Symbol Description Uses
mlDepth 7

File Line number Procedure Code
./pkg/atm2d/ATM2D_VARS.h 279 NO PROCEDURE
      COMMON/FROM_OCN/ sstFromOcn, sssFromOcn, oFluxCO2, mlDepth
./pkg/atm2d/ATM2D_VARS.h 283 NO PROCEDURE
       _RL mlDepth(1:sNx,1:sNy)    ! at present, simply the depth of top ocean grid cell (m)
./pkg/atm2d/get_ocnvars.F 100 GET_OCNVARS
           mlDepth(i,j) = hFacC(i,j,1,1,1)*drF(1)
./pkg/atm2d/get_ocnvars.F 126 GET_OCNVARS
          hOceMxl(i,j,1,1) = mlDepth(i,j)
./pkg/atm2d/get_ocnvars.F 56 GET_OCNVARS
          mlDepth(i,j) = OcMxlD_ocn(i,j)
./pkg/atm2d/get_ocnvars.F 83 GET_OCNVARS
           mlDepth(i,j) =
./pkg/atm2d/get_ocnvars.F 90 GET_OCNVARS
           mlDepth(i,j) = hFac_surfC(i,j,1,1)*drF(1)