C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/monitor/monitor.F,v 1.51 2016/07/18 16:45:21 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "MONITOR_OPTIONS.h" C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| CBOP C !ROUTINE: MONITOR C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE MONITOR( I myTime, myIter, myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: C Monitor key dynamical variables: calculate over the full domain C some simple statistics (e.g., min,max,average) and write them. C !USES: IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "DYNVARS.h" #include "FFIELDS.h" #include "MONITOR.h" #ifdef ALLOW_MNC # include "MNC_PARAMS.h" #endif C !INPUT PARAMETERS: _RL myTime INTEGER myIter INTEGER myThid CEOP C === Functions ==== LOGICAL DIFFERENT_MULTIPLE EXTERNAL LOGICAL MASTER_CPU_IO EXTERNAL C !LOCAL VARIABLES: CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf _RL dT _RL statsTemp(6) _RL dummyRL(6) _RS thickFacC(Nr), thickFacF(Nr) INTEGER k IF ( DIFFERENT_MULTIPLE(monitorFreq,myTime,deltaTClock) ) THEN IF ( MASTER_CPU_IO(myThid) ) THEN C-- only the master thread is allowed to switch On/Off mon_write_stdout C & mon_write_mnc (since it is the only thread that uses those flags): IF (monitor_stdio) THEN mon_write_stdout = .TRUE. ELSE mon_write_stdout = .FALSE. ENDIF mon_write_mnc = .FALSE. #ifdef ALLOW_MNC IF (useMNC .AND. monitor_mnc) THEN DO k = 1,MAX_LEN_MBUF mon_fname(k:k) = ' ' ENDDO mon_fname(1:7) = 'monitor' CALL MNC_CW_APPEND_VNAME( & 'T', '-_-_--__-__t', 0,0, myThid) CALL MNC_CW_SET_UDIM(mon_fname, -1, myThid) CALL MNC_CW_RL_W_S( & 'D',mon_fname,1,1,'T', myTime, myThid) CALL MNC_CW_SET_UDIM(mon_fname, 0, myThid) mon_write_mnc = .TRUE. ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_MNC */ C Dynamics field monitor start IF ( mon_write_stdout ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') '// ==========================', & '=============================' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, mon_ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') & '// Begin MONITOR dynamic field statistics' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, mon_ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') '// ==========================', & '=============================' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, mon_ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) ENDIF C-- endif master cpu io ENDIF C- Set mass weighted thickness factor DO k=1,Nr thickFacC(k) = drF(k)*deepFac2C(k)*rhoFacC(k) thickFacF(k) = drC(k)*deepFac2F(k)*rhoFacF(k) ENDDO C Print the time to make grepping the stdout easier CALL MON_SET_PREF( 'time', myThid ) CALL MON_OUT_I( '_tsnumber', myIter,mon_string_none,myThid ) CALL MON_OUT_RL('_secondsf', myTime,mon_string_none,myThid ) IF ( monitorSelect.GE.1 ) THEN C Print the basic statistics of model state variables CALL MON_SET_PREF( 'dynstat', myThid ) CALL MON_WRITESTATS_RL( 1, etaN, '_eta', & maskInC, maskInC, rA , drF, dummyRL, myThid ) CALL MON_WRITESTATS_RL( Nr, uVel, '_uvel', & hFacW, maskInW, rAw, thickFacC, dummyRL, myThid ) CALL MON_WRITESTATS_RL( Nr, vVel, '_vvel', & hFacS, maskInS, rAs, thickFacC, dummyRL, myThid ) CALL MON_WRITESTATS_RL( Nr, wVel, '_wvel', & maskC, maskInC, rA , thickFacF, dummyRL, myThid ) CALL MON_WRITESTATS_RL( Nr, theta,'_theta', & hFacC, maskInC, rA , thickFacC, statsTemp, myThid ) CALL MON_WRITESTATS_RL( Nr, salt, '_salt', & hFacC, maskInC, rA , thickFacC, dummyRL, myThid ) ELSE statsTemp(1) = 1. statsTemp(2) = 0. ENDIF IF ( monitorSelect.GE.3 .AND. & nSx.EQ.1 .AND. nSy.EQ.1 ) THEN C- print stats only if nSx=nSy=1 since otherwise stats are wrong k = 1 IF ( usingPCoords ) k = Nr CALL MON_WRITESTATS_RL( 1, theta(1-OLx,1-OLy,k,1,1), '_sst', & maskInC, maskInC, rA , drF, dummyRL, myThid ) CALL MON_WRITESTATS_RL( 1, salt(1-OLx,1-OLy,k,1,1), '_sss', & maskInC, maskInC, rA , drF, dummyRL, myThid ) ENDIF C Print the basic statistics of external forcing IF ( monitorSelect.GE.3 ) THEN CALL MON_SET_PREF( 'forcing', myThid ) CALL MON_WRITESTATS_RS( 1, Qnet, '_qnet', & maskInC, maskInC, rA , drF, dummyRL, myThid ) CALL MON_WRITESTATS_RS( 1, Qsw , '_qsw', & maskInC, maskInC, rA , drF, dummyRL, myThid ) CALL MON_WRITESTATS_RS( 1, EmPmR,'_empmr', & maskInC, maskInC, rA , drF, dummyRL, myThid ) CALL MON_WRITESTATS_RS( 1, fu , '_fu', & maskInW, maskInW, rAw, drF, dummyRL, myThid ) CALL MON_WRITESTATS_RS( 1, fv , '_fv', & maskInS, maskInS, rAs, drF, dummyRL, myThid ) ENDIF C Print numerical stablility parameters for lastest tracer advection IF ( monitorSelect.GE.2 ) THEN CALL MON_SET_PREF( 'trAdv_CFL', myThid ) CALL MON_OUT_RL( '_u', mon_trAdvCFL(1), mon_foot_max,myThid ) CALL MON_OUT_RL( '_v', mon_trAdvCFL(2), mon_foot_max,myThid ) CALL MON_OUT_RL( '_w', mon_trAdvCFL(3), mon_foot_max,myThid ) ENDIF C Print the numerical stablility parameters for current state CALL MON_SET_PREF( 'advcfl', myThid ) dT = MAX(dTtracerLev(1),deltaTmom) CALL MON_ADVCFL( '_uvel', uVel, recip_dxC, dT, myThid ) CALL MON_ADVCFL( '_vvel', vVel, recip_dyC, dT, myThid ) CALL MON_ADVCFLW( '_wvel', wVel, recip_drC, dT, myThid ) CALL MON_ADVCFLW2('_W_hf', wVel, recip_hFacC, & recip_drF, dT, myThid ) C Print stats for KE CALL MON_KE(myIter, myThid) C Print stats for (relative,absolute) Vorticity AND Pot.Vort. IF ( monitorSelect.GE.2 ) CALL MON_VORT3( myIter, myThid ) C Print stats for surface correction terms (Linear Free-Surf) IF ( monitorSelect.GE.2 ) CALL MON_SURFCOR( myThid ) C Check that solution is within reasonable bounds CALL MON_SOLUTION( statsTemp, myTime, myIter, myThid ) C Dynamics field monitor finish IF ( MASTER_CPU_IO(myThid) ) THEN C-- only the master thread is allowed to switch On/Off mon_write_stdout C & mon_write_mnc (since it is the only thread that uses those flags): IF ( mon_write_stdout ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') '// ==========================', & '=============================' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, mon_ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') & '// End MONITOR dynamic field statistics' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, mon_ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') '// ==========================', & '=============================' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, mon_ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) ENDIF mon_write_stdout = .FALSE. mon_write_mnc = .FALSE. C-- endif master cpu io ENDIF C endif different multiple ENDIF RETURN END