Next: 3.5.1 Output files
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3.5 Running the model in prognostic mode
If compilation finished succesfully (section 3.4)
then an executable called mitgcmuv will now exist in the
local directory.
To run the model as a single process (ie. not in parallel)
simply type:
% ./mitgcmuv
The ``./'' is a safe-guard to make sure you use the local executable
in case you have others that exist in your path (surely odd if you
do!). The above command will spew out many lines of text output to
your screen. This output contains details such as parameter values as
well as diagnostics such as mean Kinetic energy, largest CFL number,
etc. It is worth keeping this text output with the binary output so we
normally re-direct the stdout stream as follows:
% ./mitgcmuv > output.txt
In the event that the model encounters an error and stops, it is very
helpful to include the last few line of this output.txt file
along with the (stderr) error message within any bug reports.
For the example experiments in verification, an example of the
output is kept in results/output.txt for comparison. You can
compare your output.txt with the corresponding one for that
experiment to check that the set-up works.
Next: 3.5.1 Output files
Up: 3. Getting Started with
Previous: 3.4.3 Building with MPI
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Last update 2018-01-23 |