subroutine LSUPDXX(
     &     nn, ifail, lphprint
     &     , jmin, jmax, nupdate
     &     , ff, fmin, fold, gnorm0, dotdg
     &     , gg, dd, xx, xdiff
     &     , tmin, tmax, tact, epsx
     &     )

c     ==================================================================
c     SUBROUTINE lsupdxx
c     ==================================================================
c     o conceived for variable online/offline version
c       computes - new descent direction dd based on latest 
c                  available gradient
c                - new tact based on new dd
c                - new control vector xx needed for offline run
c     o started: Patrick Heimbach, MIT/EAPS
c                29-Feb-2000: 
c     o Version 2.1.0, 02-Mar-2000: Patrick Heimbach, MIT/EAPS
c     ==================================================================
c     SUBROUTINE lsupdxx
c     ==================================================================

#include "blas1.h"

      implicit none

c declare arguments
      integer nn, jmin, jmax, nupdate, ifail
      double precision    ff, fmin, fold, gnorm0, dotdg
      double precision    gg(nn), dd(nn), xx(nn), xdiff(nn)
      double precision    tmin, tmax, tact, epsx
      logical lphprint

C declare local variables
      integer i
      double precision    fdiff, preco

      double precision     DDOT

c     ==================================================================

c use Fletchers scaling
c and initialize diagional to 1.
      if ( ( jmax .eq. 0 ) .or. (nupdate .eq. 0 ) ) then

         if (jmax .eq. 0) then
            fold = fmin
            if (lphprint) 
     &           print *, 'pathei-lsopt: using fold = fmin = ', fmin

if fdiff = fold - ff if (jmax .eq. 0) fdiff = ABS(fdiff) preco = 2. * fdiff / (gnorm0*gnorm0) do i = 1, nn dd(i) = -gg(i)*preco end

do if (lphprint) & print *, 'pathei-lsopt: first estimate of dd via ', & 'fold - ff' c----------------------------------------- c use the matrix stored in [diag] c and the (y,s) pairs c----------------------------------------- else do i = 1, nn dd(i) = -gg(i) end

do if (jmax .gt. 0) then call HESSUPD( nn, nupdate, dd, jmin, jmax, xdiff, & lphprint ) else if (lphprint) & print *, 'pathei-lsopt: no hessupd for first optim.' end

if endif c----------------------------------------- c check whether new direction is a descent one c----------------------------------------- dotdg = DDOT( nn, dd, 1, gg, 1 ) if (dotdg .ge. 0.0) then ifail = 4 goto 999 end

if c---------------------------------- c declare arguments c---------------------------------- tmin = 0. do i = 1, nn tmin = max( tmin, abs(dd(i)) ) end

do tmin = epsx/tmin c---------------------------------- c make sure that t is between c tmin and tmax c---------------------------------- tact = 1.0 tmax = 1.0e+10 if (tact.le.tmin) then tact = tmin if ( then tmin = tmax endif endif if (tact .gt. tmax) then tact = tmax ifail = 7 endif c---------------------------------- c compute new x c---------------------------------- do i = 1, nn xdiff(i) = xx(i) + tact*dd(i) end

do c---------------------------------- c save new x to file for offline version c---------------------------------- 999 continue return end