Symbol Description Uses
tJhi1 index range in J that will be filled in 1rst comp. array 10

File Line number Procedure Code
./pkg/exch2/exch2_get_uv_bounds.F 102 EXCH2_GET_UV_BOUNDS
        tJhi1 = tJhi-tjStride
./pkg/exch2/exch2_get_uv_bounds.F 117 EXCH2_GET_UV_BOUNDS
        tJhi1 = tJhi+tjStride*(eWdth-1)
./pkg/exch2/exch2_get_uv_bounds.F 120 EXCH2_GET_UV_BOUNDS
        tJhi1 = tJhi-tjStride
./pkg/exch2/exch2_get_uv_bounds.F 126 EXCH2_GET_UV_BOUNDS
       tJhi1 = 0
./pkg/exch2/exch2_get_uv_bounds.F 13 EXCH2_GET_UV_BOUNDS
     O                 tIlo1, tIhi1, tJlo1, tJhi1,
./pkg/exch2/exch2_get_uv_bounds.F 144 EXCH2_GET_UV_BOUNDS
       tJhi1 = tJhi+eWdth-1
./pkg/exch2/exch2_get_uv_bounds.F 164 EXCH2_GET_UV_BOUNDS
      tJhi2 = tJhi1
./pkg/exch2/exch2_get_uv_bounds.F 219 EXCH2_GET_UV_BOUNDS
            tJhi1 = tJhi-1
./pkg/exch2/exch2_get_uv_bounds.F 54 EXCH2_GET_UV_BOUNDS
      INTEGER     tIlo1, tIhi1, tJlo1, tJhi1
./pkg/exch2/exch2_get_uv_bounds.F 99 EXCH2_GET_UV_BOUNDS
        tJhi1 = tJhi+tjStride*(eWdth-1)