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4.4.1 Annotated call tree for MITgcm and WRAPPER

WRAPPER layer.

       |--EEBOOT               :: WRAPPER initialization
       |  |
       |  |-- EEBOOT_MINMAL    :: Minimal startup. Just enough to
       |  |                       allow basic I/O.
       |  |-- EEINTRO_MSG      :: Write startup greeting.
       |  |
       |  |-- EESET_PARMS      :: Set WRAPPER parameters
       |  |
       |  |-- EEWRITE_EEENV    :: Print WRAPPER parameter settings
       |  |
       |  |-- INI_PROCS        :: Associate processes with grid regions.
       |  |
       |  |-- INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT   :: Associate threads with grid regions.
       |       |
       |       |--INI_COMMUNICATION_PATTERNS :: Initialize between tile 
       |                                     :: communication data structures
       |--CHECK_THREADS    :: Validate multiple thread start up.
       |--THE_MODEL_MAIN   :: Numerical code top-level driver routine

Core equations plus packages.

C Invocation from WRAPPER level...
C  :
C  :
C  |
C  |-THE_MODEL_MAIN :: Primary driver for the MITgcm algorithm
C    |              :: Called from WRAPPER level numerical
C    |              :: code invocation routine. On entry
C    |              :: to THE_MODEL_MAIN separate thread and
C    |              :: separate processes will have been established.
C    |              :: Each thread and process will have a unique ID
C    |              :: but as yet it will not be associated with a
C    |              :: specific region in decomposed discrete space.
C    |
C    |-INITIALISE_FIXED :: Set fixed model arrays such as topography, 
C    | |                :: grid, solver matrices etc..
C    | |              
C    | |-INI_PARMS :: Routine to set kernel model parameters.
C    | |           :: By default kernel parameters are read from file 
C    | |           :: "data" in directory in which code executes.
C    | |
C    | |-MON_INIT :: Initializes monitor package ( see pkg/monitor )
C    | |
C    | |-INI_GRID :: Control grid array (vert. and hori.) initialization.
C    | | |        :: Grid arrays are held and described in GRID.h.
C    | | |
C    | | |-INI_VERTICAL_GRID        :: Initialize vertical grid arrays.
C    | | |
C    | | |-INI_CARTESIAN_GRID       :: Cartesian horiz. grid initialization
C    | | |                          :: (calculate grid from kernel parameters).
C    | | |
C    | | |-INI_SPHERICAL_POLAR_GRID :: Spherical polar horiz. grid 
C    | | |                          :: initialization (calculate grid from 
C    | | |                          :: kernel parameters).
C    | | |
C    | | |-INI_CURVILINEAR_GRID     :: General orthogonal, structured horiz.
C    | |                            :: grid initializations. ( input from raw
C    | |                            :: grid files, LONC.bin, DXF.bin etc... )
C    | |
C    | |-INI_DEPTHS    :: Read (from "bathyFile") or set bathymetry/orgography.
C    | |
C    | |-INI_MASKS_ETC :: Derive horizontal and vertical cell fractions and
C    | |               :: land masking for solid-fluid boundaries.
C    | |
C    | |-INI_LINEAR_PHSURF :: Set ref. surface Bo_surf
C    | |
C    | |-INI_CORI          :: Set coriolis term. zero, f-plane, beta-plane,
C    | |                   :: sphere options are coded.
C    | |
C    | |-PACAKGES_BOOT      :: Start up the optional package environment.
C    | |                    :: Runtime selection of active packages.
C    | |
C    | |-PACKAGES_READPARMS :: Call active package internal parameter load.
C    | | |
C    | | |-GMREDI_READPARMS    :: GM Package. see pkg/gmredi
C    | | |-KPP_READPARMS       :: KPP Package. see pkg/kpp
C    | | |-SHAP_FILT_READPARMS :: Shapiro filter package. see pkg/shap_filt
C    | | |-OBCS_READPARMS      :: Open bndy package. see pkg/obcs
C    | | |-AIM_READPARMS       :: Intermediate Atmos. pacakage. see pkg/aim
C    | | |-COST_READPARMS      :: Cost function package. see pkg/cost
C    | | |-CTRL_INIT           :: Control vector support package. see pkg/ctrl
C    | | |-OPTIM_READPARMS     :: Optimisation support package. see pkg/ctrl 
C    | | |-GRDCHK_READPARMS    :: Gradient check package. see pkg/grdchk
C    | | |-ECCO_READPARMS      :: ECCO Support Package. see pkg/ecco
C    | | |-PTRACERS_READPARMS  :: multiple tracer package, see pkg/ptracers
C    | | |-GCHEM_READPARMS     :: tracer interface package, see pkg/gchem
C    | |
C    | | |
C    | | |-KPP_CHECK           :: KPP Package. pkg/kpp
C    | | |-OBCS_CHECK          :: Open bndy Pacakge. pkg/obcs
C    | | |-GMREDI_CHECK        :: GM Package. pkg/gmredi
C    | |
C    | | |-OBCS_INIT_FIXED     :: Open bndy Package. see pkg/obcs
C    | | |-FLT_INIT            :: Floats Package. see pkg/flt
C    | | |-GCHEM_INIT_FIXED    :: tracer interface pachage, see pkg/gchem
C    | |
C    | |-ZONAL_FILT_INIT       :: FFT filter Package. see pkg/zonal_filt
C    | |
C    | |-INI_CG2D              :: 2d con. grad solver initialization.
C    | |
C    | |-INI_CG3D              :: 3d con. grad solver initialization.
C    | |
C    | |-CONFIG_SUMMARY        :: Provide synopsis of kernel setup.
C    |                         :: Includes annotated table of kernel 
C    |                         :: parameter settings.
C    |
C    |-CTRL_UNPACK :: Control vector support package. see pkg/ctrl
C    |
C    |-ADTHE_MAIN_LOOP :: Derivative evaluating form of main time stepping loop
C    !                 :: Auotmatically generated by TAMC/TAF.
C    |
C    |-CTRL_PACK   :: Control vector support package. see pkg/ctrl
C    |
C    |-GRDCHK_MAIN :: Gradient check package. see pkg/grdchk
C    |
C    |-THE_MAIN_LOOP :: Main timestepping loop routine.
C    | |
C    | |-INITIALISE_VARIA :: Set the initial conditions for time evolving 
C    | | |                :: variables
C    | | |
C    | | |-INI_LINEAR_PHISURF :: Set ref. surface Bo_surf
C    | | |
C    | | |-INI_CORI     :: Set coriolis term. zero, f-plane, beta-plane,
C    | | |              :: sphere options are coded.
C    | | |
C    | | |-INI_CG2D     :: 2d con. grad solver initialization.
C    | | |-INI_CG3D     :: 3d con. grad solver initialization.
C    | | |-INI_MIXING   :: Initialize diapycnal diffusivity.
C    | | |-INI_DYNVARS  :: Initialize to zero all DYNVARS.h arrays (dynamical
C    | | |              :: fields).
C    | | |
C    | | |-INI_FIELDS   :: Control initializing model fields to non-zero
C    | | | |-INI_VEL    :: Initialize 3D flow field.
C    | | | |-INI_THETA  :: Set model initial temperature field.
C    | | | |-INI_SALT   :: Set model initial salinity field.
C    | | | |-INI_PSURF  :: Set model initial free-surface height/pressure.
C    | | | |-INI_PRESSURE :: Compute model initial hydrostatic pressure
C    | | | |-READ_CHECKPOINT :: Read the checkpoint
C    | | |
C    | | |-THE_CORRECTION_STEP :: Step forward to next time step.
C    | | | |                   :: Here applied to move restart conditions
C    | | | |                   :: (saved in mid timestep) to correct level in 
C    | | | |                   :: time (only used for pre-c35).
C    | | | |
C    | | | |-CALC_GRAD_PHI_SURF :: Return DDx and DDy of surface pressure
C    | | | |-CORRECTION_STEP    :: Pressure correction to momentum
C    | | | |-CYCLE_TRACER       :: Move tracers forward in time.
C    | | | |-OBCS_APPLY         :: Open bndy package. see pkg/obcs
C    | | | |-SHAP_FILT_APPLY    :: Shapiro filter package. see pkg/shap_filt
C    | | | |-ZONAL_FILT_APPLY   :: FFT filter package. see pkg/zonal_filt
C    | | | |-CONVECTIVE_ADJUSTMENT :: Control static instability mixing.
C    | | | | |-FIND_RHO  :: Find adjacent densities.
C    | | | | |-CONVECT   :: Mix static instability.
C    | | | | |-TIMEAVE_CUMULATE :: Update convection statistics.
C    | | | | 
C    | | | |-CALC_EXACT_ETA        :: Change SSH to flow divergence.     
C    | | | 
C    | | |-CONVECTIVE_ADJUSTMENT_INI :: Control static instability mixing
C    | | | |                         :: Extra time history interactions.
C    | | | |                       
C    | | | |-FIND_RHO  :: Find adjacent densities.
C    | | | |-CONVECT   :: Mix static instability.
C    | | | |-TIMEAVE_CUMULATE :: Update convection statistics.
C    | | |
C    | | |-PACKAGES_INIT_VARIABLES :: Does initialization of time evolving 
C    | | | |                       :: package data.
C    | | | |
C    | | | |-GMREDI_INIT          :: GM package. ( see pkg/gmredi )
C    | | | |-KPP_INIT             :: KPP package. ( see pkg/kpp )
C    | | | |-KPP_OPEN_DIAGS    
C    | | | |-OBCS_INIT_VARIABLES  :: Open bndy. package. ( see pkg/obcs )
C    | | | |-PTRACERS_INIT        :: multi. tracer package,(see pkg/ptracers)
C    | | | |-GCHEM_INIT           :: tracer interface pkg (see pkh/gchem)
C    | | | |-AIM_INIT             :: Interm. atmos package. ( see pkg/aim )
C    | | | |-CTRL_MAP_INI         :: Control vector package.( see pkg/ctrl )
C    | | | |-COST_INIT            :: Cost function package. ( see pkg/cost )
C    | | | |-ECCO_INIT            :: ECCO support package. ( see pkg/ecco )
C    | | | |-INI_FORCING          :: Set model initial forcing fields.
C    | | |   |                    :: Either set in-line or from file as shown.
C    | | |   |-READ_FLD_XY_RS(zonalWindFile)
C    | | |   |-READ_FLD_XY_RS(meridWindFile)
C    | | |   |-READ_FLD_XY_RS(surfQFile)
C    | | |   |-READ_FLD_XY_RS(EmPmRfile)
C    | | |   |-READ_FLD_XY_RS(thetaClimFile)
C    | | |   |-READ_FLD_XY_RS(saltClimFile)
C    | | |   |-READ_FLD_XY_RS(surfQswFile)
C    | | |
C    | | |-CALC_SURF_DR   :: Calculate the new surface level thickness.
C    | | |-UPDATE_SURF_DR :: Update the surface-level thickness fraction.
C    | | |-UPDATE_CG2D    :: Update 2d conjugate grad. for Free-Surf.
C    | | |-STATE_SUMMARY    :: Summarize model prognostic variables.
C    | | |-TIMEAVE_STATVARS :: Time averaging package ( see pkg/timeave ).
C    | |
C    | |-WRITE_STATE      :: Controlling routine for IO to dump model state.
C    | | |-WRITE_REC_XYZ_RL :: Single file I/O
C    | | |-WRITE_FLD_XYZ_RL :: Multi-file I/O
C    | | 
C    | |-MONITOR          :: Monitor state ( see pkg/monitor )
C    | |-CTRL_MAP_FORCING :: Control vector support package. ( see pkg/ctrl )
C====|>| ****************************
C====|>| ****************************
C/\  | |-FORWARD_STEP     :: Step forward a time-step ( AT LAST !!! )
C/\  | | |
C/\  | | |-DUMMY_IN_STEPPING :: autodiff package ( pkg/autoduff ).
C/\  | | |-CALC_EXACT_ETA :: Change SSH to flow divergence.
C/\  | | |-CALC_SURF_DR   :: Calculate the new surface level thickness.
C/\  | | |-EXF_GETFORCING :: External forcing package. ( pkg/exf )
C/\  | | |-EXTERNAL_FIELDS_LOAD :: Control loading time dep. external data.
C/\  | | | |                    :: Simple interpolation between end-points 
C/\  | | | |                    :: for forcing datasets.
C/\  | | | |                  
C/\  | | | |-EXCH :: Sync forcing. in overlap regions.
C/\  | | |-SEAICE_MODEL   :: Compute sea-ice terms. ( pkg/seaice )
C/\  | | |-FREEZE         :: Limit surface temperature.
C/\  | | |-GCHEM_FIELD_LOAD :: load tracer forcing fields (pkg/gchem)
C/\  | | |
C/\  | | |-THERMODYNAMICS :: theta, salt + tracer equations driver.
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-INTEGRATE_FOR_W :: Integrate for vertical velocity.
C/\  | | | |-OBCS_APPLY_W    :: Open bndy. package ( see pkg/obcs ).
C/\  | | | |-FIND_RHO        :: Calculates [rho(S,T,z)-RhoConst] of a slice
C/\  | | | |-GRAD_SIGMA      :: Calculate isoneutral gradients
C/\  | | | |-CALC_IVDC       :: Set Implicit Vertical Diffusivity for Convection
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-OBCS_CALC            :: Open bndy. package ( see pkg/obcs ).
C/\  | | | |-EXTERNAL_FORCING_SURF:: Accumulates appropriately dimensioned 
C/\  | | | | |                    :: forcing terms.
C/\  | | | | |-PTRACERS_FORCING_SURF :: Tracer package ( see pkg/ptracers ).
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-GMREDI_CALC_TENSOR   :: GM package ( see pkg/gmredi ).
C/\  | | | |-GMREDI_CALC_TENSOR_DUMMY :: GM package ( see pkg/gmredi ). 
C/\  | | | |-KPP_CALC             :: KPP package ( see pkg/kpp ).
C/\  | | | |-KPP_CALC_DUMMY       :: KPP package ( see pkg/kpp ).
C/\  | | | |-AIM_DO_ATMOS_PHYSICS :: Intermed. atmos package ( see pkg/aim ).
C/\  | | | |-GAD_ADVECTION        :: Generalised advection driver (multi-dim
C/\  | | | |                         advection case) (see pkg/gad).
C/\  | | | |-CALC_COMMON_FACTORS  :: Calculate common data (such as volume flux)
C/\  | | | |-CALC_DIFFUSIVITY     :: Calculate net vertical diffusivity
C/\  | | | | |
C/\  | | | | |-GMREDI_CALC_DIFF   :: GM package ( see pkg/gmredi ).
C/\  | | | | |-KPP_CALC_DIFF      :: KPP package ( see pkg/kpp ).
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-CALC_GT              :: Calculate the temperature tendency terms
C/\  | | | | |
C/\  | | | | |-GAD_CALC_RHS       :: Generalised advection package 
C/\  | | | | | |                  :: ( see pkg/gad )
C/\  | | | | | |-KPP_TRANSPORT_T  :: KPP non-local transport ( see pkg/kpp ).
C/\  | | | | |
C/\  | | | | |-EXTERNAL_FORCING_T :: Problem specific forcing for temperature.
C/\  | | | | |-ADAMS_BASHFORTH2   :: Extrapolate tendencies forward in time.
C/\  | | | | |-FREESURF_RESCALE_G :: Re-scale Gt for free-surface height.
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-TIMESTEP_TRACER      :: Step tracer field forward in time
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-CALC_GS              :: Calculate the salinity tendency terms
C/\  | | | | |
C/\  | | | | |-GAD_CALC_RHS       :: Generalised advection package 
C/\  | | | | | |                  :: ( see pkg/gad )
C/\  | | | | | |-KPP_TRANSPORT_S  :: KPP non-local transport ( see pkg/kpp ).
C/\  | | | | |
C/\  | | | | |-EXTERNAL_FORCING_S :: Problem specific forcing for salt.
C/\  | | | | |-ADAMS_BASHFORTH2   :: Extrapolate tendencies forward in time.
C/\  | | | | |-FREESURF_RESCALE_G :: Re-scale Gs for free-surface height.
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-TIMESTEP_TRACER      :: Step tracer field forward in time
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-TIMESTEP_TRACER      :: Step tracer field forward in time
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-PTRACERS_INTEGRATE   :: Integrate other tracer(s) (see pkg/ptracers).
C/\  | | | | |
C/\  | | | | |-GAD_CALC_RHS       :: Generalised advection package 
C/\  | | | | | |                  :: ( see pkg/gad )
C/\  | | | | | |-KPP_TRANSPORT_PTR:: KPP non-local transport ( see pkg/kpp ).
C/\  | | | | |
C/\  | | | | |-PTRACERS_FORCING   :: Problem specific forcing for tracer.
C/\  | | | | |-GCHEM_FORCING_INT  :: tracer forcing for gchem pkg (if all
C/\  | | | | |                       tendancy terms calcualted together)
C/\  | | | | |-ADAMS_BASHFORTH2   :: Extrapolate tendencies forward in time.
C/\  | | | | |-FREESURF_RESCALE_G :: Re-scale Gs for free-surface height.
C/\  | | | | |-TIMESTEP_TRACER    :: Step tracer field forward in time
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-OBCS_APPLY_TS        :: Open bndy. package (see pkg/obcs ).
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-IMPLDIFF             :: Solve vertical implicit diffusion equation.
C/\  | | | |-OBCS_APPLY_TS        :: Open bndy. package (see pkg/obcs ). 
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-AIM_AIM2DYN_EXCHANGES :: Inetermed. atmos (see pkg/aim).
C/\  | | | |-EXCH                 :: Update overlaps
C/\  | | |
C/\  | | |-DYNAMICS       :: Momentum equations driver.
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-CALC_GRAD_PHI_SURF :: Calculate the gradient of the surface 
C/\  | | | |                       Potential anomaly.
C/\  | | | |-CALC_VISCOSITY     :: Calculate net vertical viscosity
C/\  | | | | |-KPP_CALC_VISC    :: KPP package ( see pkg/kpp ).
C/\  | | | |                                                      
C/\  | | | |-CALC_PHI_HYD       :: Integrate the hydrostatic relation.
C/\  | | | |-MOM_FLUXFORM       :: Flux form mom eqn. package ( see
C/\  | | | |                       pkg/mom_fluxform ).
C/\  | | | |-MOM_VECINV         :: Vector invariant form mom eqn. package ( see
C/\  | | | |                       pkg/mom_vecinv   ).
C/\  | | | |-TIMESTEP           :: Step momentum fields forward in time
C/\  | | | |-OBCS_APPLY_UV      :: Open bndy. package (see pkg/obcs ).
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-IMPLDIFF           :: Solve vertical implicit diffusion equation.
C/\  | | | |-OBCS_APPLY_UV      :: Open bndy. package (see pkg/obcs ).
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-TIMEAVE_CUMUL_1T   :: Time averaging package ( see pkg/timeave ).
C/\  | | | |-TIMEAVE_CUMUATE    :: Time averaging package ( see pkg/timeave ).
C/\  | | | |-DEBUG_STATS_RL     :: Quick debug package ( see pkg/debug ).
C/\  | | |
C/\  | | |-CALC_GW        :: vert. momentum tendency terms ( NH, QH only ).
C/\  | | |
C/\  | | |-UPDATE_SURF_DR :: Update the surface-level thickness fraction.
C/\  | | |
C/\  | | |-UPDATE_CG2D    :: Update 2d conjugate grad. for Free-Surf.
C/\  | | |
C/\  | | |-SOLVE_FOR_PRESSURE           :: Find surface pressure.
C/\  | | | |-CALC_DIV_GHAT     :: Form the RHS of the surface pressure eqn.
C/\  | | | |-CG2D              :: Two-dim pre-con. conjugate-gradient.
C/\  | | | |-CG3D              :: Three-dim pre-con. conjugate-gradient solver.
C/\  | | |
C/\  | | |-THE_CORRECTION_STEP          :: Step forward to next time step.
C/\  | | | |
C/\  | | | |-CALC_GRAD_PHI_SURF :: Return DDx and DDy of surface pressure
C/\  | | | |-CORRECTION_STEP    :: Pressure correction to momentum
C/\  | | | |-CYCLE_TRACER       :: Move tracers forward in time.
C/\  | | | |-OBCS_APPLY         :: Open bndy package. see pkg/obcs
C/\  | | | |-SHAP_FILT_APPLY    :: Shapiro filter package. see pkg/shap_filt
C/\  | | | |-ZONAL_FILT_APPLY   :: FFT filter package. see pkg/zonal_filt
C/\  | | | |-CONVECTIVE_ADJUSTMENT :: Control static instability mixing.
C/\  | | | | |-FIND_RHO  :: Find adjacent densities.
C/\  | | | | |-CONVECT   :: Mix static instability.
C/\  | | | | |-TIMEAVE_CUMULATE :: Update convection statistics.
C/\  | | | | 
C/\  | | | |-CALC_EXACT_ETA        :: Change SSH to flow divergence.     
C/\  | | |
C/\  | | |-DO_FIELDS_BLOCKING_EXCHANGES :: Sync up overlap regions.
C/\  | | | |-EXCH                                                   
C/\  | | |
C/\  | | |-GCHEM_FORCING_SEP :: tracer forcing for gchem pkg (if
C/\  | | |                      tracer dependent tendencies calculated
C/\  | | |                      separatly)
C/\  | | |
C/\  | | |-FLT_MAIN         :: Float package ( pkg/flt ).
C/\  | | |
C/\  | | |-MONITOR          :: Monitor package ( pkg/monitor ).
C/\  | | |
C/\  | | |-DO_THE_MODEL_IO  :: Standard diagnostic I/O.
C/\  | | | |-WRITE_STATE    :: Core state I/O
C/\  | | | |-TIMEAVE_STATV_WRITE :: Time averages. see pkg/timeave
C/\  | | | |-AIM_WRITE_DIAGS     :: Intermed. atmos diags. see pkg/aim
C/\  | | | |-GMREDI_DIAGS        :: GM diags. see pkg/gmredi
C/\  | | | |-KPP_DO_DIAGS        :: KPP diags. see pkg/kpp
C/\  | | | |-SBO_CALC            :: SBO diags. see pkg/sbo
C/\  | | | |-SBO_DIAGS           :: SBO diags. see pkg/sbo
C/\  | | | |-SEAICE_DO_DIAGS     :: SEAICE diags. see pkg/seaice
C/\  | | | |-GCHEM_DIAGS         :: gchem diags. see pkg/gchem
C/\  | | |
C/\  | | |-WRITE_CHECKPOINT :: Do I/O for restart files.
C/\  | |
C/\  | |-COST_TILE        :: Cost function package. ( see pkg/cost )
C<===|=| **************************
C<===|=| **************************
C    | |-COST_FINAL       :: Cost function package. ( see pkg/cost )
C    |
C    |-WRITE_CHECKPOINT :: Final state storage, for restart.
C    |
C    |-TIMER_PRINTALL :: Computational timing summary
C    |
C    |-COMM_STATS     :: Summarise inter-proc and inter-thread communication
C                     :: events.

Copyright © 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Last update 2018-01-23