Symbol Description Uses
coupler 6

File Line number Procedure Code
./pkg/atm2d/OCNIDS.h 10 NO PROCEDURE
    coupler and in include path of the ocean component  
./pkg/atm2d/OCNIDS.h 6 NO PROCEDURE
    as an error then it means you have not placed your coupler 
./pkg/atm_ocn_coupler/ATMIDS.h 10 NO PROCEDURE
    coupler and in the include path of the atmospheric component 
./pkg/atm_ocn_coupler/ATMIDS.h 6 NO PROCEDURE
    as an error then it means you have not placed your coupler
./pkg/atm_ocn_coupler/OCNIDS.h 10 NO PROCEDURE
    coupler and in include path of the ocean component 
./pkg/atm_ocn_coupler/OCNIDS.h 6 NO PROCEDURE
    as an error then it means you have not placed your coupler