Symbol Description Uses
rSource Extent of the source term region. Loop will skip checking points outside this region. Within this region the source heating will be added to any points that are at a land - fluid boundary. rSource is in grid points, so that points checked are ophi(iGlobal,jGlobal) such that iGlobal=iGsource +/- rSource, jGlobal = jGsource +/- rSource. rSource, iGSource and jGSource only need to define a quadrilateral that includes the cylinder and no other land, they do not need to be exact. 2

File Line number Procedure Code
./verification/rotating_tank/code/apply_forcing.F 456 APPLY_FORCING_T
      INTEGER rSource
./verification/rotating_tank/code/apply_forcing.F 689 APPLY_FORCING_T
      rSource  = 3