Symbol Description Uses
nn 397

File Line number Procedure Code
./pkg/exch2/w2_set_tile2tiles.F 285 W2_SET_TILE2TILES
            nn = exch2_opposingSend(ns,is)
./pkg/exch2/w2_set_tile2tiles.F 290 W2_SET_TILE2TILES
     &      nn,' (',tile_edge2edge(nn,it),' ) and',
./pkg/exch2/w2_set_tile2tiles.F 319 W2_SET_TILE2TILES
        nn = exch2_opposingSend(nt,it)
./pkg/exch2/w2_set_tile2tiles.F 320 W2_SET_TILE2TILES
        IF ( .OR. nn.NE.ns ) THEN
./pkg/exch2/w2_set_tile2tiles.F 331 W2_SET_TILE2TILES
     &      nn,' (',tile_edge2edge(nn,ii),' )'
./pkg/exch2/w2_set_tile2tiles.F 43 W2_SET_TILE2TILES
      INTEGER i, k, ii, nn
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 142 LWRIO
       call STRIPITINT (landtype,lwi,im*jm,im*jm,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 2518 TABLUP
      integer iw,ip,nn
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 2525 TABLUP
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 2551 TABLUP
        pa = coef1(ip,iw-1,nn)*(1.-fp)+coef1(ip+1,iw-1,nn)*fp
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 2552 TABLUP
        pb = coef1(ip,iw,  nn)*(1.-fp)+coef1(ip+1,iw,  nn)*fp
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 2553 TABLUP
        pc = coef1(ip,iw+1,nn)*(1.-fp)+coef1(ip+1,iw+1,nn)*fp
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 2561 TABLUP
        ba = coef2(ip,iw,  nn)*(1.-fp)+coef2(ip+1,iw,  nn)*fp
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 2562 TABLUP
        bb = coef2(ip,iw+1,nn)*(1.-fp)+coef2(ip+1,iw+1,nn)*fp
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 2565 TABLUP
        ca = coef3(ip,iw,  nn)*(1.-fp)+coef3(ip+1,iw,  nn)*fp
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 2566 TABLUP
        cb = coef3(ip,iw+1,nn)*(1.-fp)+coef3(ip+1,iw+1,nn)*fp
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 39 LWRIO
      integer i,j,l,n,nn
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 1190 RAS
      integer nn,lng,lenc,k,nltop,nlayr
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 1296 RAS
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 139 MOISTIO
      integer i,j,iloop,indx,indgath,l,nn,num,numdeps,nt
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 1499 CLOUD
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 1635 CLOUD
      integer nn,lng,LENC,K,NLTOP,nlayr,ic,ntracedim, ntracer
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 178 MOISTIO
          nn = 3*1800.0/tmstp + 1
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 181 MOISTIO
      cldmin = rasmax*(1.0-tmstp/1800.)**nn
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 2371 RNEVP
      integer nn,irun,nlay
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 364 MOISTIO
        call STRIP ( ugather(1,1,nt), ul(1,1,nt),im*jm,istrip,lm,nn )
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 713 MOISTIO
      call PASTE (  srcld,   cldsr,istrip,im*jm,lm,nn )
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 714 MOISTIO
      call PASTE (  cldlz,cldwater,istrip,im*jm,lm,nn )
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 715 MOISTIO
      call PASTE ( clsbth,   cldls,istrip,im*jm,lm,nn )
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 716 MOISTIO
      call PASTE ( clboth,   cpen ,istrip,im*jm,lm,nn )
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 411 SWRIO
      do 1000 nn = 1,npcs
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 42 SWRIO
      integer   i,j,L,nn,nsecf
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 432 SWRIO
      call STRIP ( cldtot,clro,im*jm,istrip,lm,nn )
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 479 SWRIO
      call PASTE ( dtsw , dtradsw ,istrip,im*jm,lm,nn )
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 480 SWRIO
      call PASTE ( dtswc, dtswclr ,istrip,im*jm,lm,nn )
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 482 SWRIO
      call PASTE ( flux   (1,1),osr   ,istrip,im*jm,1,nn )
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 483 SWRIO
      call PASTE ( fluxclr(1,1),osrclr,istrip,im*jm,1,nn )
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 485 SWRIO
      call PASTE ( flux   (1,lm+1),radswg,istrip,im*jm,1,nn )
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 486 SWRIO
      call PASTE ( fluxclr(1,lm+1),swgclr,istrip,im*jm,1,nn )
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 488 SWRIO
      call PASTE ( dirpar,fdirpar,istrip,im*jm,1,nn )
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 489 SWRIO
      call PASTE ( difpar,fdifpar,istrip,im*jm,1,nn )
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 502 SWRIO
      call PASTE ( tstrip,albedo,istrip,im*jm,1,nn )
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1001 TURBIO
     & nn,.false., 'UFLUX   ', 1, 1, bi, bj, myid)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1005 TURBIO
     & nn,.false., 'VFLUX   ', 1, 1, bi, bj, myid)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1008 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (sustar,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1012 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (sz0,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1016 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (frqtrb,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1020 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (pbldpth,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1024 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (stu2m,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1028 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (stv2m,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1032 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (stt2m,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1043 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (tmpstrip,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1047 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (stu10m,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1051 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (stv10m,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1055 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (stt10m,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1066 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (tmpstrip,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1075 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (td,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1079 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (qa,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1083 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (swet1,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1087 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (swet2,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1091 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (swet3,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1095 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (capacity,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1099 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (snowdepth,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 1314 TRBFLX
      integer nn,irun,nlev,nltop,ntrace,ntracedim,itrtrb,nhms,nymd
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 2371 SFCFLX
      integer nn,n,irun
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 250 TURBIO
      integer istnp1,istnlay,itrtrb,i,L,nn,nt
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 4127 LINADJ
      integer nn,irun,itype
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 439 TURBIO
      do 2000 nn = 1, numstrips
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 441 TURBIO
       call STRIP2TILE(uz,igrd,u,nchp,ijall,istrip,nlay,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 442 TURBIO
       call STRIP2TILE(vz,igrd,v,nchp,ijall,istrip,nlay,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 443 TURBIO
       call STRIP2TILE(tz,igrd,th,nchp,ijall,istrip,nlay,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 444 TURBIO
       call STRIP2TILE(qz(1,1,1,1),igrd,sh,nchp,ijall,istrip,nlay,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 445 TURBIO
       call STRIP2TILE(dpres,igrd,dpstr,nchp,ijall,istrip,nlay,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 446 TURBIO
       call STRIP2TILE(plz,igrd,p,nchp,ijall,istrip,nlay,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 447 TURBIO
       call STRIP2TILE(plze,igrd,pe,nchp,ijall,istrip,nlay+1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 448 TURBIO
       call STRIP2TILE(pkz,igrd,pk,nchp,ijall,istrip,nlay,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 449 TURBIO
       call STRIP2TILE(pkht,igrd,pke,nchp,ijall,istrip,nlay+1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 455 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (z0,stz0,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 456 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (tground,th(1,nlay+1),nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 457 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (pmsc,pe(1,nlay+1),nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 458 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (tke,qq,nchptot,nchp,istrip,nlay-1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 459 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (ctmt,ctsave,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 460 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (xxmt,xxsave,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 461 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (yymt,yysave,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 462 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (zetamt,zetasave,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 463 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (xlmt,xlsave,nchptot,nchp,istrip,nlay,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 464 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (khmt,khsave,nchptot,nchp,istrip,nlay,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 465 TURBIO
       call STRIPITINT (water,stwatr,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 467 TURBIO
       call STRIPITINT (igrd,igrdstr,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 468 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (chfr,chfrstr,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 469 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (icethk,icest,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 470 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (pardiff,pardf,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 471 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (pardirct,pardr,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 472 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (chlt,lats,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 473 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (chlon,lons,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 474 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (lsprec,rainls,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 475 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (cnvprec,raincon,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 476 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (snowprec,newsnow,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 477 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (netsw,swnet,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 478 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (netlw,lwstrip,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 479 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (alwcoeff,alwrad,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 480 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (blwcoeff,blwrad,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 481 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (alai,laistrip,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 482 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (agrn,grnstrip,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 483 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (z2ch,z2str,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 484 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (sqscat,scatstr,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 485 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (rsoil1,rs1str,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 486 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (rsoil2,rs2str,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 487 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (rdc,rdcstr,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 488 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (u2fac,u2fstr,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 489 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (shg,shgstr,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 490 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (dqsdt,dqsdtstr,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 491 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  ( qice, qicestr,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 492 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (dqice,dqicestr,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 493 TURBIO
       call STRIPITINT (ityp,types,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 495 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (tground,tc,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 496 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (tdeep,td,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 497 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (qground,qa,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 498 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (swetshal,swet1,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 499 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (swetroot,swet2,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 500 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (swetdeep,swet3,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 501 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (snodep,snowdepth,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 502 TURBIO
       call STRIPIT  (capac,capacity,nchptot,nchp,istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 538 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (tmpstrip,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 588 TURBIO
       call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (stdiag,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 594 TURBIO
      call TRBFLX(nn,th,thv,sh,u,v,qq,p,pe,pk,pke,dpstr,stwatr,stz0,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 603 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (qq,tke,istrip,nchp,nchptot,nlay,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 604 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (ctsave,ctmt,istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 605 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (xxsave,xxmt,istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 606 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (yysave,yymt,istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 607 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (zetasave,zetamt,istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 608 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (xlsave,xlmt,istrip,nchp,nchptot,nlay,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 609 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (khsave,khmt,istrip,nchp,nchptot,nlay,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 611 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (qliq  ,qliqmsc,istrip,nchp,nchptot,nlay,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 612 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (turbfcc,fccmsc,istrip,nchp,nchptot,nlay,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 678 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (tmpstrip,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 685 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (tmpstrip,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 692 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (tmpstrip,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 696 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (grnstrip,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 700 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (laistrip,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 704 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (pardr,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 708 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (pardf,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 712 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (blwrad,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 716 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (dhsdtc,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 720 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (dedtc,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 724 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (dhsdqa,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 728 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (dedqa,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 732 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (hlwdwn,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 769 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (runoff,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 773 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (fwsoil,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 777 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (gdrain,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 781 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (smelt,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 785 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (eveg,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 789 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (esno,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 793 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (esoi,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 797 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (eint,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 801 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (evpot,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 805 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (strdg1,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 809 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (strdg2,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 813 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (strdg3,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 817 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (strdg4,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 821 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (strdg5,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 825 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (strdg6,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 829 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (strdg7,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 833 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (strdg8,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 838 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (tc,tground,istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 839 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (td,tdeep,istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 840 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (qa,qground,istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 841 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (swet1,swetshal,istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 842 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (swet2,swetroot,istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 843 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (swet3,swetdeep,istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 844 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (capacity,capac,istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 845 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (snowdepth,snodep,istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 880 TURBIO
     1                                                 istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 884 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (tends,dumsc(1,l),istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 887 TURBIO
     1                                                 istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 891 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (tends,dvmsc(1,l),istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 894 TURBIO
     1                                                 istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 899 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (tends,dtmsc(1,l),istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 902 TURBIO
     1                                                 istrip,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 907 TURBIO
      call PASTIT (tends,dqmsc(1,l,1),istrip,nchp,nchptot,1,nn)
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 932 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (tmpstrip,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 939 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (tmpstrip,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 946 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (tmpstrip,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 950 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (stuflux,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 954 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (stvflux,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 963 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (sttflux,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 972 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (stqflux,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 976 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (sri,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 980 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (skh,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 984 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (skm,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 988 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (sct,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 992 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (scu,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 996 TURBIO
      call DIAG_VEGTILE_FILL (swinds,igrd,chfrstr,istrip,nchp,nn,
./pkg/fizhi/update_ocean_exports.F 184 GETSICE
      integer i,j,n,nn,iyear,iyearbc,nd,ndby3,imbc,jmbc
./pkg/fizhi/update_ocean_exports.F 297 GETSICE
         write(6,1000) (nn,nymdbc(nn),nhmsbc(nn),nn=n,n+2)
./pkg/fizhi/update_ocean_exports.F 300 GETSICE
        write(6,1000) (nn,nymdbc(nn),nhmsbc(nn),nn=ndby3*3+1,ndatebc)
./pkg/fizhi/update_ocean_exports.F 445 GETSST
      integer i,j,n,nn,iyear,iyearbc,nd,ndby3,imbc,jmbc
./pkg/fizhi/update_ocean_exports.F 557 GETSST
         write(6,1000) (nn,nymdbc(nn),nhmsbc(nn),nn=n,n+2)
./pkg/fizhi/update_ocean_exports.F 560 GETSST
        write(6,1000) (nn,nymdbc(nn),nhmsbc(nn),nn=ndby3*3+1,ndatebc)
./pkg/opps/opps_calc.F 368 OPPS_CALC
        do nn=1,ntime
./pkg/opps/opps_calc.F 580 NLOPPS
      integer ntime,nn,kmx,ic
./pkg/opps/opps_calc.F 857 NLOPPS
             do nn=1,ntime
./pkg/opps/opps_calc.F 97 OPPS_CALC
      INTEGER ntime,nn,kmx,ic
./optim/optim_initmod.F 39 OPTIM_INITMOD
      integer nn
./optim/optim_initmod.F 3 OPTIM_INITMOD
     I                    nn,
./optim/optim_initmod.F 40 OPTIM_INITMOD
      _RL   xx(nn)
./optim/optim_main.F 77 NO PROCEDURE
      integer nn
./optim/optim_main.F 91 NO PROCEDURE
      call OPTIM_NUMBMOD( nn )
./optim/optim_main.F 97 NO PROCEDURE
      call OPTIM_SUB( nn )
./optim/optim_numbmod.F 261 OPTIM_NUMBMOD
      call OPTIM_READDATA ( nn, ctrlname, lheaderonly, ff, vv)
./optim/optim_numbmod.F 266 OPTIM_NUMBMOD
      print*, ' number of control variables     = ', nn
./optim/optim_numbmod.F 49 OPTIM_NUMBMOD
     O                    nn
./optim/optim_numbmod.F 88 OPTIM_NUMBMOD
      integer nn
./optim/optim_numbmod.F 98 OPTIM_NUMBMOD
      _RL            vv(nn)
./optim/optim_readdata.F 11 OPTIM_READDATA
     I                      nn,
./optim/optim_readdata.F 377 OPTIM_READDATA
       nn = nvarlength
./optim/optim_readdata.F 50 OPTIM_READDATA
      integer nn
./optim/optim_readdata.F 54 OPTIM_READDATA
      _RL     vv(nn)
./optim/optim_sub.F 102 OPTIM_SUB
        print*,'            nn = ',nn
./optim/optim_sub.F 104 OPTIM_SUB
        print*,'          Set MAX_INDEPEND in Makefile .ge. ',nn
./optim/optim_sub.F 111 OPTIM_SUB
      print*, ' OPTIMUM: with nn, REAL_BYTE = ', nn, REAL_BYTE
./optim/optim_sub.F 117 OPTIM_SUB
      call LSOPT_TOP( nn, xx, objf, adxx
./optim/optim_sub.F 38 OPTIM_SUB
      integer nn
./optim/optim_sub.F 45 OPTIM_SUB
      _RL   xx(nn)
./optim/optim_sub.F 46 OPTIM_SUB
      _RL   adxx(nn)
./optim/optim_sub.F 47 OPTIM_SUB
      _RL   dd(nn)
./optim/optim_sub.F 48 OPTIM_SUB
      _RL   gold(nn)
./optim/optim_sub.F 49 OPTIM_SUB
      _RL   xdiff(nn)
./optim/optim_sub.F 4 OPTIM_SUB
     I                 nn
./optim/optim_sub.F 74 OPTIM_SUB
      call MYALLOC( pxx  ,  nn*REAL_BYTE )
./optim/optim_sub.F 75 OPTIM_SUB
      call MYALLOC( padxx,  nn*REAL_BYTE )
./optim/optim_sub.F 76 OPTIM_SUB
      call MYALLOC( pdd,    nn*REAL_BYTE )
./optim/optim_sub.F 77 OPTIM_SUB
      call MYALLOC( pgold,  nn*REAL_BYTE )
./optim/optim_sub.F 78 OPTIM_SUB
      call MYALLOC( pxdiff, nn*REAL_BYTE )
./optim/optim_sub.F 94 OPTIM_SUB
      call OPTIM_INITMOD( nn, xx )
./optim/optim_sub.F 99 OPTIM_SUB
      if (nn .gt. nmax) then
./optim/optim_writedata.F 11 OPTIM_WRITEDATA
     I                       nn,
./optim/optim_writedata.F 47 OPTIM_WRITEDATA
      integer nn
./optim/optim_writedata.F 49 OPTIM_WRITEDATA
      _RL     vv(nn)
./optim/simul.F 49 SIMUL
      integer nn
./optim/simul.F 4 SIMUL
     I                  nn,
./optim/simul.F 50 SIMUL
      _RL   xx(nn)
./optim/simul.F 52 SIMUL
      _RL   adxx(nn)
./optim/simul.F 66 SIMUL
      do i = 1,nn
./optim/simul.F 76 SIMUL
      call OPTIM_READDATA( nn, ctrlname, lheaderonly, objf,   xx )
./optim/simul.F 77 SIMUL
      call OPTIM_READDATA( nn, costname, lheaderonly, objf, adxx )
./optim/simul.F 82 SIMUL
      print *, ' leaving simul with nn, objf = ', nn, objf
./optim/simul.F 84 SIMUL
      do i=1,nn
./lsopt/dgscale.F 23 DGSCALE
      integer nn
./lsopt/dgscale.F 24 DGSCALE
      double precision    gold(nn), xdiff(nn), diag(nn)
./lsopt/dgscale.F 2 DGSCALE
      subroutine DGSCALE( nn, gold, xdiff, diag, rmin )
./lsopt/dgscale.F 33 DGSCALE
      call DOSTORE( nn, diag, .false., 3 )
./lsopt/dgscale.F 36 DGSCALE
      do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/dgscale.F 41 DGSCALE
      call SSCAL( nn, r1, diag, 1 )
./lsopt/dgscale.F 50 DGSCALE
      do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/dgscale.F 60 DGSCALE
      do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/dgscale.F 71 DGSCALE
      call DOSTORE( nn, diag, .true., 3 )
./lsopt/hessupd.F 100 HESSUPD
         do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/hessupd.F 2 HESSUPD
      subroutine HESSUPD( nn, mupd, dd, jmin, jmax, xdiff, lphprint )
./lsopt/hessupd.F 37 HESSUPD
      integer nn, mupd, jmin, jmax
./lsopt/hessupd.F 38 HESSUPD
      double precision dd(nn), alpha(100), xdiff(nn)
./lsopt/hessupd.F 72 HESSUPD
         call DOSTORE( nn, xdiff, .false., 2*jp+3 )
./lsopt/hessupd.F 73 HESSUPD
         r = DDOT( nn, dd, 1, xdiff,1 )
./lsopt/hessupd.F 74 HESSUPD
         call DOSTORE( nn, xdiff, .false., 2*jp+2 )
./lsopt/hessupd.F 76 HESSUPD
         do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/hessupd.F 85 HESSUPD
         call DOSTORE( nn, xdiff, .false., 3 )
./lsopt/hessupd.F 86 HESSUPD
         do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/hessupd.F 97 HESSUPD
         call DOSTORE( nn, xdiff, .false., 2*jp+2 )
./lsopt/hessupd.F 98 HESSUPD
         r = alpha(jp) - DDOT( nn, dd,1 , xdiff, 1 )
./lsopt/hessupd.F 99 HESSUPD
         call DOSTORE( nn, xdiff, .false., 2*jp+3 )
./lsopt/lsline.F 129 LSLINE
         call SIMUL( indic, nn, xdiff, fnew, gg )
./lsopt/lsline.F 131 LSLINE
         fp = DDOT( nn, dd, 1, gg, 1 )
./lsopt/lsline.F 160 LSLINE
         do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/lsline.F 238 LSLINE
         do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/lsline.F 255 LSLINE
            do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/lsline.F 267 LSLINE
         do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/lsline.F 281 LSLINE
      do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/lsline.F 4 LSLINE
     &     , nn, ifail, lphprint
./lsopt/lsline.F 55 LSLINE
      integer nn, ifail, ifunc, nfunc
./lsopt/lsline.F 57 LSLINE
      double precision xx(nn), dd(nn), gg(nn), xdiff(nn)
./lsopt/lsline.F 95 LSLINE
      if (  (nn.le.0)
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 125 LSOPT_TOP
      mm    = nn
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 142 LSOPT_TOP
     $        , '  number of control variables.......', nn
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 158 LSOPT_TOP
     $        , '  size of used memory...............', 3*nn
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 165 LSOPT_TOP
      if (nn .le. 0) then
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 167 LSOPT_TOP
            print '(a,i6)'  , '  ERROR : n     = ', nn
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 260 LSOPT_TOP
         print *, 'pathei-lsopt vor simul', nn
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 263 LSOPT_TOP
         call SIMUL( indic, nn, xx, ff, gg )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 265 LSOPT_TOP
         print *, 'pathei: nach simul:   nn, ff = ', nn, ff
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 268 LSOPT_TOP
         do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 275 LSOPT_TOP
         call DOSTORE( nn, xx, .true., 1 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 276 LSOPT_TOP
         call DOSTORE( nn, gg, .true., 2 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 277 LSOPT_TOP
         call DOSTORE( nn, xdiff, .true., 3 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 287 LSOPT_TOP
         gnorm0 = DNRM2( nn, gg, 1 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 2 LSOPT_TOP
      subroutine LSOPT_TOP( nn, xx, ff, gg, simul, optline
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 307 LSOPT_TOP
         if (mm .ne. nn) then
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 353 LSOPT_TOP
         call DOSTORE( nn, xx, .false., 1 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 354 LSOPT_TOP
         call DOSTORE( nn, gg, .false., 2 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 378 LSOPT_TOP
     $           , DNRM2( nn, xx, 1 ), 0.
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 405 LSOPT_TOP
      do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 420 LSOPT_TOP
     &     nn, ifail, lphprint
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 438 LSOPT_TOP
     &     , nn, ifail, lphprint
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 450 LSOPT_TOP
      call DOSTORE( nn, xx, .true., 1 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 451 LSOPT_TOP
      call DOSTORE( nn, gg, .true., 2 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 456 LSOPT_TOP
      gnorm = DNRM2( nn, gg, 1 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 462 LSOPT_TOP
     $     , DNRM2( nn, xx, 1 ), tact*DNRM2( nn, dd, 1 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 490 LSOPT_TOP
         do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 497 LSOPT_TOP
         do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 501 LSOPT_TOP
         ys = DDOT( nn, gold, 1, xdiff, 1 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 543 LSOPT_TOP
         call DSCAL( nn, r1, xdiff, 1 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 544 LSOPT_TOP
         call DSCAL( nn, r1, gold, 1 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 550 LSOPT_TOP
         call DOSTORE( nn, gold, .true., 2*jmax+2 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 551 LSOPT_TOP
         call DOSTORE( nn, xdiff, .true., 2*jmax+3 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 557 LSOPT_TOP
         call DGSCALE( nn, gold, xdiff, dd, rmin )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 58 LSOPT_TOP
      integer nn, iprint, itmax, nfunc, nupdate, ifail
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 592 LSOPT_TOP
      call OUTSTORE( nn, ff, gnorm0, nupdate, jmin, jmax )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 602 LSOPT_TOP
     &        nn, ifail, lphprint
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 60 LSOPT_TOP
      double precision  xx(nn), ff, gg(nn), epsx, fmin, epsg
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 610 LSOPT_TOP
         call OPTIM_WRITE_CONTROL( nn, xdiff )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 61 LSOPT_TOP
      double precision  dd(nn), gold(nn), xdiff(nn)
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 632 LSOPT_TOP
     $        , '  norm of x...................', DNRM2( nn, xx, 1 )
./lsopt/lsopt_top.F 634 LSOPT_TOP
     $        , '  norm of g...................', DNRM2( nn, gg, 1 )
./lsopt/lsupdxx.F 102 LSUPDXX
         dotdg = DDOT( nn, dd, 1, gg, 1 )
./lsopt/lsupdxx.F 113 LSUPDXX
      do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/lsupdxx.F 140 LSUPDXX
      do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/lsupdxx.F 37 LSUPDXX
      integer nn, jmin, jmax, nupdate, ifail
./lsopt/lsupdxx.F 39 LSUPDXX
      double precision    gg(nn), dd(nn), xx(nn), xdiff(nn)
./lsopt/lsupdxx.F 3 LSUPDXX
     &     nn, ifail, lphprint
./lsopt/lsupdxx.F 70 LSUPDXX
         do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/lsupdxx.F 85 LSUPDXX
            do i = 1, nn
./lsopt/lsupdxx.F 90 LSUPDXX
               call HESSUPD( nn, nupdate, dd, jmin, jmax, xdiff, 
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_out.F 183 DIAGNOSTICS_OUT
           nn = ndId
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_out.F 184 DIAGNOSTICS_OUT
           DO WHILE ( gdiag(nn)(5:5).EQ.'P' )
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_out.F 185 DIAGNOSTICS_OUT
             nn = hdiag(nn)
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_out.F 187 DIAGNOSTICS_OUT
           IF ( mdiag(md,listId).NE.0 ) mDbl = hdiag(nn)
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_out.F 265 DIAGNOSTICS_OUT
     &            cdiag(nn), ' (#', nn, ') Cnt=', ndiag(ip,1,1)
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_out.F 268 DIAGNOSTICS_OUT
     &            cdiag(nn), ' (#', nn, ') Cnt=', ndiag(ip,1,1),
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_out.F 67 DIAGNOSTICS_OUT
      INTEGER md, ndId, nn, ip, im
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 103 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
        flagP = flagD .AND. gdiag(nn)(5:5).EQ.'P'
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 104 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
        IF ( flagP ) nn = hdiag(nn)
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 113 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
     &    ' processed from Diag #',nn,cdiag(nn)
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 116 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
      gcode   = gdiag(nn)(1:10)
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 125 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
            jdiag(k,listId) = nn
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 127 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
            flds (k,listId) = cdiag(nn)
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 133 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
        ndiagmx = ndiagmx + kdiag(nn)*averageCycle(listId)
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 136 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
     &    'SETDIAG: Not enough space for Diagnostic #',nn,cdiag(nn)
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 140 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
     &                   kdiag(nn), ' x', averageCycle(listId),
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 141 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
     &                ' Levels for Diagnostic #', nn, cdiag(nn)
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 147 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
     &           ' #', nn, cdiag(nn), ' is already set'
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 159 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
     &    (gcode(1:1).EQ.'U' .OR. gcode(1:1).EQ.'V') ) mate = hdiag(nn)
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 162 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
        mate = hdiag(nn)
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 49 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
      INTEGER nn, k, l, no_hFac
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 83 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
      nn = ndId
./pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_setdiag.F 93 DIAGNOSTICS_SETDIAG
            IF ( cdiag(nn).EQ.cdiag(ABS(jdiag(k,l))) ) THEN