Symbol Description Uses
which 8

File Line number Procedure Code
./pkg/admtlm/admtlm_dsvd.F 180 ADMTLM_DSVD
      character        bmat*1, which*2
./pkg/admtlm/admtlm_dsvd.F 301 ADMTLM_DSVD
      which = 'LM'
./pkg/admtlm/admtlm_dsvd.F 403 ADMTLM_DSVD
         CALL DSAUPD ( ido, bmat, n, which, nev, tol, resid,
./pkg/admtlm/admtlm_dsvd.F 544 ADMTLM_DSVD
     &        bmat, n, which, nev, tol, resid, ncv, v, ldv,
./pkg/admtlm/admtlm_dsvd.F 665 ADMTLM_DSVD
         print *, ' What portion of the spectrum: ', which
./pkg/atm2d/OCNIDS.h 9 NO PROCEDURE
    (e.g.: shared_code) which is both in the include path of the
./pkg/atm_ocn_coupler/ATMIDS.h 9 NO PROCEDURE
    (e.g.: shared_code) which is both in the include path of the
./pkg/atm_ocn_coupler/OCNIDS.h 9 NO PROCEDURE
    (e.g.: shared_code) which is both in the include path of the