. Sections 4, 5 and 6 describe the steps for compilation, execution and validation of the results. The exact procedures and pathnames described are tailored to the configuration of the NASA Goddard HP Alpha system, However, the code executes on many other platforms and many of the steps are the same for other platforms and systems.