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7.1.3 Key Subroutines and Parameters
There are several utilities within the GCM available to users to
enable, disable, clear, write and retrieve model diagnostics, and may
be called from any routine. The available utilities and the CALL
sequences are listed below.
This routine is the underlying interface routine for defining a new permanent
diagnostic in the main model or in a package. The calling sequence is:
O diagNum,
I diagName, diagCode, diagUnits, diagTitle, diagMate,
I myThid )
diagNum = diagnostic Id number - Output from routine
diagName = name of diagnostic to declare
diagCode = parser code for this diagnostic
diagUnits = field units for this diagnostic
diagTitle = field description for this diagnostic
diagMate = diagnostic mate number
myThid = my Thread Id number
This is the main user interface routine to the diagnostics package.
This routine will increment the specified
diagnostic quantity with a field sent through the argument list.
I inpFld, diagName,
I kLev, nLevs, bibjFlg, bi, bj, myThid )
inpFld = Field to increment diagnostics array
diagName = diagnostic identificator name (8 characters long)
kLev = Integer flag for vertical levels:
> 0 (any integer): WHICH single level to increment in qdiag.
0,-1 to increment "nLevs" levels in qdiag,
0 : fill-in in the same order as the input array
-1: fill-in in reverse order.
nLevs = indicates Number of levels of the input field array
(whether to fill-in all the levels (kLev<1) or just one (kLev>0))
bibjFlg = Integer flag to indicate instructions for bi bj loop
= 0 indicates that the bi-bj loop must be done here
= 1 indicates that the bi-bj loop is done OUTSIDE
= 2 indicates that the bi-bj loop is done OUTSIDE
AND that we have been sent a local array (with overlap regions)
(local array here means that it has no bi-bj dimensions)
= 3 indicates that the bi-bj loop is done OUTSIDE
AND that we have been sent a local array
AND that the array has no overlap region (interior only)
NOTE - bibjFlg can be NEGATIVE to indicate not to increment counter
bi = X-direction tile number - used for bibjFlg=1-3
bj = Y-direction tile number - used for bibjFlg=1-3
myThid = my thread Id number
This is a possible alternative routine to
DIAGNOSTICS_FILL which performs the same functions and has an additional option
to scale the field before filling or raise the field to a power before filling.
I inpFld, scaleFact, power, diagName,
I kLev, nLevs, bibjFlg, bi, bj, myThid )
where all the arguments are the same as for DIAGNOSTICS_FILL with
the addition of:
scaleFact = Scaling factor to apply to the input field product
power = Integer power to which to raise the input field (after scaling)
This is a specific alternative routine to DIAGNOSTICS_[SCALE]_FILL
for the case of a diagnostics which is associated to
a fraction-weight factor (referred to as the diagnostics "counter mate").
This fraction-weight field is expected to vary during the simulation
and is provided as argument to DIAGNOSTICS_FRACT_FILL
in order to perform fraction-weighted time-average diagnostics.
Note that the fraction-weight field has to correspond to the diagnostics
counter-mate which has to be filled independently with a call to DIAGNOSTICS_FILL.
I inpFld, fractFld, scaleFact, power, diagName,
I kLev, nLevs, bibjFlg, bi, bj, myThid )
where all the arguments are the same as for DIAGNOSTICS_SCALE_FILL with
the addition of:
fractFld = fraction used for weighted average diagnostics
DIAGNOSTICS_IS_ON: Function call to inquire whether a
diagnostic is active and should be incremented. Useful when there is a
computation that must be done locally before a call to
DIAGNOSTICS_FILL. The call sequence:
flag = DIAGNOSTICS_IS_ON( diagName, myThid )
diagName = diagnostic identificator name (8 characters long)
myThid = my thread Id number
This subroutine increments the diagnostics counter only.
In general, the diagnostics counter is incremented at the same time as the
diagnostics is filled, by calling DIAGNOSTICS_FILL.
However, there are few cases where the counter is not incremented
during the filling (e.g., when the filling is done level per level but
level 1 is skipped) and needs to be done explicitly with a call to subroutine
DIAGNOSTICS_COUNT. The call sequence is:
I diagName, bi, bj, myThid )
diagName = name of diagnostic to increment the counter
bi = X-direction tile number, or 0 if called outside bi,bj loops
bj = Y-direction tile number, or 0 if called outside bi,bj loops
myThid = my thread Id number
Table 7.1:
Diagnostic Parsing Array
Diagnostic Parsing Array |
Array |
Value |
Description |
parse(1) |
S |
Scalar Diagnostic |
U |
U-vector component Diagnostic |
V |
V-vector component Diagnostic |
parse(2) |
U |
C-Grid U-Point |
V |
C-Grid V-Point |
M |
C-Grid Mass Point |
Z |
C-Grid Vorticity (Corner) Point |
parse(3) |
Used for Level Integrated output: cumulate levels |
r |
same but cumulate product by model level thickness |
R |
same but cumulate product by hFac & level thickness |
parse(4) |
P |
Positive Definite Diagnostic |
parse(5) |
C |
with Counter array |
P |
post-processed (not filled up) from other diags |
D |
Disabled Diagnostic for output |
parse(6-8) |
retired, formerly: 3-digit mate number |
parse(9) |
U |
model-level plus 1/2 |
M |
model-level middle |
L |
model-level minus 1/2 |
parse(10) |
0 |
levels = 0 |
1 |
levels = 1 |
R |
levels = Nr |
L |
levels = MAX(Nr,NrPhys) |
M |
levels = MAX(Nr,NrPhys) - 1 |
G |
levels = Ground_level Number |
I |
levels = sea-Ice_level Number |
X |
free levels option (need to be set explicitly) |
The diagnostics are computed at various times and places within the
GCM. Because MITgcm may employ a staggered grid, diagnostics may be
computed at grid box centers, corners, or edges, and at the middle or
edge in the vertical. Some diagnostics are scalars, while others are
components of vectors. An internal array is defined which contains
information concerning various grid attributes of each diagnostic. The
GDIAG array (in common block diagnostics in file DIAGNOSTICS.h) is internally defined as a character*16 variable, and
is equivalenced to a character*1 "parse" array in output in order to
extract the grid-attribute information. The GDIAG array is described
in Table 7.1.
As an example, consider a diagnostic whose associated GDIAG parameter is equal
to ``UUR MR''. From GDIAG we can determine that this diagnostic is a
U-vector component located at the C-grid U-point, model mid-level (M)
with Nr levels (last R).
In this way, each Diagnostic in the model has its attributes (ie. vector or scalar,
C-grid location, etc.) defined internally. The Output routines use this information
in order to determine what type of transformations need to be performed. Any
interpolations are done at the time of output rather than during each model step.
In this way the User has flexibility in determining the type of gridded data which
is output.
Next: 7.1.4 Usage Notes
Up: 7.1 Diagnostics-A Flexible Infrastructure
Previous: 7.1.2 Equations
Copyright © 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |