Next: 3.6 Customizing MITgcm
Up: 3.5 Running MITgcm
Previous: 3.5.1 Output files
The ``traditional'' or mdsio model data are written according to a
``meta/data'' file format. Each variable is associated with two files
with suffix names .data and .meta. The
.data file contains the data written in binary form
(big_endian by default). The .meta file is a ``header'' file
that contains information about the size and the structure of the
.data file. This way of organizing the output is particularly
useful when running multi-processors calculations. The base version of
the model includes a few matlab utilities to read output files written
in this format. The matlab scripts are located in the directory
utils/matlab under the root tree. The script rdmds.m
reads the data. Look at the comments inside the script to see how to
use it.
Some examples of reading and visualizing some output in Matlab:
% matlab
>> H=rdmds('Depth');
>> contourf(H');colorbar;
>> title('Depth of fluid as used by model');
>> eta=rdmds('Eta',10);
>> imagesc(eta');axis ij;colorbar;
>> title('Surface height at iter=10');
>> eta=rdmds('Eta',[0:10:100]);
>> for n=1:11; imagesc(eta(:,:,n)');axis ij;colorbar;pause(.5);end
Similar scripts for netCDF output (rdmnc.m) are available and
they are described in Section 7.2.
The MNC output files are all in the ``self-describing'' netCDF
format and can thus be browsed and/or plotted using tools such as:
Next: 3.6 Customizing MITgcm
Up: 3.5 Running MITgcm
Previous: 3.5.1 Output files
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |