Symbol Description Uses
saltFreeze temperature and salinity of water at the 12

File Line number Procedure Code
./pkg/icefront/icefront_thermodynamics.F 137 ICEFRONT_THERMODYNAMICS
            saltFreeze = (- bqe - SQRT(discrim))*recip_aqe
./pkg/icefront/icefront_thermodynamics.F 138 ICEFRONT_THERMODYNAMICS
            IF ( saltFreeze .LT. 0. _d 0 )
./pkg/icefront/icefront_thermodynamics.F 139 ICEFRONT_THERMODYNAMICS
     &           saltFreeze = (- bqe + SQRT(discrim))*recip_aqe
./pkg/icefront/icefront_thermodynamics.F 140 ICEFRONT_THERMODYNAMICS
            thetaFreeze = a0*saltFreeze + eps4
./pkg/icefront/icefront_thermodynamics.F 64 ICEFRONT_THERMODYNAMICS
      _RL thetaFreeze, saltFreeze
./pkg/shelfice/shelfice_thermodynamics.F 524 SHELFICE_THERMODYNAMICS
            saltFreeze = (- bqe - SQRT(discrim))*recip_aqe
./pkg/shelfice/shelfice_thermodynamics.F 525 SHELFICE_THERMODYNAMICS
            IF ( saltFreeze .LT. 0. _d 0 )
./pkg/shelfice/shelfice_thermodynamics.F 526 SHELFICE_THERMODYNAMICS
     &           saltFreeze = (- bqe + SQRT(discrim))*recip_aqe
./pkg/shelfice/shelfice_thermodynamics.F 527 SHELFICE_THERMODYNAMICS
            thetaFreeze = a0*saltFreeze + eps4
./pkg/shelfice/shelfice_thermodynamics.F 535 SHELFICE_THERMODYNAMICS
     &           * ( 1. _d 0 - sLoc(I,J) / saltFreeze )
./pkg/shelfice/shelfice_thermodynamics.F 557 SHELFICE_THERMODYNAMICS
     &           * ( saltFreeze - sLoc(I,J) )
./pkg/shelfice/shelfice_thermodynamics.F 93 SHELFICE_THERMODYNAMICS
      _RL thetaFreeze, saltFreeze, recip_Cp