Symbol Description Uses
rhoNil Reference density for the linear equation of state 13

File Line number Procedure Code
./model/inc/PARAMS.h 823 NO PROCEDURE
     & rhoNil, rhoConst, recip_rhoConst, rho1Ref,
./model/inc/PARAMS.h 926 NO PROCEDURE
      _RL rhoNil
./model/src/config_summary.F 255 CONFIG_SUMMARY
        CALL WRITE_0D_RL( rhoNil,  INDEX_NONE, 'rhoNil    =',
./model/src/find_rho.F 103 FIND_RHO_2D
       dRho = rhoNil-rhoConst
./model/src/find_rho.F 107 FIND_RHO_2D
./model/src/find_rho.F 939 FIND_RHO_SCALAR
         rholoc = rhoNil*(
./model/src/find_rho.F 942 FIND_RHO_SCALAR
     &                   ) + rhoNil
./model/src/ini_parms.F 448 INI_PARMS
      IF ( rhoConst .EQ. UNSET_RL ) rhoConst=rhoNil
./model/src/ini_parms.F 645 INI_PARMS
      IF ( eosType.EQ.'LINEAR' .AND. rhoNil.LE.0. ) THEN
./model/src/set_defaults.F 107 SET_DEFAULTS
      rhoNil              = 999.8 _d 0
./model/src/set_ref_state.F 205 SET_REF_STATE
     &                 *rhoNil*recip_rhoConst*gravity*gravFacF(k)
./pkg/atm2d/relax_add.F 127 RELAX_ADD
     &            * (HeatCapacity_Cp*rhoNil*drF(1))*nearIce
./pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_seaicev4.F 435 GET_EXCONC_DECONC